It is tough to comprehends the level of assitudeness that John Edwards is reaching. I don't think there has ever been anything quite approaching it. Sure, Balthazar Getty came close, but his wife wasn't dying of cancer. True, he chose Sienna Miller, which makes it close, but I think John Edwards is the clear winner of the a-hole of the year award. I know there are still a couple of months in the year remaining for someone to do something spectacular, but I just don't see someone catching him.
The Washington Post was covering a speech that Elizabeth Edwards gave Monday night and she was not wearing her wedding ring for the first time ever that anyone could remember. You would think John would have been the best husband in the whole world after all the recent revelations. Nope. Guess again. Instead of spending time with the woman he has been with forever he has instead been spending a great deal of time with Rielle Hunter and her child. His child? I don't know. Guess if he grows up with a twang and a penchant for cheating we will know it is his.
So, not only do you abandon your terminally ill wife, but you go back to the woman that caused all the trouble in the first place? You would rather hang out with Rielle than your dying wife? Does John Edwards even have anyone who wants to be with him? I mean friends? Would you be his friend? I think he is disgusting and to turn your back on your family to be with someone as awful as Rielle Hunter automatically earns you the a-hole of the year.
unfortunately this does not surprise me much...I couldn't agree more with your last sentence.
ReplyDeleteI say good for his wife - let her spend her last days in peace not feeling like shit over his infidelities! Let him go and hang out with Rielle. Maybe she'll love him and leave him - she's a cheater too. Karma sucks man.
ReplyDeleteHe is an absolute a hole, he deserves that award this year, no question about it!
ReplyDeleteIt shows how much he lied when he was caught.
can you imagine how the kid will feel when it hears this abouot it's parents behavior? What a f'd up mess to be born into.
SIGH another political hack going down the road of scandal. Whatever is the world coming to ?
ReplyDeleteSo, not only do you abandon your terminally ill wife, but you go back to the woman that caused all the trouble in the first place?
ReplyDeleteenty, it takes two. he's a motherfucker and she did not cause ALL the trouble in the first place, they both share equal blame.
how can any woman trust a man who cheats on his wife? what a dipshit.
Remember that South Park episode from years back when John Edward (the psychic) won the biggest douche in the universe award? I think John Edwards should be next.
ReplyDeleteITA, Molly, it takes two. Or more in some instances.
ReplyDeleteOr more in some instances.
what you think you know about his skumbaggedness is just the tip of the iceberg.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the wife kicked him to the curb. Dying or not, very few women would stick with a jerk off like him. He also probably thinks it's ok to shack up with the mistress since it's out in the open anyway. At least he's being a father to one of his children.
ReplyDeletesandman - if you have some additional information I'd love to hear it.
ReplyDeleteCan you imagine if the Dems nominated this ass, THEN all this stuff came out??? Hoooooo boy.
ReplyDeleteif this were just a regular couple i'd whole heartedly agree but seeing as this is a politician's marriage i bet we're not getting the whole story....you never know,half of them are gay and the other are all for show.
ReplyDeletehe sure comes off like a dick though!
can you imagine how the kid will feel when it hears this abouot it's parents behavior? What a f'd up mess to be born into.
ReplyDeletekatja, the kid has to assholes for parents. With parents like that there's a good chance the kid will be raised to be a cold, selfish, uncaring, asshole too. After all we are a product of our environment.
I meant two assholes for parents. And yes the delete button has been removed as an option.
ReplyDeleteComparing Sienna Miller to cancer did make me giggle, then feel guilty.
ReplyDeleteSandman, I'm not at all surprised to hear that - yet would love to hear more.
ReplyDeleteAt least Elizabeth can keep her dignity now, rather than be the poor woman who stuck by him.
ReplyDeleteActually, she's been seem ALOT of times without her wedding ring.
ReplyDeleteThis is one from January 08
Crap, here's the link
sorry for my poorly worded post, got nothing to add, met him years ago & saw this coming tho. there will be more douchebaggery from this nutcase.
ReplyDeleteits not surprising that his lifelong love is really himself.
There might be more douchebaggery coming, but it won't be in the political arena. This dumbass has screwed himself for all time in that regard. I'm going to raise 10 shades of hell if he tries to play the sympathy card when poor Elizabeth passes on.
ReplyDeleteSome people don't know how good they have it until they don't have it anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'm hoping that Elizabeth threw his ass out of the house and pushed him toward the skank. Remember when Yoko threw John Lennon out? He came crawling back (two years later, but still....)
I'm hoping that's why she wasn't wearing her ring, to show people she was threw with him, not the other way around.
I hope she changed her Will and leaves not even a penny to this asshole.
ReplyDeleteOh, John. It's okay! I know you're still a philandering cocksmoke. It's okay, though, because that one thing you had left? Your political career? Oh yeah. That's basically over.
ReplyDeleteHey, I think I see a fleet of ambulances! Go and get 'em, you dumb, hypersexed douchenozzle.
TERMINAL Elizabeth Edwards isn't terminal in the sense of the word that we're used to hearing. She's not going to be dead in five years. She cancer is extremely slow progressing and is technically classified as terminal because it currently cannot be "cured". However, given that treatment is keeping it static, she'll probably outlive most of us. Not to say she doesn't have problems and issues and deserves our sympathy - she does. But she isn't dying any faster than the rest of us.
ReplyDeleteI agree with molly--it was up to that fucktard to stay faithful to his wife. If it wasn't that chick, it would have been another chick. He's got a special place in Hell waiting for him. I knew a guy who cheated on his wife when she had cancer. Not terminal but FFS, that's some low shit to pull on your spouse.
ReplyDeleteher cancer... HER. oops.
ReplyDeletefyi, yoko ono was a groupie that got into the hotel room of mcartney & as a joke him & his buds sent her over to johns room.
ReplyDeleteneedless to say they were floored when dumbass lennon decided she was his soulmate & the beatles were soon history.
He and Rielle Hunter deserve each other. You can bet anything, too, that she thinks she won some big prize by "getting him" to leave his wife. Oh lordy, I hope I get to see when the chickens come home to roost for those two.
ReplyDeleteI feel the most for the Edwards' children. Hopefully Elizabeth is able to compensate for that asshole she married.
The title of this article is hilarious. What a slime.