Quantum of Solace has its premiere and you get the top spot. I should say its Royal Premiere. There will be more photos tomorrow of the premiere. These are from tonight in London and so they are still coming in. Hopefully there will be ones of Daniel Craig and Satsuki Mitchell where they don't look like they are made of wax.
This one is much better even if it is from the side. OK, had your Daniel Craig fix?

AC/DC - Philadelphia

This is Anne Hathaway from this month's edition of Vogue. Can't decide if she is trying to look sexy or like a man or a 30's movie star. I do like it though. It has attitude.

Two things. First, there are about 20 photos where David Beckham is staring. I'm glad he stares. Shows he's human. Second, the Lakers cheerleaders have gone way downhill.

It must be hard to coordinate that windswept look but Emile Hirsch and Diego Luna managed to do so.

So, I read today that to stay beautiful Eva Mendes hangs upside down for hours on end. I'm not really sure how that makes you more beautiful, but I guess if you have time to kill, you could give it a shot. This is Eva last night at the same event Jessica Simpson was complaining about.

Gavin Newsom, the San Francisco mayor and his wife Jennifer. I think it is Jennifer. I had her in the photos a couple of weeks ago and got it right, so if I got it wrong this time, I'm sorry.

The lovely Dame Judi Dench.

James Franco looks much better than yesterday. At least here he has his eyes open. Must be excited about watching himself kiss Sean Penn.

This is the best I have seen Jordin Sparks look in a long time. Yes, I said she looked nice so all of you American Idol people who love e-mailing me and calling me nasty names when I say something bad about your Idol hero can back off. Jordin is now calling herself a singer/actress. Does she even have a record label anymore? She won the show right? Now you can e-mail.

So, Jack White uses makeup. I get that. But, I think that is Karen's actual color and it is more pale than Jack. What is the over under on the last time Karen Elson saw the sun?

Keane - Rotterdam

Yeah, I know. I don't think there is a product that Katie Price won't sell. She literally could have her own shopping channel at this point. I think she is selling sex toys here. No? Geranimals for adults? Actually I think it is electric hair care products that can be converted to sex toys. Just make sure they are turned off first. Curling irons can leave a nasty burn, or a fake hickey if you are trying to impress your friends by making them think you have a girlfriend. Not that I would know anything about that.

I know Katy Perry is trying to be cool by doing the Freddie Mercury costume, but she really just looks like a Beastie Boys video.

So, Melrose Place is coming back. No doubt we will only get the good people for a few minutes each week. So, do you prefer cast photo 1?

Or cast photo 2?

"Camilla. That Jamaican s**t is still working. I think I see a deer walking behind me."

I think Pink looks really good here.

Don't even want to look at each other. I feel for her. He doesn't give a crap but I feel for her. Can't wait until the kids are older, she finally moves out and then writes a tell-all.

Salon Du Chocolat. So, tell me what parts are actually chocolate. Balloons? The little leaf things? I know there is chocolate.

This almost made the top spot. When Samuel L Jackson changes his hat style after ten years and changes his glasses so he can look more like Randy Jackson, then that is top spot worthy.

"So girlfriend, stop using your credit cards to buy food. I never use my credit cards to buy food."
"But Suze you are a millionaire."
"Girlfriend that is no excuse."

Shiva Rose. Still my favorite name. Seriously, if I ever have a child I am going to lobby for that name. I will be sneaky about it though saying my first choice is this or this and when she is in labor and screaming and yelling at me for getting her pregnant, I would say, "what do you think about Shiva Rose?" See, I think that would work.

The entire Dempsey clan. Well minus the kids. And the wife is not really a Dempsey by blood so, forget the whole family thing.

Tom Hanks & Billy Crystal - San Francisco

Casey Affleck & Sean Penn - San Francisco

Jack Nicholson was at the same Paul Newman charity event, but I don't know whether he was performing or not. He looks good though.

