Monday, November 17, 2008

Just Call Him Kathy Lee Gifford

Although Justin Timberlake is not actually forcing 14 year old kids to make his clothes in some factory somewhere, he is being accused of not paying his employees the money they earned for overtime and also for stealing their tips. I can't tell you how much I hope that a suit filed by one of Justin's ex restaurant employees actually has some legs and that he gets nailed.

Felipe Ramales alleges in his suit that Southern Hospitality regularly did not pay employees overtime when they worked over 40 hours in a week and that the management was also keeping some of the tip money for themselves.

If I were Justin I would just sweep this under the rug right now and give this guy a check. I don't know if the allegations are true, but rich people screwing over poor employees is not the best image enhancer. I'm sure that Kathy Lee would be happy to sit down with Justin and tell him all about it. She was on top of the world before that whole sweat shop thing. Next thing you know she was selling her albums on infomercials and having to stay home all day with Frank.

For their part, Southern Hospitality of course denies all the charges and says their employees are treated better than any other employees on the planet. This of course will be their stance until it is uncovered that Justin and Trace Ayala were using the tip money for lap dances and llama riding classes.


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