I think this is the first time that Jon Stewart has been in the photos. He just never goes anywhere. So, to make up for all this lost time, he gets the top spot.
Amos Lee - New York
Anika Moa - Auckland, NZ
Umm, Gina Gershon has looked like she has been on a week long bender everytime I have seen her photo lately.

Wow, Eva Longoria must have gone to Wigs -R - Us to find a wig of such quality. It's like she called my grandmother and borrowed one.

I know this is probably not a G rated question, but do you think that Ben Stiller ever asks Christine Taylor to pretend she is Marcia and Ben plays Jan? I don't know who Ben would play.

First time appearance for Bart Johnson.

Not the first time for Benicio del Toro obviously, but be glad there was not a closeup, because Benicio looked as if he had not had any sleep for a few weeks and done nothing but smoke cigarettes during that time.

I thought Jamie Oliver was supposed to be the happy one. Why is he always forcing a smile.

Love the randomness and love that smirk on Kimmel.

Bet you didn't recognize Jules Asner. She leaves E! and the next thing you know she is filling out that AARP card. Goodness what happened to her.

Want something to like about Hayden? She brings pastries when she visits. I've got liquor. What I don't have is people who bring over pastries.

Hugh Laurie on his favorite mode of transportation. I know his wife finally decided to move to LA, but I don't know if she has or not. Sidecar time perhaps.

OK, here we go. We have lots of choices for Nick Cannon's birthday.
1. Mariah to Nick - "OK baby. No tongue. You got some last week."
2. Mariah to Nick - "Happy birthday baby. Where is my gift?"
3. Mariah to Nick - "Guess what? Tonight you don't have to scrape my corns?"
4. Mariah to Nick - "OK, one kiss and now get back to work because I am not paying for this party."

Remember Al Gore and the way he looked in 2000?

Lewis Hamilton looks so much better when he doesn't have Nicole Scherzinger hanging all over him.

Jerry Stiller looks great. If you have never seen Hot Pursuit, you need to. Jerry, Ben, Richard Crenna and of course John Cusack.

You have to admit that Jeremy Piven knows how to dress.

Hey, I have an idea. These guys should get together and make a tv show.

Apparently the whole scissor finger has different looks around the world. This is Italy.

And New Zealand.

And France.

First time appearance for Oscar Isaacs.

Tara Reid is now three for three and dare I say it, looks sober and healthy.

Sarah Silverman - New York

Sofia Milos is the reason I watched Caroline In The City. OK, Lea too.

Stephen Dorff is aging well. Botox?

