Friday, November 07, 2008

But Does Billy Bob Call?

Brad Pitt taped Oprah yesterday and apparently it was a good one. Oh, and as a bonus Cate Blanchett was on the show as well. There is a great recap of the taping which will air in a couple weeks but here are some highlights. Apparently Oprah thinks she is a woman of the people. She said that she would have invited Brad to be with her on election night on Chicago, but didn't invite him because she was going to be with "everyday people." The fact that she got there by limo didn't seem to phase her. How did Brad get there? Took the El and "was shoulder to shoulder the whole way." Umm, Oprah. When was the last time you took the train?

That was the first part of the interview and from there just took a nice leisurely stroll down a spiral that still hasn't stopped. Brad seemed sensitive to tattoo questions but made it clear he has at least one for Angelina. No one asked about the Billy Bob tattoo Angelina had removed or the one she still has in a very private area that stares Brad in the face sometimes if you know what I mean.

Brad said he can only handle being with four of the kids at once but that isn't going to stop them from having more. I wonder how that rotation things work. All the kids shuttle in and out like you were playing volleyball and rotating after every point. "OK Pax, you're up. Shiloh. You hit the showers."

Even though Brad did not appear to have a very good time, Oprah still held onto him like Bella onto Edward running through the forest as they left the stage. You like that? Yeah, I keep up.

Apparently Cate isn't a big enough star to get solo time with Oprah so she had to share her five minutes.


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