Thursday, October 02, 2008

Yeah, Criss Angel Would Be So Much Better

Did I miss the boat where it says that Criss Angel is a great catch and that women all over the globe are clamoring to be with him and think he will be the greatest dad in the world. If for some reason that boat exists, will someone please explain it to me. All I know is that he is creepy as hell, ugly, and his current wife hates him.

But, according to the blog Scandalist which is just a fancy name for MTV because they want to be able to trash celebrities without using the name MTV, the reason that Holly Madison and Hef are breaking up is because of the lack of a baby. Apparently it is not a matter of not wanting to impregnate Holly but an inability on one or both of the parties to actually make Holly pregnant.

According to Holly she wants to be with a guy who will marry her and give her lots of babies. So, who does she choose to hang around and look for to be that guy? Criss Angel. Come on. Oh, I'm sure he would go ahead and take a shot at impregnating her. I can't think of too many people that Criss Angel has turned down over the past couple of years which may help to explain the divorce he is currently wading through.

But whatever. Is Holly willing to be one of many? Well, I guess we know she is. I mean, Hef may not be sleeping with everyone, but he is getting a little something to help him sleep at night and I don't think it is all coming from Holly. So, Holly can look forward to a life of kids and a husband who will scare the crap out of her at night when he flies in on his broom after spending some quality time with another woman.


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