Thursday, October 09, 2008

If You Are In Los Angeles Or...

If you are in Los Angeles or can be in Los Angeles next Friday night October 17th, I would love to have you attend the official wrap party for LA Fashion Week and of course write about it as well. Oh, and photos. Need photos. So, a camera other than your cell phone would be good. I think it is a party and a fashion show and I'm sure there will be booze. It is probably bring your own coke, but if you forget, you can probably find some there. Send me an e-mail if you are interested.


  1. I'll have to let you know - depends on if there's a winner in the 500 Powerball tickets I bought. ;)

  2. Well hell yeah, Ent. I could make a trip cross-country.

    Might even bring my own...

    Y'all have fun!

  3. Will you springs for a new frock and a pair of Louboutins?

    One of these days I'm going to take you up on one of these SoCal offers, but I've got family plans next Friday.

  4. I think my head just exploded!! I want to go, but have no one to go with :( . Marriage really ruins ones social life j/k All my girlfriends live kinda far. Darnit, I guess I will have to read about on the blog as usual. I'll get back to you if I can find a sidekick

  5. Is there a weight requirement, because they might turn me away at the door.

    I will be in the area though....(see screename)

  6. maybe that should have been "screen name"

  7. I just moved to LA and I think I'll have the time...but I also have no one to go with. Violet, maybe we could meet up? This sounds like fun!

  8. Meant to add...lachickforever, would you seriously be interested in going? I'm no twig (size 8) so I hope I wouldn't get turned away. But I don't know how these things work.

  9. sorry, ent, you'll just have to settle for the "bolt" cast and crew.
    oh, yeah, and they search us at the door for cameras and phones, but i think we get them back for the party. and there's never any stars or anything.
    but there's booze!

    and i'll be panicking about packing for the cruise on friday (in fact, i'm already panicking!), so the rest of you so cal girls will have to go without me!

  10. sdbb, I don't think I will make it, but if you are new to the area I would suggest you definitely try to go. Do you have any coworkers or neighbors to go with?

  11. Oh, man. We don't even HAVE a fashion week in Calgary! *L*

  12. lachickforever, I might ask my friend -- he will probably be available. I e-mailed ent to see about going. I guess everyone will know if I end up going! :)

  13. Man I wish I could go.


    I can already see my 6'4" 272 lbs ass in every pic. Drinking all the booze up. Snorting all the models up. Ya, I said models. Snorting the actual models. They're prolly full of coke anyhow. It'd be like a two for one.

    And then the caper: Running down the runway with cdan painted on my belly doing a bellyflop right on top of the Jonas brothers.

    Man, that would be a three'fer!

  14. "I'm no twig (size 8)"

    BWAHAHAHA! God bless LA. We build 'em nice and hearty in the midwest. I don't think I know a single person under a size 10. :)

    I nominate Trogdor as the CDAN rep!!! (But only if you bring a friend to capture it all on video!)
