It's almost like they were doing a public service announcement. Hell, maybe they were. Anyway, I think this is probably the first time these four have been photographed together, and so it makes the top spot. Oh, we will see them later, so don't worry if you want to see them all by themselves. Not that you would worry about that. I mean, there are other things to worry about like whether money will actually be worth anything in a few weeks or if we will keep our jobs, or be able to buy food that isn't contaminated by greedy manufacturers, and imported without checking out the manufacturers first. So, I doubt you are really all that concerned about whether you will get to see Sean Connery alone or not.
Is it me, or is the kid not looking at the check.
Carlos Ramirez where have you been?
You get the feeling that maybe Cameron is a little scared of dogs?
Just a little closer.
Human hair is making a comeback this year (or)

Cousin It turns to runway modeling.

Emma Watson's top kind of looks like that mime freak show yesterday on the runways, so maybe there is a crowd who likes it.

Smoking and self tanner = not so good for complexion as Catherine Zeta Jones is discovering.

Now this is an interesting pair here. Charles Grodin and Cybil Shepherd.

Jodie Foster on the other hand obviously loves the dog. There was another photo where it looked like there was tongue, but this is a family blog.

OK, so I didn't watch the video and so I only saw a headline and therefore I am probably ignorant, but did Jenny McCarthy come out and say that her son was cured of autism. Is that possible?

"I like the first one better. The sequel just kind of played to the lowest common denominator. " I would have also accepted, "Saturday nights at the Alba house."

Ione Skye. I say that name and it just makes me smile. Good memories.

I know I did the whole Gavin and Gwen thing yesterday but this is one of my favorite photos of the day so it gets in.

So, I want to say upfront here that I think that Jumpstart's Read For The Record is a great program and I think it does fantastic things. That being said we are going to have a little fun.
So, Jo Jo was in Boston and was reading the book of the year which as you can see is Corduroy.

Greg Kinnear was in New York reading the same book. No problem and he looks like he is having a great time doing so.

LL Cool J, in the same place reading the same book to the same group of kids.

Mary Louise Parker in the same place reading the same book to the same group of kids.

Jesse McCartney in the same place, reading the same book to the same group of kids who have now heard the book four times.

Matt Lauer and Ann Curry reading the same book in the same place to the same kids who are hearing it now for the fifth time.

Mario on the other hand is in Washington DC and reading it for the first time, but all the kids and parents are looking in the opposite direction.

Probably the best I have ever seen Kate Walsh look. Doesn't mean the marriage is real, just means she looks really good.

Kiefer has looked fantastic lately. I don't think he has given up smoking, but maybe staying off the booze is doing it.

The dog is back, oh and the Target pup as well.

So, if you are going to make a multi-million dollar solid gold sculpture of a woman you are fascinated with, don't you think you could come up with something better than this? It's frightening actually.

John Turturro and Robert DeNiro which is a nice photo moment.

Father and daughter dressing alike. Nice. Didn't see what the new girlfriend was wearing, but if she was wearing the same thing that would have been really special.

I'm not usually a big fan of Natalie Portman, but she looks great here.

That dog is excited about Mike Myers.

I just know Liza is going to fall in. I look at the photo and she doesn't move, but I can just sense it.

A first time appearance for Tony Robbins and his wife and Quincy Jones who was being honored for his good works and deeds.

Notice that Sean is not actually touching Robin. Arm around her yes. Touching? No.

Hello Shirley MacLaine.

"You must always show the dog who is boss."

It has been an age since I have seen Rita Moreno. Wow!

