Thursday, November 06, 2008

Is This True?

This can't be true can it? Miley Cyrus was on Tyra and said that when she was 11 she had a job cleaning homes. Where the hell was she living? Central America? "I had one normal job and I actually liked it. I worked at this place called Sparkles Cleaning Service and I cleaned houses, I was like 11. I can clean toilet bowls."

So, what? Her parents were already sending her out in the world to make them a few extra bucks? Daddy needed a longer mullet and couldn't afford the extensions so he sent out his kid to clean houses? WTF? Or, are you telling me that this cleaning agency is hiring 11 year old kids? You can't get a work permit to clean houses when you are 11. This has to be some kind of joke. I didn't see Tyra and so don't know if she said this in jest or what. It is tough to tell sometimes with just words.

I wouldn't put it past Billy Ray to make her work when she was 11 for the abovementioned reasons but would you send your 11 year old kid out to the homes of strangers to clean their homes? Was she part of a crew? Was the owner of the company a friend of the family? I think it is all crap but if someone saw the show, let me know.


  1. well good to know she has a backup plan for when she follows the Lindsay Lohan celebrity track

  2. maybe it was an odd job with her house keeper. Like, one day she did something rude or acted like a spoiled brat or something and her parents wanted to "teach her a lesson" so they made her housekeeper bring her along to another job? haha

  3. If I'm assuming the story is true, isn't it possible that either she was on their books as an independent contractor or was being paid out of pocket by someone who thought it was cute an 11-year-old wanted to clean toilets? I have had clients who put their children on their payroll books just to teach them about income and taxes, and I have seen kids her age want to do odd jobs for money, but I haven't seen anyone hire a child that young for a serious job. Ever.

  4. Miley's mom Trish is a rather well known old school groupie, she chased musicians and hair bands all over the Ohio, WVA, PA area for years - most of her kids are by different baby daddy's. She dumped the kids on the granny, who had to raise them with no child support while Trish was out chasing Billy Ray or some other dick of the day. I would suppose a woman stuck with 3 kids by hard luck musicians in an impoverished area might put a kid to work on weekends for a few extra bucks.

    Luckly Miley got caught up as a Disney postitot or she could have ended up with that as a career, with her 3 babies with different baby daddies. God there is no way this kid is even remotely normal. No way.

  5. Thing is, I don't believe she is just 16. The way she acts and talks is just so much older. So maybe she is saying she was 11 so it will fit the year, but she was actually 18 when she worked as a house cleaner. Now she is in her early 20's but is being sold as a 16 year old to cater to pervs or something.

    I dunno, it seemed like a feasible theory in my head.

  6. Anonymous11:27 AM

    No wonder she is slutty she got that from her mother and wouldn't doubt she got it also from her daddy.

  7. This is a complete load of crap. I have to go with mrchgrl said..that's probably exactly what happened.

    I love these celeb stories where they try to show how they are down with the "common man". Right.

  8. Cleaning toilets is probably all she will do once her Hannah Montana days are done.

  9. Zandra, whoa! Didn't know that about the mom. Eek!

  10. I wouldn't send my 11 year old out to clean the homes of strangers but for the right price, I would hire him out to friends & family!

    Who the hell am I kidding? I can't even get him to clean our house. I need to send him to the "Billy Ray School" for raising children. Maybe Billy can teach him to sing on key as well!
