Thursday, October 09, 2008

Eva Takes Out Her Claws

Eva Mendes apparently doesn't think much of Jennifer Lopez as an actress and is not shy about letting the world know it. While she thinks Jennifer does a little of this and a little of that, Eva is busy concentrating on being the best actress around.

Eva says that she actually cares about the craft of acting, while Jennifer is more concerned about the craft service. No, she didn't say that, but she did say that Jennifer cares more for the money and perks that go with being an actress than the actual craft of acting itself.

"I would like to think I will have a more serious career than J.Lo. We may both be of Latin origin but that’s where the comparisons stop. She manages her career like the head of a big corporation, whereas the only thing I care about is becoming the best actress possible."

Of course, Eva says this probably with a nice piece of hypocrisy in her mouth because, if I'm not mistaken hasn't Eva been everywhere lately doing all that CK stuff? Not exactly about the profession of acting, but more trying to make a name for yourself and getting as much money in your hands as fast as possible. Plus, she could have made the photos less wild, but then the attendant publicity would not have been there. While I admit that Eva is a better actress than Jennifer, I would also admit that anyone who has memorized any lines to their favorite television show or film is a better actress than Jennifer.

And why all the animosity Eva? Why the harsh words? See, I think it is because she needs attention. You don't have to say these kinds of things in an interview. You generally say them if you are just a very blunt person which Eva can be, but not always, or you are saying them for shock and attention which is the more likely scenario. Don't worry Eva, Jennifer isn't going to take that new role away that you both are up for. In fact, I don't think it will be either of you, but that is just me. What the hell do I know?


  1. What goes around comes around. JLo said something very similar about Madonna a few years back without the Latin origin part..... and they ALL suck.

  2. Don't you sometimes wish celebs would just stop talking altogether outside of their jobs? It just never ends well...

  3. molly, since I have so much time on my hands, I can actually respond to these posts .. while i think eva is very attractive, I dont think she is all that great of an actress, and jlo .. well, there are not enough adjectives in the english language to express my deep loathing for her .. i guess enty is right, eva is looking for attention .. remember she was the blind last year .. that I guess correctly first .. (pat pat) about the actress strutting around starbucks ..

  4. I've never considered myself to be a J.Lo fan, per se, but I have to admit that I love 'Out of Sight' and watch it whenever it comes on. Couldn't tell you a thing Mendes has been in, and while she's okay looking, she's not that memorable, frankly. I'm thinking that if she's serious about becoming a crafted thespian, she might want to lay off pushing product and whatever landed her in rehab and concentrate on choosing diversive roles which will stretch her alleged talent. It looks to me like all of her recent choices, film or otherwise, have had more to do with financial gain and image than with art. I'm not saying that Jennifer's any different, but at least she can act, dance and sing at an acceptable level. Whether you like the woman or not, the girl has talent and it's indisputable.

  5. wait, didnt we think that jlo was the answer to the blind about the singer who had someone else do the vocals on her albums, or was that someone else?

  6. Sorry, Enty, but I don't think Eva can act at all. Didn't you see "Ghost Rider"? My dining room chairs can act better than she did in that crap!

    I'm not a J-Lo fan, either, but every now and then, she surprises me. Have you seen "El Cantante"? I also liked her in "Selena."

    Of course, you never know in what context she made those remarks. It sounds on the surface to be a sudden stream of consciousness, but perhaps she was reacting to a question put to her about J-Lo that she might not otherwise have talked about? "Eva, tell us what you think about your career compared to J-Lo." That kinda thing. Just a thought....

  7. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I really am not a J-Lo fan will not run to go see her movies. My mother on the other hand loves her. So since my mom loves her I take her to her movies. Some I have liked some I have not. El Cantante even though it did not get good ratings I feel the movie was not that bad. Another one was Bordertown and Shall We Dance I enjoyed it that I even bought the DVD.

    Eva sounds like a jealous cat. While JLo has cosmetics, music, movies, etc.. going on for herself what does Eva have. She is lucky she comes out in movies.

  8. If they really want a good Latino actress to play the part, they should pitch it to America Ferrera.

  9. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Ent says, "What the hell do I know?"

