Friday, October 03, 2008

Your Turn

So, this week it is kind of a two parter. The first part is the normal Your Turn where I throw something out there and then you participate. The second concerns future You Turn's. I'm running out of ideas. I need help, and so I am turning to you for help on that. Honestly, something like how old you were when you lost your virginity, while interesting, is not going to get many responses, so try and think of subjects that will get lots of participation.

For today. It is one very simple question.

Which do you like better? Shoes or sex?


  1. omg sex, for sure!

  2. sex with shoes on

  3. sex - you can do without shoes

    okay, #2 -

    ~you're stranded on an island and can have any 5 things we want, no matter how unrealistic it may seem. no people, however. what would we bring?

    ~if you could stay stuck on any age for five years, which age would you pick and why?

    ~what was the dumbest thing you ever did?


  5. Shoooses!

    And the matching handbag please, thanks muchly..

  6. mama, you took the words right out of my mouth .. anytime you can combine the two ...of course, they must be an exquisite pair of f&ck me pumps .. shiny so I can see whats going on while my feet are up in the air!! haha

  7. who says you can't have both?

    Oh, and enty...18 *cough*

    future topic ideas:
    - worst date
    - celebrity lookalike (who do people say you look like?)
    - last book read
    - magazine that influenced your political beliefs (the Palin-fans can skip this question)

  8. My husband hates it, but it's shoes. (I have a little one, so I'm always tired for anything else.)

  9. I have to go with sex, since I have bad feet making shoes hard to shop for/wear.
    I'm not sure that it's that close of a race anyway, though, even if I had good feet. ;)

  10. sex, especially with a handsome euro-peen, lol! Have had it for 2 years, want more, please.

  11. Future questions - current or former pet. No one can resist talking about their pet, trust me.

  12. Sex and if your good enough the man will buy you some shoes.

  13. Sorry, forgot about the ?s for Your about your worst teacher and why....

  14. Well not you Mooshki, that's for sure. ;P

  15. Sex, sex, and more sex. Good sex, with multiple orgasms. If I don't leave bed, I don't need shoes.

    Future Your turns:

    What celeb would you least like to spend time with and why?

    Favorite place to have sex

    Celebrity close encounters

  16. I buy pair after pair of shoes, & live in sneakers--I like to be comfortable, and don't want to ruin my shoes! Oh yeah--you asked something about sex, too...

  17. If you could be one person for a day, who would it be and what would you do? (of course you must pick a celebrity since this is a gossip site)


  18. Ooh, from what Cheryl said - weirdest place you've ever had sex. That's a classic.

  19. Well it depends on the sex, I have some really bad sex. But I've never had really bad shoes!

    I have no idea about future questions. I'll think about it though.

  20. That is a tough one... but sex wins for sure. I can go months without buying a pair of shoes and be alright, yaknowwhatimean?

    Future Questions:
    If you could have any job in the world, what job and why?

    What was the first porn you ever saw?

    What does your favourite T-shirt say?

    Canada or the US?

  21. Depends. In theory or in reality? In theory, shoes. I love buying shoes, I love having shoes, I don't love wearing shoes. I have sooo many shoes (like most women), but I have one pair of Teva flip flops, one pair of Chucks, and one pair of black heels that I ever wear.

    But, in reality, sex. Because shoes don't really make me THAT happy, and it's less comfortable to cuddle with a pair of Maddens.

  22. Before I could afford good shoes, I would have said sex - but now I'm kind of torn between the two.

  23. Sex but only if its GREAT lol

    Hmm questions....

    Where is your favorite place to visit domestically? Internationally?

    How is your favorite male/female singer?

    Do you speak another language if so which one?

    What was your first home/apt away from mom and dad like?

    If you could remake any movie, which one would it be? WHo would you have star in it?

    Who do you find to be the most overrated celebrity?

    If you won an Oscar/Grammy/etc what would your speech be like?

  24. Sex. While I have some very nice boots that have gotten me sex, I'd chose the route that gives multiples.

    How 'bout who's on your 5 list - a la Friends.
    What turns you on the most/what part of the anatomy turns you on the most.

  25. Is sleep an option? What about food? I'm not terribly interested in either sex or shoes....

  26. Melissa, I'm pretty bad, but I've met plenty worse. :)

  27. sex after buying new shoes would be ideal...

  28. best compliment you ever received?

    worst compliment you ever received?

    worst enemy and why

    best friend and why

    scariest dream

    best dream

  29. Sex, although I've forgotten what it's all about....:(

    Will think about future "your turns" whilst perusing the rest of the site.