TR Knight and Mark Cornelsen. Mark seems happy to be there doesn't he?
Second, the Lakers cheerleaders have gone way downhill.
ReplyDeleteyou mean since the paula abdul days? hehe...
enty, people honestly write you to bitch about your comments regarding american idol contestants? not too invested, are they?
i don't want robin wright to do a tell all, i just want her to go find someone who deserves her so she can live happily ever after. not that i buy that shit...
What happened to Robin W Penn's face? She's got that Joker slash across her cheeks.
ReplyDeleteMy bad...I MEANT Dempsey's wife has the Joker slash.
Wow - 2 Daniel Craig photos and a Jack White to boot. I am swooning here (to use your word). Thank you!!!
ReplyDeletelyz-- I was thinkiing the same thing--& she's a make-up artist!!
ReplyDeleteJack Nicholson looks much better covered up.
So The Dempseys aren't a family anymore. Interesting.
ReplyDeleteJack Nicholson looks like he's playing James Lipton.
ReplyDeleteGavin Newsom is totally hot.
ReplyDeleteSo, Enty, spill - what is the glue that holds Robin and Sean together - doesn't she have enough strength to leave him (permanently this time) if he doesn't even care anymore? They look miserable together and she seems like a class act. Parents that stay together "for the sake of the children" are fooling themselves if they think the kids don't know. And honestly with the tension removed from the house, their lives will be far less tense.
And is Katie the answer to the blind about the person trying to reinvent themselves by pretending to go the gayelle route? Can't remember the details...
Did Pink lose her feet in some horrific accident??? :-O
ReplyDeleteYummy Daniel Craig, can't wait for the new 007 movie in November.
ReplyDeleteAnne Hathaway looks so different.
Beckham and his roving eyes. I am pretty sure he is still screwing around and making believe him and Posh have a happy marriage.
I am starting not to like Eve Mendes.
Love Judi Dench.
Jack White and his wife look like Vampires.
Why is Robin W. still with that asshole.
I though P. Dempsey's wife look like Nicole Sheridan.
Jack N. looks decent.
Wax is right Enty, DC looks terrible.
ReplyDeleteAnne Hathaway has a Liza/Isabella Rosselini thing going in that pic
Enty, ALL VAMPIRES hang upside down, even female ones like Eva
Dame Judi got a great doctor, her face is tighter than a nun's woowoo
Karen Elson gave me Julianne Moore for a second there
Katie Price has two separate outfits and hairdo, what is she some sort of comic book villian for Halloween?
I know Sean beat the hell out of Madonna so I am sure he is beating the hell out of Robin. At least Madonna had her career so she could afford to get out, don't know why Robin is staying. Perhaps there's a pre-nup leaving her nothing if she leaves?
ReplyDeletei dunno but she looks like kelly clarkson from umpteen million years ago.
Anne Hathaway looks like a 12 year old trying to look cool.
ReplyDeleteHate the Dame's hair color. Love her, hate the dye job.
SF Mayor is hot. Love him in the Prop. 8 commercials. (Vote no on 8 btw).
It's sad to see Jordan Sparks and wonder - Where have I seen this girl before?
Oh ya, American Idol.
Did she win?
Who cares?
Somebody needs better management.
I don't feel sorry for Robin Wright.
I love how it looks like Sean Penn is leaning in towards Casey Affleck and Casey Affleck is totally backing away from him. He probably smells like wallpaper glue and cigarette butts.
ReplyDeleteKaren Elson's always been very pale--she has your classic redhead complexion, which you can check out in the late Kevin Aucoyn's book Face Forward, if you're curious. However, she's not QUITE that pale normally, and neither is he, so... *pictures fights in the White/Elson home over who gets the white pancake base first*
ReplyDeletewhy feel sorry for robin wright penn? she should grow a set and LEAVE that asshole.
ReplyDelete... that stupid Anne WH0RE-thaway pic is quite typical. Hollyweird celeb photogs (not saying paparazzi) are usually, if not always, bi-sexual/homosexual men and/or Lezzzzz-bian women. Disagree? Prove they ain't. Ya... you can't. And neither bi/gay men or Lezzzz-bians know (or care) what real heterosexual men want to see, or what we feel is visually appealing in a woman. Celeb photogs show their ignorance in all the insidious female celebrity pics they "take".