And my mom said I would only get hair on my palms.
uh oh. is the sidecar and wife moving to l.a. comment about hugh laurie the answer to the blind where the wife was in another country while the hubby was fooling around?
ReplyDeletenoooo...i like him.
That Al Gore comment was pure gold!! I burst out laughing!
ReplyDeleteStephen Dorff looks good for 50. Too bad he's only 35.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the kiwi photos, Ent. I miss that place.
Love Jon Stewart.
Is that Eva Longoria comment a blind answer? Wasn't there one awhile ago about an actress who had to wear wigs and the popular guess was Marcia Cross?
ReplyDeleteHayden looks good. My age. But good.
Sorry for the ignorace, but who is that tasty Lewis Hamilton? Is he with Nicole S.? Ugh. She looks to much like Kim K. to me.
I don't care if Piven is a horse's ass, he's from my home town/high school and my mom is friend's with his mom. Gotta support my locals. :)
No, Gina Gershon looks as if she loves her dermatologist and plastic surgeon a little too much -- that's the bender she's been on.
ReplyDeleteSaying that, she sure looks like she got her money's worth -- she actually looks really good!
ok i'll get a little blunt here:
ReplyDeleteJules Asner totally hit the wall apparently! She was such a knockout back in the day on E. Totally forgot about her. She should have posed in Playboy when she was a goddess, i think Maxim or something was the closest we got..
Eva Longoria looks ... lets just say curvy. I think she is turning into J-Lo.
slappy whyte
Obviously Steven Soderbergh is not a positive influence on Jules Asner. She was the best thing E ever had.
ReplyDeleteJon Stewart is my #1 - of all the Hollywood guys, he's #1 in my book.
ReplyDeleteI saw another pic of Eva today and she was without the bump-- I hope she didn't have another miscarriage :(
Lewis Hamilton is a British Formula 1 racing driver. Only in his early 20's, but heading for the world championship. People who have met him say he's charming.
ReplyDeleteMarisa, I was thinking the same thing. Wasn't there a blind a while ago about someone who had just had a miscarriage, that it was 'just one of those things'? Kind of wonder if this is her...
ReplyDeleteWell, although Eva gets a bad rap for everything, if she's just being *normal* and is not pregnant, and who cares anyway...GOOD FOR HER!
ReplyDelete(I do hate the current "she's just fat" bullshit, though)
Still gorgeous at a *normal* weight and not the fucking Hollywood weight, I say good for her.
Thanks, Eva, for showing the world we women can be beautiful even if we're not fricking sticks.
Last time I was a stick I was sick and malnourished at 103lbs with the Doctor ready to put me in the hospital for treatment.
Now, thanks to our lovely culture and media hype, I feel fat as shit at 125 lbs.
You go, Eva!!!!
...and, LOVE Jon Stewart.
ReplyDeleteBenicio... oh, Benicio. Sweetie, honey, baby. Please, I insist -- take my Oil of Olay. I'll buy more.
ReplyDeleteIf Ferris Bueller isn't careful, his aging will turn him into a birdy old woman like Paul McCartney. Why not get a sexy razor cut and rock some bedhead with pomade? And if he insists on this sexless Hamptons chic, could he at least go over to his wife's nightstand drawer and steal back even ONE of his testicles?
Is that so much to ask?
Anyone know who the designer of Tara Reid's dress is?
ReplyDeleteYeah, hotchacha...Broderick should steal some of SJP's coke while he's at it so he can look happy for once.
ReplyDeleteanyone thinking that the puff daddy (or whatever his name is) comment has something to do with lainey's blind item enty posted yesterday?
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteSarah S. looks so happy and glowy now that she and her hunny are back together. Hope it's permanent this time!
ReplyDeleteAnd her show is back tonight - can't wait!
I choose 2.
ReplyDeleteAnd YOU go, selenakyle!
I have to say this because I can't say it often - I love Tara Reid's dress. It's very old-school sexy. Whoever her stylist is needs to be paid double for being able to pull off this look.
ReplyDeleteGina looks great. whatever she's doing to her face works. The hair, not so much.
ReplyDeleteEva and JLo have become the Vandellas. Great in their day but come on! That style makes them look like early 60s backup singers. Their weight is perfect - as is yours, I'm sure, Miss Selena.
Benicio's under eye pouches will be to his waist in a few years. He's looking SO rough.
Jamie Oliver - um, because he has bad teeth?
I don't even remember what Jules A. used to look like. She looks classy here though.
Just not impressed with Hayden.
Could Mariah be any more detached?
No matter what he's wearing, he's still the Piv.
Yes, Tara's dress is gorgeous - on someone else. Doll, fix your hair.
Sofia Milos rocks. She's got that earthy Sophia Loren thing going. Love her.
I love Jon Stewart, thanks E!
ReplyDeleteEva's weight is just fine... i don't like her, but she looks pretty good nontheless...
ReplyDeleteI'd take #2 on "Mariah to Nick" for $500, Ent.
THAT is the man who's with Nicole S? Damn... I h8 those pussycat hoebags.. don't they know that sex sells itself?
They just seem to be trying too hard and going too nuts with the whole trying-to-show-you what-they-look-like-naked-bit.
Plus, their music sucks balls. Kinda like the group members themselves. Everytime I walk past an HMV with my 4-year old daughter(i dont know if HMV is in the u.s too but it's a pretty big music store in canada)and see the huge poster of them.. i just cover her eyes and walk the other way... I feel like i'm exposing her to porn just seeing their poses and outfits... yikes...
Jeremy Piven looks better every time i see him... kinda hot, actually... :P
wait, aren't the new zealand fingers the "disappearing" thing from "the martian child"??