Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Buckle Up Everyone

Nicole Richie got her drivers license back last week. How come no one told me? I have been driving in the same city as an on the loose Nicole Richie for 11 days, and didn't know it. Her license was suspended for one year, and that suspension ended last week. Now she is just on a restricted license, which when you are a celebrity means jack crap. For a working stiff it means you can drive yourself to and from work and that's it. For a celebrity though they can claim almost anything is work related because if you are famous enough you will get your photo taken and that contributes to your career success and lets face it, if she wants to go out to dinner she can call the place and say I am coming to eat there, give me $500 and they would probably do it so it becomes work related.

Now, she still does have six more months of DUI classes. Do you think she will make it through the remaining six months without getting busted again? Do you think she learned her lesson? See, I think she did learn her lesson, but that she is very strong willed and has a temper. Therefore I think if she was hammered and got into an argument that her lesson would be forgotten and she would get behind the wheel just out of spite. I'm hoping that the fact she has a child would dissuade her from that, but you never know. I do know that if she pulled a Richie Sambora that Joel Madden would take the kid away from her.

I say she gets pulled over before the six months is up because there is something going on with her that is going to crack here very soon.


  1. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I think there are many people in LA that your should be more afraid of. In fact, the list is so long I'm not even going to start it. I'll leave that to ya'll, lol.

  2. hmm sounds like someone knows something - she fit any recent blinds ??

  3. Oooh, can't wait to hear! Please let it be that she's still not over DJ AM. I want them back together so bad.

  4. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Ent, how can you tease like that??? What's going on with her? Back in August, you said they weren't getting along and that it was a rebound relationship for both of them and that they were fighting every day. Are they breaking up? Did AM's accident bring up old feelings?

  5. Maybe "crack" is a clue ??

  6. By the way...I'm a long-time lurker here and have just started posting. Love this site and all the related discussions. Sad to say, I'm an Enty addict ;)

  7. Argh. Way to leave us hanging, Enty...
    For the sake of her daughter, I hope the "something" isn't anything as bad as crack, though.

  8. Join the club, racerspr1 :)

  9. racerspr1, I thought maybe "crack" is a clue too. Perhaps she has fallen off the wagon?

  10. Man I don't want to hear anything bad about her. I was so happy when she finally started to get it together. Now Katie Cruise hitting the crack pipe I could so get on board with.

  11. Crack couldn't compare to my Enty addiction, racerspr1. :)

  12. Baby Harlow is so cute. Nicole sure looks like hell. Didn't anybody ever tell her to never the house without make-up 'cuz you never know who you might run into? Crap, my Mother started telling me that when I was in Junior High.

    Enty is such a tease. I think crack is a clue too.

  13. I thought it would be more harrie than crack. Ah well, I hope she is doing fine. I don't mind the no make up- damn she has a kid and it is nice to see someone look normal.

  14. I heard Nicole is jonesing for her heroin again.

    Also did anyone else hear that she and Portia de Rossi had a thing going on a few years ago?

  15. in the picture of her in the randoms today, she looks like hell. like...well, like if she weren't holding a kid, i would say she looked smacked out.
    eesh. she is holding a kid, so i sure hope she isn't.

  16. crack is whack Nicole.

  17. speaking of "crack is whack"

    does anyone know if that interview with Whitney is on the net anywhere?

  18. If she is looking smacked out, I hate to think what people would have said about me when I had a one year old and went to the mall for whatever reason on whatever day... Or even today. You get to the point when you have a child (especially a young one) that some things just don't matter as much as they used to. I just want us to get out of the door with *hopefully* matching shoes on everyone. :-)

    I REALLY do hope that she is OK though - for whatever reason I have really been rooting for her.

  19. Cali - my aunt was the same way if she saw me without lipstick "no matter what you never leave the house without lipstick"

    Diana - I hear you, I think I have looked tired like that for the last 12 years lol