Kate Walsh must be the answer to the blind item about the sham marriage which is now over and he wants more money to be her beard.
ReplyDeleteenjoyed the book snark, but you know that the whip is coming out. how dare you!!
ReplyDeletebend over. **whips enty for the keanu comment**
yes, i was a dominatrix in my former life.
i have worked with people that have various disabilities. so on that note, i'm gonna leave the jennie comment alone.
ReplyDeletewhat did she say about her kid recently?
Uh, is that Annette Bening with Sean, Cameron and Jim in the first picture? If so, wtf did she do to her face? And if not, who is it?
ReplyDeleteSeriously though, is that her?
i think that is annette. i hope i'm wrong. ;)
ReplyDeleteloved reading the Corduroy books to my kids, but doesn't anyone read strega nonna books anymore?
ReplyDeleteyeah, that's annette bening...just a bad pic of her.
Yikes, it is Annette. Just looked up the AFI site and they each have a movie playing for the week, hers is American Beauty. Wish she hadn't done whatever it is she did to her face. I loved the way she looked.
ReplyDeleteAnd I can't believe I remember this, but that kid on Little House on the Prairie, Matthew Labarteaux, something like that, was supposedly cured of autism. So I guess it can happen, huh?
After reading Corduroy as a child, I bought every ugly and/or damaged stuffed animal I could get my hands on because I was afraid no one would buy them.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for the Target dog. I have a hard time looking at any animal who has been painted or dyed for fashion or commercial reasons.
Charles Grodin & Cybill Shepherd from the Heartbreak Kid (the original) - one of the funniest movies ever.
ReplyDeleteCharles Grodin & Cybill Shepherd from the Heartbreak Kid (the original) - one of the funniest movies ever.
ReplyDeleteCZJ just celebrated her 39th birthday--I think for the 10th time.
ReplyDeleteShe has looked better.
what was the Gavin/Gwen from yesterday? I have been off a few days, & just skimmed through. Is she the Lainey Blind?
ReplyDelete*The Target dog looks more scared of Cam than she is of him/her, but seems to have excellent Gaydar! (See M. Myers photo.)
ReplyDelete*CZJ appears to have been the recipient of a chem peel gone horribly wrong. Owie.
*Yes, according to Jenny McCarthy, she has diagnosed her son as a cured autistic thanks to a special diet and vitamins. However, she still has him homeschooled by several teachers who "understand his condition," whatever that means.
How many times can CZJ be 39? She looks bad in those pictures and I didn't think the girl could take a bad pic. It's almost as if she's drugged/drunk/high?
ReplyDeleteJennie and Jim aren't standing very close to each other. What's up that that? I didn't know that Jennie said her son was cured, but rather his condition had improved.
Holy Hanna! I can't believe that is Rita Moreno!
ReplyDeleteStella and Paul even have the same hair line.
Kate Walsh looks smokin'!
ReplyDeleteSuch a funny lady. The Letterman interview was the usual riot. She makes fun of the rumors. Not directly, but she mocks them,
How many times can CZJ be 39?
that poor damn dog, first they dye its poor fucking peepers and then make it stand next to Cameron Diaz and her clown face.
ReplyDeleteJenny did say he was back to 100% as well as his doctors. he now refers to the time as "when i was quiet"
he is developing normal for a boy his age, quite remarkable.
Jenny McCarthy said, "...we think there are treatments that often bring about such healing, so that the observable symptoms of the condition no longer exist. Even though we may no longer see any symptoms of autism, we can't say a child is "cured""
ReplyDeletehere's a link to a CNN article written by jenny mccarthy and jim carrey:
There are some who wonder what we mean when we say "recovering" from autism. They confuse the word recover with cure. While you may not be able to cure an injury caused in a terrible car accident, you can recover; you can regain many skills that you once lost. In the case of autism, we think there are treatments that often bring about such healing, so that the observable symptoms of the condition no longer exist. Even though we may no longer see any symptoms of autism, we can't say a child is "cured" because we do not know what they would have been like had they never been injured.
We believe what helped Evan recover was starting a gluten-free, casein-free diet, vitamin supplementation, detox of metals, and anti-fungals for yeast overgrowth that plagued his intestines. Once Evan's neurological function was recovered through these medical treatments, speech therapy and applied behavior analysis helped him quickly learn the skills he could not learn while he was frozen in autism. After we implemented these therapies for one year, the state re-evaluated Evan for further services. They spent five minutes with Evan and said, "What happened? We've never seen a recovery like this."
obviously both jenny and jim never gave up being evan's advocate. good for them and wishes for a continued recovery for evan.
I think Connery said "You're the dog now, man"
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ReplyDeleteRita Moreno looks fantastic
ReplyDeleteWhen I first saw the pics of CZJ it took me a minute to figure out who it was supposed to be
The child being read to by LL looks like Kimora and Russel's daughter!! Y/Y???
ReplyDeleteCZJ's missing lipstick and pimply chin makes her look like the overly flirty drunk girl at the party who disappears into the alley with a couple of jocks for about 20 minutes or so.
ReplyDeleteShe's usually so lovely.I hope she punches her makeup artist in the neck for this.
Ione Sky?!?!?! Enty, I love you!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat's the Gwen/Gavin line about?
