Thursday, October 09, 2008

Yeah You Do Your Own Thing

Guess what? Mischa Barton thinks she is more stylish than Victoria Beckham. Look, I am not the biggest fan of Victoria in the world, but I will admit she takes some chances on some outfits and definitely has a style that she has made all her own. Mischa on the other hand seems to have chosen the style that says, "I really should turn on the lights while getting dressed."

"I don't dress for anybody else, and I think the reason people like my style is that I do my own thing."

Umm, a show of hands from people who like Mischa Barton's style. Yeah, Olsen twins you can put them down because no one is going to listen to your fashion thoughts anyway. Mischa is perhaps one of the worst dressed people I have ever seen. Sure, when someone decides to throw her a bone and give her a free dress she looks ok, but when she does her own thing as she says, we get a lot of stuff from garage sales and a smattering of headbands that Sienna Miller threw in her trash. Oh, and while we are it Miss Barton. You know how you said that you were sober now and didn't drink. Well, yeah, you have been in the blind items before for your continued drinking and going to a party and getting drunk off your ass on vodka shots isn't exactly being sober now is it? While you were slamming them back were you telling people that same crap story?


  1. oh mischa...STFU. I think one of her main problems is she doesn't dress to flatter her body

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Ent, you must be reading my mind grapes. This is, almost word for word, everything that went through my head when I read this quote this morning.

  3. She and Kiki are fashion soul mates.

  4. so is she the one who just started getting invited back to parties?

  5. Man

    Ent sounds really pissed. lol

  6. first, i thought that was kirsten dunst when i first took a look and second, i thought it was the age of aquarius.

    wait, wait...i get it. she's practicing trick or treating so she's ready in a few weeks.

  7. well said chief.

  8. hi JLB! Papa Smurf misses you!

  9. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Mischa has bad taste in clothing and men. Look who she was with for more than a year (Cisco).

  10. Sheeeittt, I'm 44 and have a better body than this skank. 'Specially the thigh area.

    Take a WALK every now and then you lazy ass. Even between bong hits, for chrissakes.

    That last Maxim cover was the most airbrushed shit I've ever seen.

    Gimme 20 bucks and a thrift store and I'll come up a damn better looking sight than she's ever rocked.

  11. She HAS to say something outrageous to get any attention at all. No one (rightly) gives s shite about her.

  12. Why, why, why... WHY are celebutards trying to rock those idiotic head bands?

    They remind me of those bands of paper or plastic that used to come pushed down over the hair of really cheap toy dolls, presumably to keep the hair neat during shipping.

  13. No, no, no. See, I buy clothes at yard sales occasionally. We're talking some vintage things, yes, but mostly Gap castoffs or whatever. In my many, many weekends of yardsaling, I have never, ever seen clothes that match such infamous levels of Bartonian ugliness. And if I did, I might buy a piece or two if the price were right, because the shit Mischa wears is often funny.

    Posh is an anorexic alien, but she HAS worn outfits that I've secretly loved. Mischa? Hell no.

  14. These actresses and wannabes might hate on stylists like Rachel Zoe, but hell- at least she gave them something to wear that suited them. Mischa now looks a mess, only salvaged by a stylist on the 'big' occassions.

    Some feat to end up looking like a boho-mess, considering she's a pretty girl with a slender figure. WTF?!

  15. I think she needs the head band to hold her extensions on.
    And don't forget--she was with Brandon Davis for a long time.



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