Better Keep Going To Those Parties
Ahhh, I really dislike writing about Heidi Montag unless of course there is something bad to write about. So, it is with great pleasure that I can write about Anchor Blue dropping the Heidiwood line of clothes. Apparently they didn't sell jack crap. Of course, they released a lovely statement that said they chose not to renew her contract because they were going to focus on what made them big in the first place, but lets face it, her line sucked.
If Heidiwood had been a big seller don't you think they would have found a place for it? Yeah, me too. No company throws away money. They thought, like others that television popularity equals people wanting to buy clothes from that person. Umm, people are not going to wear ugly clothes just because someone is on television. If that were the case, Lindsay's leggings would be flying off the store shelves and not being the target of jokes. Hell, Lindsay knows they are so bad even she has stopped wearing them.
Now with that being said if some fat guy store wants me to create a line of clothes for them, let me know. Basically my vision is just big t-shirts and huge tighty whiteys. Nice isn't it? Yeah, it is something the whole family enjoys seeing.