Thursday, October 16, 2008

Today We Celebrate Prince Harry And Prince William

At this point in the relationship between Benji Madden and Paris Hilton, I guess Benji is just some kind of dog Paris keeps around for when she needs something to do or someone to buy her something. I say this because the second Benji is not around, Paris tries to find someone better than him. Apparently Benji must not care and is perfectly happy being dumped on and disrespected. Well, whatever. The good news is that Paris got herself rejected not once, but twice last night and the rejection was done by none other than Prince William and Prince Harry.

So, it is 2am at the club Whiskey Mist. Lots of royalty there last night including William and Harry. Well, the Valtrex one strolled in around 2am and when she saw Harry she must have started salivating because she practically sprinted towards him. What did Harry do? Ignored her. Kept talking to his friends. To get his attention, Paris did what she always does. Some kind of stripper grind that works with the likes of Benji, and other guys who can't get any, but not with Harry. He finally did look up, stood up, shook her hand and walked away from her. Nice. Oh, you know he knew who she was and he also knew what she wanted and I love it.

So, what does Paris do? She goes over to where Prince William is sitting with a woman who was not his girlfriend, and does the exact same dance right in front of him. It was like she was waiting for a tip or at stripper school they only taught her one dance or she has no creativity and no imagination which is why she has the same vacant stare on her face year after year. William noticed her, and Paris did get to sit down for about ten seconds. William then got up and left her sitting there alone. Wow. Paris I'm sure then called Benji and told him to buy her something.


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