Monday, November 03, 2008

Another One Bites The Dust

Somewhere in this vast archive of blind items is one about the relationship between DeAnna Pappas and Jesse Csincsak. Don't know where it is exactly but I will find it. DeAnna announced that she and he fiancee who she found on the Bachelorette have split up and head their separate ways. She will donate her ring to charity which is a nice touch.

So, in my mind I think there is still only one married couple from that show, and one couple that has been together forever but are not married. I just think that in that kind of situation it is very difficult to find any kind of true love because you don't spend any time with that person. It is a game, it is not love. It is about getting as much attention for yourself as possible and getting your 15 minutes of fame and hopefully earning a few bucks along the way. I can't imagine that anyone goes into it actually thinking they are going to get married. I think most people go into these types of show wondering how they can stand out from the crowd so they can end up getting paid to host parties at Vegas clubs.


  1. These shows are beyond ridiculous. Reminds me of ANTM-have anyone of those "winners" really gotten much work? I was watching some show and they interviewed one winner(or maybe she was a runner-up) and she said the show actually hurt her and she couldn't find a modeling job. Now she's a receptionist at some spa-it was the chick who cheated on her boyfriend with some guy in the hot tub.

  2. I never really thought any of these "reality" shows had any reality in them. So it is not surprising to me no one has ever stayed together in those shows.

  3. trista and ryan..and who else? Did Meredith end up with someone? i forget..after Stork i gave up caring.

  4. Byron & Mary

    (the shame!)

  5. WHO? GRRRR! I don't like these types of blind items! When Enty does the reveals, with a lot of them I have no idea who the hell these people are. In my opinion these are NON-celebrities. A celebrity would be a person who is known by the majority of a population in a country and not just some random Joe who is lame enough to qualify for a "reality" show. Many of us find ways to spend our time other than watching these shitty, ignorant shows.
    My 2 cents.

  6. So Lisa, is Joe the Plumber a celebrity? We all know who he is! (NOT trying to start a fight, just adding some snark) I wholeheartedly agree. If I could I'd send every Bachelor, Amazing Race, Biggest Loser, Wipeout, ANTM, and anyone who's EVER appeared on an episode of The Hills, put 'em on a ship and send them to the Bermuda Triangle!

  7. "Many of us find ways to spend our time other than watching these shitty, ignorant shows."

    like what reading a gossip blog?

  8. Don't hate, but I watch this crap even though I promise myself every season that I won't get sucked in.

    More interesting is the blind item Ent. mentioned. I wonder if it was the one where the guy chosen in a reality show was Gay?

  9. I just realized that this guy looks like Howard Stern, Anna Nicole Smith's lawyer(?).

  10. I started out in the "nope, I'll never even try them once" crowd, then one night "Average Joe" just looked way too tempting and became my gateway show. Pretty soon I was hooked on ANTM and SYTYCD (the anagrams don't make them any less dangerous). When I can afford it, I try to stick to "Project Runway" and "Top Design," but then one night I'll be really Jonesing, and "I Love Money" is just sitting there, ripe for the taking.

  11. This is totally about the reality show contestant who won (oops) and was living with his boyfriend at the time.

  12. I always feel a little cool when reading about these shows, because it's one kind of reality tv or celebrity gossip that I honestly don't know anything about. It just makes me feel like I have a life. I don't know who these people are.

    But last night I had a dream that I was George Clooney's beard. Yep. He was going to pay me A LOT to pretend to be married to him and I sad YES! A Thousand times yes!!! And then had this whole panic situation where I remembered that I am already married, and rode escalators in apartment buildings for several hours.

    I just wanted to share.

    You can go back to your lives now. K bye.

  13. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I'm ashamed to admit it, but I love me some Bachelor... And the Hills, GG,and 90210. But I also watch quality programs like Greys and Ugly Betty. I need a life!

  14. I LOVE The Bachelor! I know it's absolutely ridiculous, but it's crazy what people will do for "love". I imagine some sociology PhD student could write a great disseration about how a person's "reality" changes when living in a totally unreal environment going on unreal dates and attempting to reach an unreal goal. Personally, I think it's facinating.

  15. mooshki that made me LOL

  16. mooshki that made me LOL

  17. hey where did the delete comment button go? Sorry for the double post, but it doesn't give me the option to delete.

  18. I don't know where the delete button went. Blogger can be #(*&$@ annoying sometimes.

  19. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Here's the blind that you guys are referencing. Sounds like a match to me.

    I totally didn't even remember that one.

    Congrats to Ashlae, dmd77, Hollie, who got it right: Ashlae said...
    #3 is probably Deanna and Jesse from the bachelorette. The finale aired a couple of weeks ago and Deanna picked Jesse. They later on revealed they were going to be married next year.

  20. The only reality show I got sucked into was The Restaurant - the one with Rocco DiSpirito. I loved it because the show's producers were merciless in showing mama's boy Rocco continually lying to everyone around him. I was surprised the producers didn't set up a lesser character to be the fool. But then again, Rocco served himself on a platter.

  21. i thought they were the blind about the couple who stayed together just for the money. everyone thought it was speidi.

  22. Yes, Jax, just like this blog :-D
    I don't consider Enty's blog to be a shitty, ignorant show by any means. I like the snark, and the general level of intelligence and quick humor around here. And most of my tv time is happily spent on news, pbs, Discovery & History channels, so yes, I do have a high level of disdain for some shitty network trying to dumb me and other Americans down by putting out that garbage and trying to pass it off as entertainment, that's all :-).

  23. Darva Conger and Rick Rockwell, anyone?

  24. The Bachelor is just a shitty show - it's one of the most unreal reality shows out there. Trista and Ryan were a fluke. I don't think DeAnna would have done more than laugh him off if Jesse approached her in a bar.
