Thursday, October 16, 2008

This Would Have Been Nice To Know Last Week

The NY Post is reporting they have seen a sex tape between Peter Cook and Diana Bianchi which was made while they were doing it in Peter's office. On the same tape are several other photographs from various times when Diana decided she wanted Peter to take her photo topless. So, since this is some kind of compilation tape, I'm guessing that David made the tape. I sure wish this news had come out last week so Barbara Walters could have asked Peter all about it. Some reporter did ask him and his lawyer said that anything is possible because the couple were in a consensual relationship. Umm, yes. But she was 18 and he is middle age. I mean, if she had been six months younger, he would be in jail. Apparently according to Diane's attorney the tape was not made with her consent. She is therefore considering legal action until peter can come up with a good enough monetary split from the sale of the tape.

Oh, it will be sold and Peter and Diana will split the money. Why did Peter go on 20/20? Was he looking to score more women? Do we really think he cares about getting his reputation back? I don't think he cares one bit. I think he is perfectly happy being the ass and loves having his name in the news. So, Peter gets his name out there on a national talk show to people who may have never heard of him or didn't hear about the trial or details. What happens next? A sex tape of that very same couple with DVD extras. I just think that is a pretty strange coincidence.

I would not be surprised if Peter himself showed the NY Post.


  1. ok the famous one divorced are a nobody please go away......what is wrong with these men who won't give up - hello Anne Hathaway's ex i'm talking to you ! Who's next Cash "Mr. Alba"..when she finally kicks his ass to the curb.

  2. i can't wait until peters peter peters out so we can stop hearing about it.

  3. Hey Peter!

    Herpes called...even it thinks you're a skeez.

  4. One thing is for sure, Christie seems to have lousy taste in men. Her previous husband the one she met during her plane wreck, he was also a skank. I think he was her little boys bio dad.

  5. Personally, I thought it was a good interview. What got me was how he referred to Christie as "my wife". The nanny said that Peter was a good Dad who did everything for the kids. Peter said he would have let Christie have whatever she wanted, but drew the line when she started screwing him over the kids.

    Somewhere Billy Joel is humming Uptown Girl and laughing his ass off.

  6. Who's David? Do you mean Peter?

  7. Anonymous1:27 PM

    This guy has no shame. He is only thinking of himself doesn't seem to care about his kids what they will think of him.

  8. If he made the tape without telling her, that is really disgusting. But then again, they are both disgusting. I guess he got his $300,000 worth on film.

  9. Oooh, surfer! Maybe there's a Duchovny tape Ent knows about!
