So, yesterday I ran a photo of Sophie Monk in the photos. I know most of you didn't see it because most of you were off yesterday while I toiled away, and typed my fingers to the bone for those of us who actually did have to work yesterday. Anyway, when I was looking at the photo and wondering what the side effects to botox are, I started remembering how she and Ryan Seacrest were supposedly dating. Remember those stories? A laugh a minute here, but for some reason in Australia, they believe them. Maybe they don't think Sophie would lie to them or maybe they are just glad she is rid of Benji Madden. I can see that. Actually Sophie doesn't ever say yes or no.
It is interesting though that Ryan got a nice little boost of heterosexualness when the story first came out. And now, wouldn't you know it, Ryan is producing a reality show for Sophie because lets face it, what we need is someone no one knows and have people record her life. Seriously, this is what you get for pretending to go out with Ryan Seacrest? A reality show? I could put up with bad clothes and 80's hair gel for a couple of days for a television show. In case you are curious about the title of the show it is called "Better Than Paris." Yeah, well that's like saying stepping in cat crap is better than stepping in dog crap. Oh, and guess what? There is a bidding war. Yeah. MTV and E! are supposedly dying to air it and keep raising the price. Why? Does anyone really care? Tell me if you do and I will shut up about it.
i don't even know who that chick is......and my worst frenemy from high school is better than Paris...hell Sarah Palin is better than Paris.....ok well maybe i took that one too far.....my vote : i am SICK SICK SICK to death of reality shows.....I don't watch ANY of them and it annoys the HELL out of me that the same one is one like 4 freaking channels at the same time - yah i'm talking to you DWTS...PLEASE bring back intelligent programming or at least decent dramas.......SIGH.i'm done now thanks for listening :P -sorry its voting day up here and elections make me cranky !!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you Enty--I don't care in the least bit.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting yesterday. Those of us without a life appreciated it.
I used to love The Osbournes. Now I curse them for starting this suckass trend of "real life" shows. Don't lump my beloved competition reality shows (i.e. Survivor, Amazing Race, Project Runway) in with these losers, please!
ReplyDeletewas ent being snarky or is that really the title??? dont make fun!!1 im just a little gullible!
ReplyDeleteReality shows as far as I see it they are staged. I can't stand them either find them boring and stupid.
ReplyDeleteAHA! It all makes sense now. I just posted in the picture thread that she spent a weekend in a Vegas hotel with Nigel Lythgoe. The Uber-Producer arranged every bit of this.
ReplyDeleteSo Enty, you'd trade bearding Ryan for a show, but would you trade 3 days of sex with Nigel and his Viagra?
ReplyDeletecanadachick, I agree with you wholeheartedly!
ReplyDeleteBut I think Sophi Monk is UGLY. I see nothing hot about this chick whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteI could care less. I never watch any of those reality show ho's
ReplyDeleteWait a minute… isn’t Seacrest currently producing a show with Paris? Also, he has produced so many failed reality shows already (the Kardashians being the exception), it's a wonder he's still the busiest man in the biz.
ReplyDeleteThe only types of reality shows that are even worth watching are the competitive ones... watching some no-name celebutard buy groceries and spoil their pomeranian has just never been my thang... If no one's getting voted off at the end of the show then what the fuck is so entertaining about it???? Seriously these shows are made for people who have boring-ass lives (or who idolize these bimbo socialites and want to know all the slutty details).
ReplyDeleteThink I'll pass.