Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Anne Hathaway Has A Healthy Fantasy Life

So, it is always with great trepidation that I read any article over at Kneepads magazine because you have to dig through the adjectives to find any kind of meat to the story. If the article is an interview with Anne Hathaway, I am doubly cautious. The headline is what got me. People claims that Anne has a sexy new mystery man. To me, that implies. Hell, it doesn't even imply. To me that says she is dating some guy who is sexy and she doesn't want anyone to know who he is. Well, let's look at her quotes to People about said mystery guy. These are all taken in order and in context.

"This guy I know in L.A. is kind of doing it for me right now."

OK, when I read that I say, ok People didn't lie in their headline and Anne found some new thief to love. It also kind of says that she is just using him for sex, but really, whatever happens between two people is really none of my business unless they film it and it ends up on the internet and then I'm forced to watch an hour or so of boring sex between people I really don't care about.

"When I think of sexy, I think of him."

Kind of like when I think of cheeseburgers I think of In-N-Out. I can relate. So again, I think we are all agreed that she has a guy. Well, see what you think now.

"You know when sometimes you don't know someone very well – you'll probably never see them again – but you just meet them and you're like 'WOW, you really have it going on'?"

So, what I am getting from this is that she had a one night stand with some guy who was probably married or in a relationship or that she hired an escort. Or, it could be some guy she worked with or met a party and they had one date and then had sex. That really wouldn't be a one night stand. I just don't get the probably never see him again part which is why I thought of married or in a relationship. Or it could be one of those missed connections thing on Craigslist. Has anyone ever heard of anyone meeting someone on there? It is almost like you have to get lucky that the person you had a little crush on also had one on you and then one of you decided to post on Craigslist and the other person had to look that exact same day. That is like a million to one. Anyway, back to Anne.

"I'm totally single right now."

Umm, okay. So, it was just a one night stand or she doesn't ever expect to see him again? If you like someone that much and there was any hope, would you say that you were totally single?

And her last quote on the subject.

"But I happened to meet a sexy guy the other day."

OK, so now I'm thinking to myself she saw some guy at Starbucks and has been using her imagination and some alone time in the bedroom to turn this guy into reality.

If you want to read the article or what she has to say about working with Johnny Depp and her "friends", click here.


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