So Kate Walsh has a purse then? Poor bloke, I thought he was well off in his own right?
Ugh, CJZ is nearer 50 than 40, why lie?
I don't really think CZJ looks that old...haggard in this picture, yes, but not old.
ReplyDeleteThere was a pic of Gwen and Gavin in the randoms yesterday, but this one is cuter.
Too many dog pictures today. Makes me queasy.
Hey, is it just me or is Tony Robbins' wifey copping a feel?
ReplyDeleteHasn't Tony been married like 5, 8times? I guess after that many wives a guy doesn't mind if his wife grabs the privates right in front of a musical legend. Poor Quincy is trying to look away, but...
First a snark: Looks like Cameron is also a bit afraid of having her roots done! *snort*
ReplyDeleteThen a sorta OT thing about the Kate Walsh foto: I've been wondering, what is it with these gals on the red carpet crossing their legs to pose for pictures???? Do they not let them pee before they leave the house so that all the champagne in the limo goes right through their bodies and they have to hold it in until they get into the theater?!?!
That's what it looks like to me. Am I alone here, folks????
Rita Moreno does look fabulous! And I love that dog. What a cutie!
ReplyDeleteI thought I posted a bit earlier, something fairly harmless, and I don't see it. But there is a removed........was I blacklisted? I didn't say anything bad!! just that I love Keanu!
ReplyDeleteEnt, what did I do????
CZJ looks awful.
ReplyDeleteJenny McCarthy said that when her son was first diagnosed with autism she spoke to Holly Robinson-Peete who told her that if your son is diagnosed immediately you have a better chance of discovering the cause and of him recovering from autism.
Jenny believes that also helped.
Holly said that it took a lot longer for her son to be diagnosed and therefore he as well as many other children will remain autistic.
nuna, I believe that is a standard "pose" for the carpet because it is supposed to give the body a slender look. Getting shot head on makes 'em look heavier. Kate's is a little much but it puts her at an angle so it looks good. She does look hot in that pic.
ReplyDeleteKiefer!!!! ::swoon:: I love that man. He's mine bitches! Don't touch!!!
That is super fucked up what they did to that poor dog. I'm surprised PETA wasn't there causing a huge ass scene.
I wonder what the dog smells on Mike Myers' breath? :snark:
It's nice to see Brit look like a normal person again. Well, as normal as she can get.
CZJ-I wonder if she had a peel done or if the makeup is just that bad. I couldn't see her stepping out of the house looking like that on purpose.
Love the Jessica Alba pic. I wonder who the lucky person was that got to crack her one to make her cry for the pic. You know she didn't muster those tears on her own "acting skills". Now if we could just get Biel into one of them. I volunteer to crack her one. ;)
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ReplyDeleteJust because your son has it jbeebs doesnt mean that other kids haven't been helped. Children who are diagnosed in the first year have a chance of becoming almost completely developmentally normal. Not always, of course, but just because your kid didn't have that recovery doesn't mean you have to be such a bitch about it.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Next time I have to hold it in I'll just tell folks I'm practicing for the red carpet!!!!
bad fish--it depends where they are on the spectrum--there are mild cases of Asperger's where children may have social issues, & there are severe cases where the children don't speak, can't be toilet trained, etc. A friend of mine has 3 children who were all diagnosed with, as she put it "tendencies". They are all in public schools with aids, and receive all kinds of therapy & extra help. They are bright kids, & do well school wise.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I also know people whose kids can't function in a mainstream setting, and need to go to schools that can deal with their
Of course the earlier it is detected, the earlier the kids can get the help they need, but it doesn't mean they will ever be
completely developmentally normal.
I wish that this was not the case, but it is.
Cousin It/Human Hair Gear - Looks like Sonia Rykiel - same hairstyle.
ReplyDeleteCZJ - YIKES! Being married to MD must be tough on her.
Thanks for putting Gavin & Gwen in the mix again. It's nice to see a genuinely happy couple.
Kate Walsh does look hot. So she is in the phony marriage huh?
Kiefer Sutherland - I saw him at a gallery opening last week in Chelsea. He looked fabu in a dark pin-stripped suit.
Keanu & Targe't pooch - both cute!
Liza in front of the Fountain de Trevi - Scary shit!
Sean & Robin - Are they totally reconciled?
Loved Shirley MacLaine as Coco Chanel
Wow, it's great to see the multi-talented Rita Moreno
bad fish, maybe you need to reread jbeebs' statement. Calling s/he a bitch for disagreeing with Jenny McCarthy's views is completely unwarranted.
ReplyDeleteNot-a-Famous-Adrian, I was going to say the same thing about being on the autistic son has a friend who is autistic, will always be considered autistic, but if you met him now at age 11 and didn't know his diagnosis, you would never guess. Lots of hard work and early & ongoing intervention...But I also have a step-nephew who is at the opposite end of the spectrum. He's 17, and will never be able to live or function on his own. There are no givens where autism is concerned.
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note...Ione Skye looks amazing!!! I always loved her, back in the days of Say Anything and Gas, Food, Lodging.
Oh, yeah, and I've always thought that CZJ looks like she smells...down there...
