Friday, October 24, 2008

Mooshki - Movie Review - Zach And Miri Make A Porno

This isn’t really going to be a review - I think you either like Kevin Smith’s movies or you don’t. This is a VERY Kevin Smith movie. Not my favorite (how can you compete with Dogma?) but definitely one of his better ones. I have to see it again; I missed a good chunk of the dialogue because I was laughing so loud (along with the rest of the audience). One of my favorite parts was when they were trying to come up with a title for their porno. I love porn titles that are take-offs of other movies (Forrest Hump, Edward Penishands) so I was dying at some of their ideas. Some things that stood out for me: Justin Long was surprisingly good at a role that’s quite different from the ones he usually plays (I can’t say anything about it without giving good stuff away). I think Traci Lords has been away from porn for too long - she seemed to be doing more “acting,” while Katie Morgan was a brilliant, naturally at ease, happy porn girl. Kevin’s wife, Jennifer Schwalbach, was gorgeous in her bit. In Clerks 2 she was way too thin and looked scary, but she’s gained a couple of pounds and it looks great on her. Saving the best for last: Yes, Mewes does full frontal (woo hoo!). He’s certainly not in Snoop’s league, but he was nicely groomed, and I think Pink would find it pretty. I can’t wait for the screen captures for FFF!

Warning: I can see why Kevin had to fight so hard with the MPAA - this is definitely a hard R for sexuality. (Although, imo, infinitely less offensive than the violence in a typical R action movie.) There actually isn’t a whole lot of full nudity, and of course there’s no penetration, but there’s a lot of implied kinky sex, including one particular scene that made me think Kevin thought to himself “what’s the most disgusting thing I can do to Jeff Anderson in this film?”

Another warning: You will NEVER be able to look at a Star Wars movie the same way again.

If you’re a Kevin Smith fan, this is a definite must-see!


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