Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wouldn't That Make Things Worse

Notorious germ phobe, Shannen Doherty talked about her private bathroom publicly for the first time. In an interview she gave to Radar she talked about how she has a bathroom in her house that is for her use only. She didn't even let her ex-husband use it. I have no problems with Shannen having her own bathroom. I think most of us if we had the space would prefer that each member of the household had their own bathroom and one reserved only for guests.

What I think kind of defeats the purpose is what she does when she catches someone actually using her bathroom. She gave one such example to Radar. "I go in there, grab his arm, and, like, drag him out, mid-p**s."

Umm. It seems to me that what she should have done is just yelled at him after. I know that Shannen is no stranger to yelling. In fact she may have even gone so far as to kick the offender in an area where he would no longer contemplate taking such action in the future. This would not surprise me at all. What does surprise me is that she no doubt made the problem worse by her actions. Now, I'm not saying that I intentionally miss where I am aiming, but things happen. You try stumbling to the bathroom at 4am after seeing if you really could finish off a case of wine at one sitting. I'm just saying.

So, for her to grab a guy who was in mid stream, is probably not the best way to keep that bathroom spotless. Whatever was going on that night surely came to a screeching halt as Shannen probably had to stop everything she was doing and do a complete scrubbing of the bathroom. What the hell does she do when she goes on vacation? Put her in a hotel room and I can just see her lying on the floor in a ball whimpering while she decides if she really needs to go.


  1. She slept with Rick Salomon but she has a germ phobia? Kind of ironic.

  2. haha i just saw on Cribs some random wrestling chick has a number 2 bathroom for her and the cracked me up her rule of "no #2s in the onsuite!"

    now that is marriage thats gonna last...

  3. LOL, I can just see the stream flying all over the walls. I feel bad for her housekeeper - there's no way Shannen cleans her own bathroom.

  4. i was thinking exactly of what adrian said ... she has slept around so much, but is a germaphobe ... very consistent

  5. Poor Shannen - she looks a bit wonkier than usual...stand up straight girl, and try to make your face even out a little more...
    I wonder if she has figured out that botox is a "germ" of sorts!!

  6. Shannon always reminds me of a Picasso painting, eyes in different places.

  7. Shannen has always been my favorite crazy bitch.

  8. its actually kind of a see-through/nip slip pic too, i just noticed ... kudos

  9. slappywhyte, i thought so too until i looked for the other nipple which seems to be quite a bit higher than the one on her right boob.

  10. Slappy, you don't need nip slips for Shannen - just turn of your "Safe Search" and Google her for plenty of topless action.

  11. Shannen has Crohn's Disease, and as a fellow sufferer myself, I can think of a few reasons why you might want a separate bathroom.

  12. Ugh, that doesn't sound pleasant Bike. Did she ever stop smoking?

  13. A sign I used to see in a bathroom...

    "Our aim is to keep this place clean. Your aim will help."

  14. Why doesn't she just put a lock on the door? Some kind of electronic code thing like on car doors so she wouldn't have to carry a key around. Nevermind, that wouldn't create nearly the melodrama that she obviously lives for.

  15. Her new BF is really gorgeous - if I were her I'd be careful of scaring him off!

  16. I took a loose, yellow, peanut shit in Shannon's private bathroom. And then I dripped gonorrhea juice all over her sink. And wiped my cock on the drapes.