  30. ~name your five favorite movies

    ~which 6 celebs drive you so crazy that if you were stuck in an elevator with them it would be hell?

    ~what are you currently driving?

  31. I opt for C....both :) As for future questions:

    If you could have dinner with any 3 people, past or present, who would it be and why?

    Favorite celebrity couple of all time?

    One thing (excluding people) in your life you could not live without?

  32. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Shoes v. sex:
    Shoes. As lusty as I am on here, bad sex is such a letdown it's better to have not had it in the first place and taints a person. Good sex is great, but rare in my experience (even with the same person).

    Halloween costumes past, present, and future might be a nice one at the end of the month.

    Future questions, not about sex because honestly I skipped the virginity YT a few weeks ago, TMI.

  33. Oh enty you dissapoint me - too fat for shoes and too fat for sex, how about sex or flirting (oh and yes flirting everytime its fun, even with hubby)

  34. Sex.

    What job do you think you would be great at even though you have no experience in that field.

    High school, glory years or not?

    Favorite snack. (I am eating Gardetto's so forgive the lameness of the suggestion, it made me write it)

    Your best sex, still keep in contact with them even if you are with someone else? If you aren't with them, why not?

    The one that got away....

    A list of celebrity Gilligan's Island that we would never have to see again and a list of things that they specifically would not be able to bring to make their life better. Like Paris and Valtrex....

  35. Sex with heels.

    Future "your turn" ideas-

    -Your worst year
    -Definitely ditto strangest place you've ever had sex
    -Describe time(s) you've felt most betrayed
    -Most horrific high school experience
    -Choose one day from your past you'd want to relive the most

  36. shoes can't take out the garbage
    shoes' can't get you off
    (unless you're into that)
    shoes don't give back rubs
    shoes don't make you blush
    shoes don't pay for shoes


    shoes don't leave you for a younger pair of Uggs.

    think about that one ladies.


  37. Sex, please, as long as I get to pick the partner...I've had some REALLY good ones, kinda like your sex soul mate, and some really bad ones, like that double dip ice cream cone you were really looking forward to because you thought it would be so yummy and it just ended up making you sick in the end.

    Future your turns:

    Nickname growing up

    Person you wish you hadn't lost touch with over bad circumstances

    Worst moment you still cringe about and think, "I can't believe I did that"

    Another Halloween themed one, inspired by DN -- what did you always look forward to in your halloween candy and what was the worst thing you ever got trick or treating

  38. "Most horrific high school experience"

    Only if you want me to jump out of my 14th floor window.

  39. hello ally
    job - formula 1 racecar driver
    high school - not but college years yeah for sure
    snack - honey roast cashews
    best sex - married him (lucky me)
    the one that got away....-me i used to date losers!


    I grew up on a farm, my dad used to call me his little bohemian because i would cry when I had to wear shoes. I love a nice looking pair but i only wear them when I absolutely have to. so see above for enthusiastic answer of SEX

  41. What movie character/role most resembles your own personality?

    If you could sit down to dinner with 3 deceased public figures who would it be?

    You're organzing a mini Coachella, what 3 bands will headline?

    If you could only get turned on by the smell of one thing for your life, what would it be?

  42. for the future:
    -favorite vacation spot
    -best/worst quality about yourself
    -favorite indulgence
    -your best feature
    -how you are cutting back in thie economy

  43. SHOES!!!!! I have a vibrator....

  44. and

  45. Not shoes. Though I would take a good foot rub any day.

  46. Ahahahahah, best Your Yurn so far! And jax, I like your idea about what character from a movie resembles yourself.

    For me, today, shoes. But I probably have more sex than shoes. I'm not complaining, mind you. I buy a lot of shoes, but like alpine summer, only wear a pair of "good for walking" - sneakers, a pair of chucks, and a pair of black patent heels.

  47. Sex
    The kind where the next day when you think about it you get that tight "ping" in your hoo-hah which reminds you of just how damned good it was.

    - peaking sexually at 7:26 pm, October 3, 2008

  48. and future question:

    What have you lied about in order to impress someone or to fit in?
    The classic example is that everyone says they have read Moby Dick.

    Many times these little lies pop right out before we even think about it!

  49. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Sex, although I have been practicing involuntary celibacy for some time now. But what I remember was a lot of fun. Most of the time.

    Mostly it's just that I hate shoes in any form and would rather always be barefoot, so sex wins by default.