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ReplyDeleteThe medical profession can't and won't diagnose autism until a child is 4 years old. What they can do is test to see if the child is showing some traits. I know a person who does this testing which starts around two.
ReplyDeleteI think if Jenny's son was "cured" or in "remission" he would be integrated into a school environment. What I was told is her son is rather severe, so anything is an improvement.
You seem to have found the only photo where Sean Penn isn't holding Robin's hand, Lainey has a few of them very close and hand holdy. They both look good.
No child with autism is cured. Doesn't happen. They can work on adapting, and if they are low enough on the spectrum, taught to overcome their deficiencies with their strengths. Kids like Jennie's, say it with me, do. not. have. autism. They have an allergy or sensitivity to something in their environment that mimics the symptoms. Of course when you remove it via diet, chelation or what-have-you, it's going to get better as would any other treated medical condition of this kind.
ReplyDeleteWhile I do genuinely applaud Jenny and her work because it really does fund testing for those that can't afford it and the percentage of those kids it can help, it's the best thing ever. However for parents of the newly diagnosed true autistics who do not have an allergy to cure, I ache for them and the devastation they feel when a celebrity says there's hope where there is none. I spent 200k (which was every penny of my and my husbands combined retirements, mind you) searching, thinking that if I just tried hard enough, I could help my baby. I tried everything, literally everything, that was available. He's 14 now, and I want two things for him, happiness and health.
So, while I like that she's out there stumping for the cause, I don't like some of the message she sends.
My cousin is a speech pathologist, & works with many toddlers through early intervention. She said one of the hardest aspects is working with a child that is banging their head, flapping their arms, and exhibiting other behaviors, & having to gently suggest a diagnosis to the parents.
ReplyDeleteIt is heartbreaking for her & the families.
I spent 2 years doing volunteer work at a school that dealt with autism. It was very difficult, but also very rewarding. I wish the best for everyone & their children.
kim, jenny doesn't say he's cured. i specifically posted the link to the article and a quote she makes about that just so she wouldn't be misquoted and you're misquoting her.
ReplyDeletekim, just to make it easier, here is the quote again -
ReplyDeleteThere are some who wonder what we mean when we say "recovering" from autism. They confuse the word recover with cure. While you may not be able to cure an injury caused in a terrible car accident, you can recover; you can regain many skills that you once lost. In the case of autism, we think there are treatments that often bring about such healing, so that the observable symptoms of the condition no longer exist. Even though we may no longer see any symptoms of autism, we can't say a child is "cured" because we do not know what they would have been like had they never been injured.
We believe what helped Evan recover was starting a gluten-free, casein-free diet, vitamin supplementation, detox of metals, and anti-fungals for yeast overgrowth that plagued his intestines. Once Evan's neurological function was recovered through these medical treatments, speech therapy and applied behavior analysis helped him quickly learn the skills he could not learn while he was frozen in autism. After we implemented these therapies for one year, the state re-evaluated Evan for further services. They spent five minutes with Evan and said, "What happened? We've never seen a recovery like this."
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ReplyDeletei love you Enty :)
ReplyDelete"There was another photo where it looked like there was tongue, but this is a family blog."
made me lol
I love you too, Enty!!
ReplyDelete"The dog s back, and the Target pup too"
The target pup has fewer fleas...
Ah, Kiefer. So glad you're keeping it together. Blah, I was gonna threaten to fight you for him, but I decided to let this fish get away - he's all yours! But you have to promise not to let him go to waste.
ReplyDeleteKate Walsh finally found a flattering look! She usually looks so dumpy to me.
Ms. Snarky, that other comment was removed by its author, not Enty. I think you just ran into one of Blogger's many glitches. I've had that same problem before - I thought I posted, but my comment wasn't there when I looked for it. Maybe Blogger feels the need to make up for the double posts it gives other people? :)
When I saw that pic of Sean and Robin I immediately thought about the Lainey blind concerning the coked out actress. I know it's not her (not known for TV) but my goodness she looks BAD.
ReplyDeleteJJ, actually, she was on Santa Barbara originally. I loved her on that show.
ReplyDelete(But of course, most of the rest of the blind doesn't fit her. Not that that means she isn't on something. :( )
ReplyDeleteEnty: I think we need an autism awareness day on the site.Today 1 out of 150 children are diagnosed with Autism. The figures are alarming compared to what they were years ago.
ReplyDeleteIts unfortuntate that the medical industry isn't doing more. Most improvements are made by a combination of diet,supplements and aggressive behavioral therapy. Not to mention the other homeopathic remedies (chelations, Oxygen chambers)that are NOT covered by insurance. The diagnosis of Autism can financialy cripple a family. My mother moved out of California and to Wisconsin when my brother was diagnosed just to get better, more afforadable treatment. MY heart goes out to all families of special needs childres.