Monday, November 24, 2008

Maybe They Needed Money For Christmas Shopping

According to that blogger who talks about himself in the third person a lot, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt eloped to Mexico and got married. I can only think of one reason for a quickie wedding and I think we all know it is not because Spencer managed to get an erection and get Heidi pregnant. Nope. I think someone was whispering in their ear about maybe doing a new version of Newlyweds and in order to do that you actually have to be married.

There is no way on this earth that Heidi was going to give up the marriage of her dreams with everything paid for by every company known to man, to go elope in Mexico. Sure, they will make a couple of bucks selling their own photos. I can see Spencer holding the camera and telling everyone to pose while his mind calculates how much each pose will bring.

If this were some traditional, I love you kind of I'm going to be with you forever kind of marriage this would have been planned more than a White House State dinner. For months on end we would have been given the low down on every tiny detail of the wedding as Heidi and Spencer found something new to sell to US Weekly each week.

I'm actually really surprised that considering the amount of money US Weekly has given to the annoying couple that they didn't break this story first. I thought they had some contract that ran into eternity or at least until Spencer actually lusted after Heidi, whichever came first.

Anyway, I'm sure the happy couple will last until whatever paycheck is keeping them together runs out.


Anonymous said...

Anyone betting their sham of a wedding will be over less than a year?

twunty mcslore said...

So, who wore the dress?

notamuse(d) said...

Heck with the wedding photos, I'm holding out for the honeymoon video.Oooh!

mooshki said...

Sylvia, unfortunately I don't think so. It will go on, and on, and on... We'll never be free of Speidi. :(

merrick said...

Why oh why were they allowed back in the USA ...????

GladysKravitz said...

Maybe they can double date with Tom and Katie now.

twunty mcslore said...

Ugh, I just found out that I have something in common with them. I got divorced the same day they got married! So while I was drinking Stella and doing shots, they were saying their lame ass vows on a beach.
I'm gonna bet that I had a better time.

captivagrl said...

and......who cares?

Wack said...


i was having the worst day ever and this makes up for it.

Anonymous said...

Actually, US Weekly did plan on breaking the story. ONTD's got the scans of this week's US. Spencer probably leaked it. He didn't even shave.

I'm thinking Enty was right that she's pregnant... but she probably isn't, and is going to "miscarry", but they'll keep trying. (I'm not making fun of people who have had miscarriages, I just think that publicity wise, a couple months of fake pregnancy with a big sympathetic outporing will solidify their celebrityhood for at least a year. Surely Spencer's thought more about it than I have.)

Anonymous said...

Moo that is so sad lol

Unknown said...

I heard they marched down the aisle to the sound of crickets chirping.

ItsJustMe said...

I think everyone with eyes can pretty much tell this is a pot of steaming caca ... who are the people who actually think this is real????

Bleah, bleah, bleah.

lutefisk said...

I think these two would do anything to stay in the news--including becoming serial killers.

Maja With a J said...

I think the rumours about this relationship being fake got a little bit too persistent and a publicist told them that if they elope, it will seem more real, and then they can sell the pictures.

Anonymous said...

UsWeekly probably gave Perez the pictures themselves. They gotta keep their name out there and relevant somehow now that the Internet is taking over celebrity gossip.

BlahFrickinBlah said...

The only reality show I would watch with these two twats is one where they had them on death row. Comedy ensues.

Goodgrief said...

What a classy picture with that water cooler in the background.

Unknown said...

I agree that this relationship is fake but why does everyone suggest Spencer is gay? I don't see it.

BTW anyone ever notice he is the only one without a fake job? What does he do all day anyway (besides spread gossip through people like Perez)?

shakey said...

I just finished watching The After Show, Dan. Holly Montag (Heidi's sister) was on. She was asked what kind of job he has. She said his day consisted of surfing the net and arranging his TiVo.

It was actually sad to hear her speak about the wedding. She didn't find out about it until she landed in Toronto, and to add insult to injury one of the hosts told her they were married on Thursday. She became teary-eyed. She also said Heidi's dream wedding was to be in a church and Holly as her maid of honour.

Yeah, I'm a suck. I know this show is pretty much all set up, but this farce of a wedding is real. These two have been elevated from celebutard to fucktard in my eyes. That picture doesn't even really look like her.

Heard on the radio today that she is pregnant. If true a) So much for her vow of celibacy until marriage, and b) poor child to have Satan as a father.

mooshki said...

Shakey, I felt so bad for Holly! And she seems to be a mature, decent person. Who knew there could ever be such a creature on The Hills? I used to just hate Spencer and not mind Heidi, but now I'm pissed at her for hurting her sister and the rest of her family. And I know it's all fake, but wtf was up with Spencer kicking her out, then getting mad at her for staying at Lauren's? Did he want her on the street? Loyalty works both ways, douchebag.


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