  50. Farm Girl--I HAD to read Moby Dick in 11th grade--perhaps the most boring experience of my life, but I can say I read it!

  51. New topic:

    Favorite scene(s) from a movie:
    Richard Gere carrying Debra Winger
    montage at the end of Annie Hall
    Dustin Hoffman as "Dorothy" gazing at Jessica Lange's on the swing at Jessica's house in Tootsie.

  52. S*E*X
    although I've been called "Imelda" for my love of shoes.

  53. Sex without a doubt.

    Biggest regret?
    How far would you go (have you gone) to get job, date, etc?
    I love the 5 things on island question, too.

  54. Farmgirl, I think the only reason I read Moby Dick was because of "Heathers." :)

  55. What kind of sex? good sex? bad sex? sub-par sex? great sex?

    Shoes over bad sex & sub-par sex, but good sex & great sex?

    I'd go bare-footed for the rest of my life for great sex.

  56. oh and for next time: how about 3 or 4 fictional movie characters you'd like to hang out/go drinking with/have dinner with?

    for example, mine are:

    -Holly Golightly
    -C.K. Dexter Haven
    -Clementine Krucynski

  57. SHOES. Without hesitation. I can live without the sex.

  58. Shoes. They're not monogamous. I can wear them and throw them away, No questions asked. If they get a hole, I don't get pregnant or the crabs. When they wear thin I don't lose my patience, neither do they. When they get flaky I apply lotion and they get soft. When they are hard I break them in. When they cause physical damage it's never personal. When they cut it's always forgettable. When it comes to payment I'm always in charge. They can be around 20 years without betraying me. They never get jealous. And I can dye them any color I want. But I prefer socks. That way my feet don't get cold. But in the end, a good pair of shoes beats a dick any day, imo.(sorry, i know he's asking about sex. But for most of us that entails a partner. Hence, my answers).

  59. Like so many others, I love to oogle and own too many pair, but prefer to go barefoot to actually wearing the shoes I had the love affair with at the mall.

    Ideas with only 3 pages left on the calendar;

    Favorite/worst holiday memory

    Favorite holiday meal or "death row" last meal.

    Most impulsive thing you've ever done.

    Travel experiences best/worst

  60. ...and I like valerie's "celeb you most resemble" (with reader photoshoppe splitscreens? pretty please? with sugar on top?)

  61. Sex.

    Prefer to be barefoot. Wear shoes only because I have to.

  62. Sex in sexy shoes.

    Future question:

    Who's your hall pass?

  63. shoes (much to my husbands disgust), but like writermommy, we have a little one. Who thinks that 5.30am is a sleep in...
    but it has to be the right pair of shoes,, not too high not too low and comfortable, preferably a funky colour or havianas.

  64. I forgot. Here is a suggestion:

    I like your idea about celebrity encounters.

    For the sex lovers - Which 2 celebrities or persons would you like to have a three-way with and where?

  65. Usta be sex .. now it's shoes. Yes.. I am old ..

  66. Um. Sex, please. Anytime. I hate shoes, actually. And purses. I tote around a backpack and I don't even own a pair of heels. Fuck that shit. Guess I'm not much of a ~girl~

    Oh, and I second, third, fourth, etc., the idea that celebrity encounters would make a great Your Turn topic. There are tons of good ideas in this thread, though. A wellspring, if you will.

  67. both at the same time.
    partner with legs spread & high heels in the air is very naughty

  68. lasts all of five minutes and shoes last for 2 or 3 years.

  69. Ooooohhh Enty......looks like you have way too many good ideas for "Your Turn"!! I really don't know what I would like to answer 1st!! I really like the "celeb encounter".... I actually have one!!!
    I have to say, I absolutely LOVE everyones answers to the ?s!! What a diverse wold we live in!

  70. The first thing I thought was good sex in my favorite pair of stilettos, but I see other posters feel the same way!

    For a future your turn, what about if you were a tree...

  71. I have to say sex. Although here's the rub (!?) I like tall men, as in at least 6'2. I am 5'4". So guess what? Heels in the sack give me some balance when I am on top, like a backwards handrailing. So heels remind me of sex. Would I wear heels if it weren't for the sex?

  72. Shoes. And, sadly, I didn't even have to think about it. They last longer, as someone else pointed out. And for me, I love shoes because my weight goes up and down and up and down, but no matter how much I weigh, I can always find shoes. It makes me happy. I can always have sex to, but the elation from buying shoes actually lasts longer. Oh well, it is what it is.

