Tuesday, October 07, 2008

So He's A No Talent, Mullet Wearing, Ambiguous Guy?

Let me ask you something seriously as a parent. Would you let your 15 year old daughter date a 20 year old guy? Would you let them date knowing if they had sex that the 20 year old was going to jail? Does that give you pause? 15 years old can be like a high school sophomore or something like that, and a 20 year old can be a college junior. Now, I'm not an idiot. I know it happens, and I also know 5 years is not a huge age difference. But, it is a huge age difference at that age with wildly different expectations and demands.

So, I really have a problem with the whole Miley Cyrus romance with Justin Gaston. More of a problem with the way her dad looks like he wouldn't mind a little one on one action with Justin also.

Billy Ray Cyrus told Access Hollywood that, “He actually reminds me a lot of myself when I was 20 years old and I was living and searching for the dream.” Well, first of all Justin already found his dream. A rich girl with willing parents. As for when Billy Ray was 20, I hope Justin never decides to start sporting a mullet, actually has a career that lasts longer than five minutes and hopefully can decide if he enjoys the company of men or women at some point.

The whole thing just creeps me out. The whole family just creeps me out and maybe I am overreacting. You tell me. Right or wrong and would you let your kids do it?


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