Thursday, October 02, 2008

Today's Blind Items

So, our singer and her husband are back for I think the third appearance in this space. You remember them don't you. She had a baby and the marriage all fell apart. Well sometimes you may see them out together. What you don't see is the fact that she makes out with other guys right in front of the husband. Oh yes, they are still married although it is in name only. Now as for other activities she does in front of the husband, still no word. Working on it though.


  1. Xtina...that "just friends" comment from the other day pretty much summed it up.

  2. definitely christina!

  3. Awww, Christina, that's just plain tacky and disrespectful! And slutty.

  4. That adds a whole new meaning to DIIIIIRTTY lol

  5. So why is he still sticking around for the baby, or trying to work things out?

  6. He is probaly stickin around for the pre-nup...maybe there is a stick around or lose lots of $$$ clause...
    Saw a pic of her today and the baby-what is up with her and her pepto pink lipstick? Is she going for an 80's look because really, she needs to not...Baby is a cutie...he looks just like his dad...

  7. Xtina seems to be the popular guess, I was gonna say Jlo and Skeletor

  8. i must be the only thinking it's not xtina.

    but if it is, there are two other blinds out there about her.

  9. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Isn't Christina's husband gay or bi. I thought I read that at a gossip site.

  10. well no shit sherlock..Xtina.

  11. Xtina's rep was becoming quite better once she married the hubby and got off the I Hate Britney bandwagon rant.

    If she makes her husband look like a fool one too many times he's going to bail. With the baby.

  12. It is Xtina because he did a blind before about the marriage staying together for the baby and then he said the answer was in the random photos and she was not wearing her wedding ring. I can't remember the date, but I remember the info!

  13. Enty has been given us some nice lay-ups of late. He must be in a very good mood. You getting laid Ent?

  14. Anonymous3:19 PM

    There is never any chemistry when they are pictured together. In the beginning I believed they were in love, but I definitely think they are the answer to this blind.
    xtina and her hubby

  15. yup, sadly we all agree. xtina.

  16. Oh noes, what is with these Disney graduates?

  17. I've seen some pictures of them together and although I agree that this is probably Aguilera, I don't think they look totally unhappy together. Maybe they have some sort of understanding between the two of them. You never know. Works very well for some people.

  18. I don't know - wasn't she the one loudly "singing" and disturbing others during "relations" in another blind??? (Xtina)

  19. Xtina and hubby stopped wearing their wedding rings not too long after the baby was born. So I guess them too.

  20. Haguilera and Bat Boy!

  21. So Xtina is back to being "Dirty" again? I guess they don't have nude Sundays anymore.

  22. Isn't Jordan Bratman gay? That's what I've always read. This makes sense though as she would have permission to make out with other guys (not in front of him of course), but more of an open marriage.

  23. I really like Xtina and think she's the only Disney grad with great chops, but what a sad thing if true to sort of have a pet husband, and boyfriends. If true she's able to do it because he wants to live with his child and she's got lots of money. Lot and lots of money.

  24. Hmmm... this one's tough... lemme think about it... ummmm... uhhhh.... Xtina???

  25. Isn't it funny how most of the female Disney alumn are just whacko??

  26. Bratman also has money. I don't know how he compares to xtina but the dude is not broke like Kfed.

    I agree that this BI is about them but not sure he is sticking around bc of the $ Hey look at Sean Penn and Robin!

  27. Isn't it funny how most of the female Disney alumn are just whacko??

    it must be like girls who went to catholic high school. sometimes they go nuts.

  28. JAX, LOL, because you solved it the last time, too... "third appearance in this space"

    no shit indeed! hee!

  29. hey maybe she's doing it to spice up the old bedroom...some guys get off on watching the chick with another guy......just saying.

  30. Britney Spears?

    (This one's for you, Jax.)

  31. Xtina is going back to Dirrty. Has anyone else noticed that whenever Xtina is being and acting respectable Britney is on the other end of the spectrum - and when Britney has her shit together, Xtina is falling apart? I don't think I can deal with the day-glo lipstick, peroxide dye job, and boobs thrusted in my face for much longer. Unfortunately I think that everyone knew that she wouldn't stay attracted to her husband for very long.