ReplyDeleteAlso, the "girl in a birdcage" fashion show pic is an'OTHER' example of gay men making women look completely idiotic and ridiculous. But the fashion industry's been mocking and humiliating females for decades, and likely because gay men are jealous and upset that beautiful women (in their natural, unfettered form) get all the attention from society's real men, and no one cares about dem kweers.
BTW, I'm no homophobe... in fact I'm voting against Prop 8 the anti-gay marriage bill, because as Tom Leykis says, let the gays marry, because no one (in their right mind) should ever get married... and I agree. The gays will find out soon enough that modern marriage as a whole, is a corrupt "Em"stitution...
... *cough*Britt*SKUM-jack*SKAM"marriage"*cough*...
... BTW Ent... BAAAAAAAAA...
I don't get the reefer comment from Prince Charles. Do he and Camilla indulge? Or is it just a comment on his environmentalism?
ReplyDeleteall i can say about robin is you never know what you'd do unless you were in that situation. i'm sure she's staying for the kids, not that asshole husband of hers.
ReplyDeleteI think Jack White's wife is really pretty. She even fits in with his color scheme (which I'm sure is partly why they got married). They even named their baby Scarlet, which I also sort of love.
ReplyDeleteGod, Anne Hathaway is SO insufferable. GOD, ANNE. You're so COOL with your CIGARETTE and your *smoldering* expression. Give me a goddamn break. I can't think of a more boring, milquetoast actress and "entertainer" in general. The past few years have been all about Anne trying to display her dark n' shadowy side. OOOOH! Cigarettes and undies don't necessarily make a person interesting. She's just a girl who looks like a rodent who dated a douchebag. End of story.
Also, Enty, I've given this a lot of thought, and I truly think that you could do better than Eva Mendez. The more I look at her, the more she looks like a swarthier Jessica Simpson/ersatz Sophia Loren wannabe. She's not hot to me. I actually kind of think she's...fug. Sorry. Eye of the beholder, blah blah blah.
Neither of those cast photos contain Kimberly. Therefore, I cannot approve either one.
Does Billy Crystal make anyone else sick? I am so over him. I wish he would just go away.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, he practically did.
Jack Nicholson is so freakin sexy. I don't care how old he is, there is no situation where I would not indulge in a little Jack. There is nothing better than an older guy who know what he is doing.
Oh, sure, like anyone is going to buy that photoshopped picture of Katie Price. Clearly her boobs are two different sizes.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing Jack's wife is pale because she's a redhead. Redheads with her complexion don't tan. Ever. Ever.
ReplyDeleteHow did you get through grammar school let alone law school without learning that?
I apologize, but 99% of the time I scroll past the random photos. But this time I had to stop a the black and white one. I was like "Who's that?" At this moment I have realized that I am totally girl-crush in love with Anne Hathaway. I don't get the hate. Is it because she's smoking?
ReplyDelete1) Anne Hathaway looks like SamRon's dykier, older sister. Ew.
ReplyDelete2) The Lakers cheerleaders look like 12-yr-old Zac Effron's with tits.
3) re: Eva Mendes - hanging upside-down causes more blood to get to your brain = good, plus reversed gravity = less wrinkles. Or so I'm told.
4) Jordan & Katy Perry = MASSIVE TACKY ATTACK!1!!
5) The Place photo #2
6) Jack only looks good 'cause of the angle, the beard & the shirt hiding his flabby old ass.
Sorry - new moon in Scorpio brings out the tactlessness in me.
I'm sorry, but TR Knight and his boyfriend are both unattractive. The death-grip hand-holding makes it slightly icky.
ReplyDeleteIn the latest issue of Style Suze Orman advises to never treat yourself to new clothes until all debt is clear and you have 8 months of salary in the bank.
ReplyDeleteI thought that was ridiculous.
I kinda admire Anne Hathaway for not shying away from the camera after suffering the break-up of the year. That takes strength.
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ReplyDeleteI LOVE Casey Affleck. More pics of him, please :)