Friday, November 21, 2008

The Child Molester Wants To Look At Children In Other Countries

Gary Glitter, the convicted child molester is really upset at the British Government. It seems that because he is on the sex offender list, he has to apply to the government for permission when he wants to travel outside the country. Well, Gary thought that perhaps some nice French and Spanish children might cheer him up so he requested to go there and the UK said no.

Even if the UK had said yes, does he really think that Spain and France would have let him enter their country? As soon as they heard he was coming they would have found him and kicked him right out. I think it would be irresponsible of the UK to let him loose on another country. Can you imagine if he did molest kids in those countries after the UK gave him permission to go? Those countries would be permanently ticked off at the UK.

Plus, the idea of this guy taking holidays all over the world and never having to work just makes me sick. Disgusted actually.


  1. so he gets to stay in the UK and molest those kids? there is no rehab or cure for pedophiles, he will find a way to fill his urges.

    you know the last time i checked the only place without children is JAIL.

    maybe its time for Molester Island.

  2. Oh dear god, Jax, that sounds like the title of the worst reality show ever. Good for the UK for not pawning their problem off on anyone else, but yes, he should be locked up.

  3. We're not allowed to lock him up, as he has rights and hasn't - technically - done anything wrong whilst here. At least nothing that he's been caught for *eyeroll*

  4. Actually, more and more minors are being put in adult prisons these days.

    I believe they are talking about charging that eight-year-old who killed his dad as an adult.

  5. Anonymous11:25 AM

    What's the story on that distingue? Haven't heard anything about that?

    I thought child molester didn't have any rights.

  6. I assume he still gets royalties from that song of his that's so often played at baseball games - "Rock and Roll Part II". Why doesn't Major League Baseball ban it, at least until Glitter is dead and can't hurt anyone any more?

  7. Can we pick or gets to be on "Molester Island"? Does anyone remeber "Strip Mall" when Julie Brown was sent to a house filled with criminals? It could be like that.

  8. no im thinking we drop them from a plane without a parachute. if you make it to the island good for you, have fun. sharks love new blood.

    let the fuckers turn on each other ala Lord of the Flies.

  9. I say CASTRATION therapy is the answer for these fucktards

  10. Would someone please just kill him already? Run him over, use a sniper, or even leave the gas on in his house, I'm flexible on this.

  11. don't beleive Pammy castraation does not work.

    pedos get off on sexual experieince with kids, he dones't need a dick to fondle or worse to a kid. its the brain not the peen that leads the thought.
    thats why castration was never a viable means to stop the urges.

  12. Anonymous1:54 PM


  13. Sylvia, go here to learn about the 8-year-old. In Arizona, prosecutors can charge anyone 8 and older as an adult with premeditated murder (first-degree murder):

  14. nunaurbiz-im betting good money that the dad and uncle were doing something to that boy.

    there is a reason why he would walk around the block waiting for his mom to get home instead of going home. doesn't make the outcome right...but i just got that feeling.

  15. Agreed, Jax. Something was not right in that household.
    Thinking that the UK authorities already heard from France and Spain that they wouldn't accept this evil vile excuse for a human.

  16. i agree with jax about castration, these sick bastards always find a new way to get off. i dont usually believe the death penalty is the right answer, but for pedos i dont see any other way

  17. I agree with jax and almost with miley. They should be lobotomized, though. Nothing makes me sicker than child molesters.

    Not to be the devil's advocate, but why didn't he try to go to Thailand or some place where they welcome pedos and their money?

  18. Anonymous8:29 PM


    thats all.
