Tuesday, October 14, 2008

One Night

I want to say upfront that I am not condoning the behavior of Gerard Butler. In this one case though, maybe. See, Shanna Moakler to me is one of the worst excuses for a human being on the planet. She goes from guy to guy always searching for someone more rich or more famous or someone who can help her career. I never feel any of it is for love. If you believe Travis Barker, and at this point I have no reason not to, Shanna only went to see him in the hospital for publicity. This is the father of some of your kids and you only went to see him almost dying in the hospital for publicity? Plus, she had the nerve to throw him under a bus when he said that. She started rattling off about how tragedies bring people together or split them apart. True, but maybe for the sake of your kids you could suck it up and put aside your differences while daddy is laying in the hospital after a plane crash. I also heard she was pissed that the hospital would not let her bring food into the room where he was staying and she wanted to do her nails, and kept calling and talking to people on the phone and they were ready to kick her out when she called it a day.

I documented in one of the jackass blinds what she did to her friends and her "staff." So, the fact that Gerard Butler appears to be letting her make an ass out of herself for his affections and his money is kind of humorous. Actually it is really humorous. I just hope that when Gerard took her home for a few hours that he used like some kind of triple latex formula because, this is Shanna Moakler we are talking about here.


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