Apparently in the Publicist 101 manual somewhere it says that all celebrities must at some point make it be known that while they are not pregnant, they are perfectly willing to adopt a child and look forward to it at some point. If every celebrity adopted a child who said they were going to, there would be no more children left to adopt anywhere in the world. So, obviously they haven't.
I guess the response is designed to make us feel more connected to them and to show us they have real feelings as well. Whatever. I just think it is a bunch of self serving crap. And when you have heard it from certain people for years and years and yet they still haven't done it, then you realize it is what it is, and that it is just for publicity.
Lindsay Lohan is the latest to announce to the world that she cares about children and wants to adopt. Well, I don't know anyone who doesn't care about children in general. There are lots of people who don't want kids and can't stand to be around kids, but I don't think anyone would say they want children to suffer. Lindsay just wants you to know she is like us.
In an interview with Marie Claire she says, "At some point, I want to adopt a kid – a child in need or a newborn from another country. I'm not sure."
Well, if you adopt them, I don't know if that is really going to take them out of the in need status where you found them. Lindsay does not seem to be the motherly type. Wonder why. And do you really need Dina being around any additional children. I think one generation messed up is enough thank you very much.
I guess the response is designed to make us feel more connected to them and to show us they have real feelings as well. Whatever. I just think it is a bunch of self serving crap. And when you have heard it from certain people for years and years and yet they still haven't done it, then you realize it is what it is, and that it is just for publicity.
Lindsay Lohan is the latest to announce to the world that she cares about children and wants to adopt. Well, I don't know anyone who doesn't care about children in general. There are lots of people who don't want kids and can't stand to be around kids, but I don't think anyone would say they want children to suffer. Lindsay just wants you to know she is like us.
In an interview with Marie Claire she says, "At some point, I want to adopt a kid – a child in need or a newborn from another country. I'm not sure."
Well, if you adopt them, I don't know if that is really going to take them out of the in need status where you found them. Lindsay does not seem to be the motherly type. Wonder why. And do you really need Dina being around any additional children. I think one generation messed up is enough thank you very much.
Could you even wrap your brain around having Dina Lohan for a granny? It brings new images in my head when I see the phrase "what happens at Grandma's stays at Grandmas" Crap-how many more kids does that woman have to pimp out? (shivers)
ReplyDeleteNo. So much no. She's actually worse than Aniston.
ReplyDeleteWhat makes her think someone would even LET her adopt a child?
ReplyDeleteI don't think Mary Jane will be too happy to see her man with Lilo.
ReplyDeletewhat has Lilo done lately to support her not being able to have a child or be a decent mom?
ReplyDeletethere are tons of drug addicts having babies, i think an ex addict might be able to get over it and be a decent mother....people do change.
She was motherly enough in the outtakes for Georgia Rule (I know, I know; I watched them on YouTube).
ReplyDeleteHa, Jax, what makes you think she's an ex addict? Every rumor I've read said she's doing tons of coke with Sam.
ReplyDeleteIt's just so much B.S. Not in a million years would she ever pass a home study.
ReplyDeletewell becasue she's not running around acting a fool, hasn't been arrested for DUI, isn't in tons of pap shots at night coming or going into clubs and Dina, shock seems supportive of Sam. Plus i thought Sam was anti drug?
ReplyDeletethis is not the same girl as last year or b4. dont forget she went into sober living for awhile after rehab unlike the rest of them.
First of all, Lindsay doesn't mean it. If she REALLY wanted a baby, she could have a bio baby herself. Hella easier and certainly less invasive and traumatic than going through the adoption process.
ReplyDeleteShe's just expressing a wish for pure love, unconditional love.
She's not getting a kid anytime soon, believe me.
An asinine interviewer asked an asinine question. I don't think anyone needs to be up in arms about it. At her age and where she is in her life, she isn't thinking about kids.
ReplyDeleteOMG, I will literally scream if Lindsay Lohan is allowed to adopt a child at this point in her life. She has A LOT of bridge building to do with many people, including herself. She is in no way or shape fit to be a mother--maybe in 10-20 years if she behaves herself, not now, not in 5 years.
ReplyDeleteHaving said that, I don't really think she is serious about this. Why do journalists ask such questions?