If you recall, about a month or so ago, I posted a little thing in here about how Lindsay Lohan skipped the funeral of her grandfather because she was in an argument with Michael Lohan. I said she should have gone and most of you said she didn't have to. Hey, at least she had some kind of reason for not attending. I mean in retrospect if she had gone, Michael would have probably just tried to sell the photos of it anyway, so he is probably just pissed he couldn't go out and acquire any more items from the Right Said Fred line of clothes.
But, one person who was also not there was Ali Lohan. Not caught up in a huge squabble with her dad, one wonders what her excuse was for not showing up. Well according to Fox, the reason Ali didn't show up at the funeral was because she didn't have time to get her hair extensions done the day before and didn't want anyone to see what horrible hair she has. Ummm. I guess we can congratulate her for telling the truth instead of making up some kind of in bed with the flu story. Can you even comprehend how shallow someone must be that they would not attend the funeral of their grandfather because they didn't have time to get hair extensions? What the hell has this world come to? How vain can a kid get? I'm sure it was a horrific drama for her, but don't you think that the parent she currently lives with would have at least acted like a parent and told her to get the f**k to the funeral? Yeah, well the mother of the year obviously didn't do that because she was probably more concerned with how the look would affect her future commissions. She has to make a living after all, and she only has so many kids.
don't expect dysfunctional people to act like functional ones in any given situation.
ReplyDeleteHave they never heard of hats?
ReplyDeleteThat is what hats are for. What should all the people getting chemo say? They go about their lives, with no hair.
ReplyDeleteShe is just a waste of space.
Doesn't she have an order of protection against her father? I can't keep up with this family's issues.
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to figure out which one is the biggest waste of space Ali,Dina, Lindsay or Michael. The poor dead Grandfather was probably the only person in the whole family who wasn't a complete waste of space.
ReplyDeleteEnty, you believe Fox?
ReplyDeletewho cares? does this really surprise anyone? she is the spawn of the devil, OF COURSE she couldn't go and I for one, DID NOT say LL shouldn't have gone. IT'S FAMILY. You pay your respects...even if that person DID spawn a puke like Micheal...
ReplyDeleteShe looks like a Jersey mall rat, ca. 1984 in that pic.
ReplyDeleteput on a fucking hat.
ReplyDeleteOT: I think Lainey just revealed that Liv Tyler is "Lap Band"
ReplyDeleteI have to say that Ali has now sunk to the bottom of the sleaze bin with Spencer Pratt.
ReplyDeleteIt's a bad business move to release this statement. Hair can get covered up with a wig or in post-production. Being a little drama queen "I have a bad hair day and can't leave the house" implies you'll skip work like big sister Lindsay.
liv tyler? i don't even think anyone guessed her. boy were we off.
ReplyDeleteYep, we were. It makes total sense in retrospect - she didn't lose the weight for a while, and you'd always see her out exercising.
ReplyDeleteCrap, except she's divorced, so that part of it makes no sense. Oh well, I guess I misinterpreted. :)
ReplyDeleteDevil's Advocate here. If she had gone with her hair looking bad, there would have been blog upon blog upon blog saying "OMG, I can't believe she went out in public with her hair like that!"
ReplyDeletemooshki, it's better that you misinterpreted than we all suck at this...lol.
ReplyDeletebrendalove, you're right, but that's probably why nobody said she should have gone with bad hair, they just suggested she wear a hat.
ReplyDeleteA hat, a ponytail or bun - anything would have been better than not going to your grandparent's funeral and paying your respects because you're having a bad f***ing hair day. This whole family just needs to go away.
ReplyDeletemooshki and others ~ i believe the reference Lainey made was due to the holiday detox bi she put out last year. suspicious being either she was eating a lot due to the drug she was hooked on (opiates i assume) or she lost a lot of weight due to coke addiction or just lost a lot of weight when she went through the detox process (which is extremely common occurrence)
ReplyDeletehope that helps
Thanks, Princess. :)
ReplyDeleteprincess, thnx.
ReplyDeleteGrandpa probably willed himself to death to get away from those people!!!!!
ReplyDeletenot a problem...ya'll give me ideas each and every day so it's the least i can do :)
ReplyDeleteon topic ~ i am so done with everything about this family. i'm at the point where i generally skip anything printed about them. THEY ARE JUST TOTAL TRASH
That whole family is inexcusably hideous. A pony tail for a 14 year old would have worked. No wonder none of the kids know how to behave, they would have had more manners if wolves had raised them.
Sorry, but I don't believe she's telling the truth about why she didn't go. This sounds so much like an excuse a teenage girl would make up on the spot when the real reason can't be revealed.
ReplyDeleteOne granddaughter missing a funeral could be chalked up to brattiness, but both? There's something going on there, either with the grandfather or with some other member of the family who would be at the funeral. Lindsay's history as an adult might point to exactly what.
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ReplyDeleteAgain, Enty: You don't know a lot about dysfunctional families, do you?
ReplyDeleteYou don't automatically have a deep, loving, caring relationship with someone just because you are related to them. Things are not always the way they should be, period. People who should be biologically determinded to love you for who you are and shield you from all evil when you are a kid just don't. But you expect those kids to be loving and caring in return? Doesn't work that way. Children are not obliged to love their parents, grand-parents or other relatives. You either earn their love or you don't. And, yes, Ali Lohans excuse is more than lame and I'm pretty sure she's messed up and superficial, I just don't see the point in critisizing her for prefering other things over a funeral.
She isn't shallow. She has serious self-esteem issues. She thinks she is so unattractive she can't leave the house. Sounds like a social phobia, body dysmorphia related issue to me. We should all be lucky we don't suffer through what she and the Lohans suffer through.
ReplyDeleteWow... this little spoiled brat didnt go to her grandfather funeral because she didnt have extensions!?!?! my grandfather just died and his funeral is in 17 hours and i cant go because it is on the other side of the world.. i would do anything to be there and this girl is so stuck up and self absorbed that she gave up her last chance to say goodbye to her grandfather because of something so vain. i feel sorry for the poor girl for not being raised to think otherwise... no wonder lindsay turned out the way she did...