  73. Another suggestion,

    How did you spend your summers as a kid. Favorite summer camp/school memories.

  74. How about Fave TV show of the 1980's.

    How about Fave Hair Metal Band!

  75. You are granted the ability to be invisible at will, with the condition that you could never tell a single sole. But really, never ever. Would you do it? Could you do it?

    Sex. Without a doubt.

  76. what one thing would you go back and do differently if you could, knowing (hoping?)it would alter your life's path.

    Depends on the partner and/or the shoes.

  77. I have over 60 pair of shoes, but I'm still going with sex.

    Future questions...

    - Favorite article of clothing
    - Worst relative
    - Favorite movie genre
    - Your dream celebrity death match

  78. Sex over shoes any day. Shoes always hurt my feet. Enty didn't say the sex had to be with someone. heh. Orgasms feel good anytime anywhere no matter how many and what style, formal or casual, alone or not.

    -One song you hate the most and will turn off no matter where the hell you are and what the hell you're doing

    -cats or dogs

    -dream job

  79. Anonymous10:47 PM

    I love shoes. I really do. Too much. I have a shoe "room". My favorite pair are my Lacroix lego stilettos. Yah, they have LEGOS on them.

    But sex wins. No matter how many fabulous fabrics, jewels, ribbons, bows or details on shoes, they will never match the pure luxury of sex with my husband.

    Good thing he understand about me and my shoes, though. He's a very good hubby like that.


    1. a book you had to read in high school (the classics or whatnot) that really got to you - really affected you and made you think about life.

    2. A movie role that you identify with. Not just the actress, but the actress/actor in a specific role - the character as embodied by the actor - the one that is so YOU.

    3. Make up a past life for yourself. Heh.

    4. Answer James Lipton's questions from "Inside the Actor's Studio"

    5. Confusing nursery rhymes. What do they mean? Did you ever find out?

  80. Now, there's no easy answer to that..are the shoes the exact color I'm looking for to match my oddly blue dress, and sex with who? My ex? no thanks..

  81. while they both have their benefits, I would have to choose the feeling of *purchasing* a new pair of shoes over sex. Simply because I can have sex everyday if I want to, but I cannot afford to buy a new pair of shoes everyday *sigh* The same goes for sexy handbags. Im giddy just thinking about it!

  82. Unlike CDaN girls, just about every girl I meet prefers shoes. Or maybe it's that they prefer shoes to me.

  83. Dang--came in too late to post last night...

    In my previous crappy relationship-- shoes.

    In my current happy marriage to a horn dog--sex.

  84. #2--

    Craziest/weirdest place you've had sex.

    Oldest piece of clothing/accessory you still wear.

    Favorite ice cream flavor (will give the rest of us good ideas to try!)

  85. 1) Sex. Duh.

    2) Top three classic Sesame Street skits/clips. Sounds lame at first, but get a group of people together and ask and it becomes a huge nostalgia free for all.

  86. for the future:
    celeb you can't stand the most
    person you miss the most
    favorite Disney film
    what do you buy you don't want anyone to know about?

  87. I hate wearing shoes!

    If you had to choose btwn ever having sex again and ever falling in love again, which would it be?

    What did you want to be when you grew up and what are you now?

    Pot or booze? And both isn't an option!

  88. I like the James Lipton Q&A.

    I already messaged Ent about movie quotes you use in your daily life.

    Most embarrassing moment. Should get a lot of good laughs from everyone.

    Besides The Sound of Music - favourite musical. Or favourite soundtrack.

  89. Mama Theresa...hahaha! good one!

    SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX .... a nap ...
    and then MORE SEX. Later, after a
    good meal .... possibly shopping for shoes.

    Home. Then MORE SEX.

  90. sex...i can live without shoes...

  91. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Sex. Shoes aren't nearly as versatile and adjustable...or fun.

  92. Wasn't it Woody Allen who said, "shoes are the most fun you can have without laughing?

  93. Sex.

    Shoes give me blisters but sex never does.

    (Perhaps I'm not doing it right. Ha.)

  94. well i just bought 2 pairs of shoes.....then i had both !!

  95. I thought of another topic - "Remember when..." Things that you remember from your childhood or just the past in general. (I know #1 will be "I remember when gas was $1 a gallon. :) ) Another example: Remember when AT&T was the only phone company, and you couldn't buy a phone - you just rented one from them?

  96. SEX! Preferably with a man who buys me shoes.

    I liked Montana's ideas, similar to my own. What was your first/last trip international/domestic and what impression did it leave you with?
