It's The Call Of The Chicken Wings
John Daly was taken to jail over the weekend and I don't think anyone noticed. I don't know how many of you know who John Daly is, but he is a world class drunk and a world class golfer who basically let the drinking win out. Oh, and the gambling. Yeah, he is such a gambler that he won $700,000 in a tournament once and within 8 hours had flown to Vegas and blown it all plus another few hundred thousand. He has been married four times, with one of those wives spending time in federal prison with her dad for some kind of fraud thing. Anyway, I thought it was kind of sad that he was picked up by the cops in North Carolina and I didn't even see anything on ESPN.
John wasn't actually arrested. He was just escorted to the drunk tank to sleep it off. Apparently John was on his tour bus and he, and everyone else on board decided that stopping at Hooters would be a great idea. Well after eating 100 chicken wings and drinking six pitchers of beer all by himself, people did not want John back on the bus. Not sure why since it was his bus. Possibly a gas problem? Who knows. So, he did what anyone would do after eating and drinking that much. He fell asleep in the parking lot. For some reason this is against the law in North Carolina. I guess he was blocking parking spaces or something. Maybe snoring too loud? Anyway, the cops took him to jail. One of John's friends who sounds like a real winner decided to call the police a few choice words and so he actually was arrested. Real winner in all of this? Hooters. All the free publicity plus they are a sponsor of John Daly. They must be proud.