Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Carrie Underwood Really Isn't Shy

I have spent a great deal of time saying negative things about Carrie Underwood. I still am not a fan of hers but I will say one thing she has going for her is that she is not afraid to speak her mind and it doesn't matter who she irritates in the process. I kind of admire that quality. I hate all the butt kissing and making everyone happy attitude that seems to permeate most celebrity conversations or responses and so it is just refreshing to actually see someone speak their mind. I don't always agree with what she says, but I respect the fact she has an opinion she is willing to share.

She was quoted yesterday that she loses all respect for celebrities who announce who they are voting for and that celebrities should just keep their mouths shut. "It's saying that the American public isn't smart enough to make their own decisions ... music is where you go to get away from all the BS."

Well, I don't know what music has to do with it unless you just wanted to steer the conversation to your new record, but good job on that segue. The thing is that I don't think celebrity opinion matters for a whole lot when it comes to voting. If you are basing your vote on the advice of someone like Heidi Montag, Paris Hilton, or Lindsay Lohan then, you probably don't deserve a vote.

I think most people in the world are not swayed by a celebrity political endorsement, but I also think the celebrity has the right to say whatever the hell they want to say and to say it loud. If "everyday people" can say who they support and put up yard signs and make phone calls then what is wrong with a celebrity doing it? They have a right to participate in the process. Carrie Underwood doesn't make those determinations. Many, many people choose to keep who they are voting for to themselves which is what Carrie does. That is fine as well. That is your right. It would be funny though if everyone kept their opinions to themselves. There would be no rallies or volunteers. There would be no bumper stickers. There would be no parties or polling. Everything would be just really quiet until Election Day. Interesting.


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