    Compared to most of us, you know EVERYTHING, lol. That's why we're here! Your word is gospel, and you are the messiah of our gossip worlds!!

    Thanks for all the dirt! Never forget that a lot of people love you for it, and you brighten a lot of drab non-hollywood lives. Your "little site" lets us escape into a whole new world where we can forget our problems and just dish on your zany neighbors.

    So, THANK YOU!

    (ok, I'm done lavishing praise on you for now.)

  10. Ha, just realized - my favorite Eva movie is "Out of Time," and JLo is "Out of Sight." :)

  11. Whatever...the only reason Eva is put in movies is to take her clothes off and have sex (training day, we own the night) And at least JLo (as much I hate her) has opened her own movie. Eva Mendes always plays the girlfriend of a big star who just has to take her clothes off. Yeah, great acting, lady.

  12. donna- JLo was the popular guess about the "milli vanilli" style singer because live she sounds like ass. I think there was a reveal somewhere about it being someone else but I don't remember for sure.

  13. I thought the 'milli vanilli' style singer was Paula Abdul.

    I remember hearing a snippet of "Opposites Attract" a few days after Ent posted that blind and laughed because it sounded about right - voice that isn't distinctly hers, with quite a bit on producing piled on top.

  14. i think the vote was split between jlo and paula abdul since they both suck. only a few stragglers thought it was mariah or whitney or beyonce.

    donna, go home early. nobody will know!

  15. Paula Abdul's people acknowledged years ago that her voice was "blended" with another singer's on her first album. It is true, but it is old news. I don't remember the exact wording of this particular blind item so I'm not sure if this one is about Paula.

    Whitney has a "shadow voice" who is a singer who assists her live performances.

    Going back a few years, Martha Wash from the Weather Girls was the voice behind the sexy singers of several groups. I think Black Box "Everybody, Everybody" was one of the songs but I might be getting confused. I have too much time on my hands also.

  16. Cheryl, Martha Wash also sang with C&C Music Factory. She was everywhere. I think she passed away.

    It's too bad there aren't enough good Latina actresses in Hollywood to shut these two up and shove humble pie down their throats.

  17. I know you love her, Enty, but I can't take this ho seriously. She's just a swarthier Jessica Simpson to me. I recently came across some interview where she claimed to find intelligence sexy because she's so dumb and needs someone to teach her everything. There's something about her that rubs me the wrong way.

    And, I mean, my hatred for J-Lo is primary based on the fact that she wears so much goddamn fur. I'm not getting into it, don't worry, but her music and movies bore me otherwise. I wouldn't seek them out or anything. But it's still more impressive to have made a massive and unjust amount of money simply for having a huge ass and the second most nasal voice on the planet (besides Sarah Palin) and actually head your own company and trick people into buying shit with your name on it instead of, say, fashioning your career on the model of the Sex Bomb actress who poses topless any chance she can and can't actually act worth a shit. J-Lo can sort of act. I mean, she's not as distractingly awful as Mendes. But she still sucks.

    Oh, and her twins are unfortunate looking. Sorry, but they are.

  18. How can Eva even craft her acting skills while carrying that casting couch around on her back?

  19. rebecca:

    I think Martha's alive and well. At least according to imdb and they would know, I think :-)

  20. rebecca, there are plenty of talented, capable Latina actresses. There just aren't enough good roles for them, and too many investors aren't willing to spend money on someone unknown when a good part comes up. So that leaves us with a handful of actresses -- some talented, some not. As I said earlier, America Ferrera would be a WAY better choice than either of these two publicity hounds. Even Constance Marie or Maria Canals-Barrera would be a better choice than either one of these women.

  21. Hell, if you're talking Latina actresses, Roselyn Sanchez is hotter and more talented than both of them put together!

    Don't worry, Ernestine, I think Enty would love to spend a long weekend with Eva, but I don't think he's got her on a pedestal. :)

  22. ernestine wrote: "She's just a swarthier Jessica Simpson to me."

    LOL. Now that you mention it... that's a perfect description of her!

    I truly despise J. Lo, but she is a better actress.
