John Edwards Wants You To Know He Is Still An Ass
It is tough to comprehends the level of assitudeness that John Edwards is reaching. I don't think there has ever been anything quite approaching it. Sure, Balthazar Getty came close, but his wife wasn't dying of cancer. True, he chose Sienna Miller, which makes it close, but I think John Edwards is the clear winner of the a-hole of the year award. I know there are still a couple of months in the year remaining for someone to do something spectacular, but I just don't see someone catching him.
The Washington Post was covering a speech that Elizabeth Edwards gave Monday night and she was not wearing her wedding ring for the first time ever that anyone could remember. You would think John would have been the best husband in the whole world after all the recent revelations. Nope. Guess again. Instead of spending time with the woman he has been with forever he has instead been spending a great deal of time with Rielle Hunter and her child. His child? I don't know. Guess if he grows up with a twang and a penchant for cheating we will know it is his.
So, not only do you abandon your terminally ill wife, but you go back to the woman that caused all the trouble in the first place? You would rather hang out with Rielle than your dying wife? Does John Edwards even have anyone who wants to be with him? I mean friends? Would you be his friend? I think he is disgusting and to turn your back on your family to be with someone as awful as Rielle Hunter automatically earns you the a-hole of the year.