Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chris Klein To The Cruise Residence Please

Tom Cruise went and did it. He gave an interview to Grazia Magazine in Australia. Wow, they must have been desperate to fill space. In the interview, Tom spent most of the time telling them what a great dad he is and was, and how basically ever since Bella was born he has been the greatest dad on earth. Yes, he called her Bella. Katie has to be Kate, but somehow Isabella can be Bella. Maybe he is just trying to show the Twilight crowd that he is cool and hip and down with their lingo. Or that he was a vampire once as well. Give him as much crap as you want, but he was pretty damn good in that film. You hear that David Geffen? I gave you a compliment. You cast him. You fought with Anne Rice. You deserve the credit. Sorry, got off track.

Anyway, Tom said that because of all his parenting experience he was able to advise Katie on what to do and what not to do. What that means is that he confined her to her room and the staff took care of Suri. He also encourage the paps to take as many photos of Suri as they wanted. Sure he does, because that is the only way he is going to keep himself in the news. Think about it. How many actors who have not had a hit film in years can keep the paps around this long. I wouldn't be surprised if he is subsidizing the whole thing.

The good news for all of you is that Tom said Suri can expect a younger brother or sister in the future. Yes, he used the word younger which would seem obvious, but you never know. He said Katie is not pregnant now. He also didn't say that Katie would be the mom or that Tom would be the dad. He just said Suri would be getting a younger brother or sister in the future. My guess is that the child will be adopted. Either that or Tom and Katie will split up and Tom will find some woman who is already pregnant, and marry her really quickly and call the baby his own. That would work also.


  1. "Tom will find some woman who is already pregnant, and marry her really quickly and call the baby his own."

    It's like dejavu..(sp?)

  2. Ugh. Chills, chills, chills.

  3. Isn't it funny? She was pregnant already, had Suri (god awful name btw) and despite Mr SpunkMeister's declarations, still no baby 2. Because any future Katie baby, via IVF or not, is not likely to resemble Suri that much without Klein's help.

    That said, does that mean Katie's freedom is nigh? I hope so, I really do. Not the world's greatest actress by any stretch of the imagination but it's gotta be better than seeing that dead expression all the time.

  4. I'm scared of the contract Katie signed. Odds are, she can't leave Tom without losing Suri. I'm sure that's why she stays with him even though she's so obviously miserable. Now that Suri is his big cash cow, he will never let her go. :(

  5. Maybe Tom signed a contract with Chris Klein and has him on sperm retainer. Where is he anyway?

  6. Her father is a shit-hot lawyer, apparently, Mooshki. Surely he'd be able to wangle a way for her?

    Cheryl, he was seen recently with dreadfully greasy, receeding hair somewhere but as she gets older, the stronger the resemblance to Klein gets.

  7. Suri that is, not Katie hehe.

  8. If KatE did want to get out of it, she could probably have a DNA test to prove Tommy has no biological connection.

  9. well im still on the Hartnett wagon concerning Suri but i can see Tom doing this all again just to 'prove' what a man he is. lol.
    sorry just the thought of him trying to do sexy time with a women cracks me up. him too im sure.

  10. Yes, WEG, supposedly Katie's dad is the one who led the "marriage negototiations" and oversaw the prenup/contract. I'm sure she is protected one way or the other.

  11. "Sperm retainer"? OMG, I am so LMAO.

  12. that pic should be captioned
    "suri! go fetch!"

  13. Hmm, so maybe it isn't the contract, but some dirt they got on her during "auditing."

  14. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I read somewhere that his new movie whatever it's called at the premiere supposedly people were laughing at some of the scenes that were not meant to be laughed at.

    I never liked him for some reason I could never see the attraction some women had on him.

  15. lol @ bionic bunny. TOO FUNNY!

    I read somewhere that there's a way to extract sperm directly from the testicles for IVF, which wasn't available when Tommy Girl was married to Mimi Rogers or Botox Girl. So I've always thought that was how His Little Princess was conceived--because supposedly not only is Xenu Here On Earth gay, but he's also sterile.


  17. I read that during the time Tom rushed Katie away to "audition" for Mission Impossible 3, and then declared her the love of his life within 3 days, the contract got signed. It was the first time in Katies' life that her father did not preview and authorize anything she signed on the dotted line for. Hence the fallout and disassociation with her parents.

  18. Yeah there's about two weeks of Katie's life where she went mia before reappearing as the GMD's new love of his life. Can't access it from here but a quick google brings it up. I think a guy from Fox (I know, I know) wrote the most definitive one about it.

    Also, would they have auditing dirt on her? I thought she tolerated it but wasn't directly involved in it?

  19. yes WEG i posted that..here it is again.

  20. hello the dirt is SURI.

  21. Agreed! Nicole did not birth her "Tom" babies from her loins and she was reportedly very cold with them. There is NO WAY Katie would leave behind Suri. I think Tom got even smarter with this contract, another reason to "audition" such young starlets for the wife role!

  22. Does anyone else find it amusing that Rob Thomas was also in a post today? Still can't forget that story about he and Tommy.

  23. Jax you're a star! Thanks for the link again. Damn good read.

    Certainly wouldn't have made the connection of Suri being the dirt but now that you mention it, it certainly makes sense.

    I know she did it for the "prestige", cover story etc but I still feel terribly sorry for Katie Holmes. Must be the hidden Dawson's Creek love hehe.

  24. I've whinged on before about her being in front of cameras - mark my words - she will have vision problems in the future. Surprised she hasn't had any seizures yet with all the paps surrounding them. But then she'd have to be audited for that, wouldn't she.

    LMFAO - yesterday I heard some DJs talking about an interview he gave where he said Suri doesn't like to wear pants. They put them on her and as soon as they leave her alone, she puts a dress on. One woman (perhaps inadvertently) said, "just like her father". The other dj was talking over her and didn't notice it.

  25. It's so sad how this little girl is used as a cover for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' image. How does Katie get her fix? I'm curious.

  26. jax, thanks for the link! great read

    "Hartnett, Klein, Cruise: Which of these three is not like the others? Klein and Hartnett are young and tall. Cruise is middle-aged and height-challenged." lol

  27. Enty, you don't buy into Suri being Tom's, either?

    You know that kid will be tall like her bio daddy but they'll say it's because Katie is tall.

    Cute kid. What a sad story...wonder when it will all hit the fan?

  28. stupid fucktard - what about his two other children? Where are they and why were they kept outta the "limelight" but this other poor child that probably isn't even his is thrust into the tabloids?

    You know they make over the counter DNA tests. Just waiting for the day someone gets wise ...
