Friday, September 26, 2008


Well, if you want to listen to all of the new single from Britney Spears, here it is. I mean, this sure is a lot of hype from someone who hasn't had a decent record in a very long time, MTV Awards not withstanding. Take a listen, and you decide.


  1. she's gonna need a lot of t&a in that video. i guess it will make a good dance track.

    she should have done something slow and ballardy. teehee.

  2. Is she actually going to promote the album this time? If she will actually do some promotion this time around and stay sober enough to pull off some great choreography then she will do well. It was almost like pulling teeth just to get her to do videos for Blackout.

    It's nothing extremely special, but like quintessential said, it makes for a good dance track (which is pretty much what Britney's strength is/was anyway). I do think she won't have to show a lot of skin if, like I mentioned above, she has some amazing choreography going on in her vid. That's what her trademark was and so if she really wants to return to form she has got to nail the dancing.

    And yeah, I kinda like it. So sue me. It irks me that pretty much all anyone has to do is be generically catchy and fit in with all the other gernerically catchy songs but it is what it is.

  3. Does anyone know who wrote and produced this? And just to point out a little more how generically catchy this is, this could easily have been a Rihanna hit. Yeah, I definitely can hear Rihanna in my head right now on this.

  4. Gayla, she was shooting a video a day or two ago (live, not cartoon) and she's talking a tour. The clip from her rehearsals a couple of weeks ago looked really promising.

  5. You know what? FUCK the record labels anymore.

    This sounds like crap. Who is that singing--Kermit the Frog, for chrissakes?

    Britney, Paula, Madonna, and every other squeaky, computer-generated voice singer can kiss my ass.

    Hell NO I won't listen to it, heard three words and cut it off. I won't even dance to it in a club.

    I'm over NO TALENT people making money off the public. Fuck 'em.

  6. Hasn't had a decent record in a very long time? Then clearly you are unfamiliar with the fact that her last album was her best reviewed yet. And it was MORE than decent.

  7. Someone else suggested that this might be a Rihanna leftover...and I think you may be right...they didn't even bother completely remove the original vocals. She has a couple of other songs where you can clearly hear the original singer under her voice. I'm not sure Rihannas voice on this, but there's definitely another singer.

  8. Wow, those lyrics are deep. And the range of her voice! Now that's an artist.

    I'm sure it will make money if she promotes it. People seem willing to buy anything if it's packaged right.

  9. I like it, but I don't love it.
    It's got an infectious chorus that gets stuck in your head, but Britney has had better songs.

    I'm curious about the rest of the album, but not enough to pay for it.

  10. TylerLee, you said it for me. Blackout was amazing and it had some very great songs on it. Piece of Me, Toy Soldier, Heaven on Earth...all very good songs.

    And of course it's over-produced and her voice is digitized. She's BRITNEY. She didn't get famous because she's an excellent singer, she got famous because she's a performer and a story.

  11. Another monotonous danceable tune. The lyrics are so expansive - oh you're a womanizer oh you're a womanizer oh you're a womanizer.................oooohhh

    All Brit needs to do is put out a video with some fancy choreography and viola another hit.

    Next they'll put out the "extreme monkey mix version" that all the clubs will be playing.

  12. That song is crap! It's overproduced, monotonous, and boring. Does ANYONE actually SING anymore? I don't think I have seen a single group/person actually "singing" a song on TV in a really long time...everyone is always lipsyncing to a track (sometimes the freakin' CD cut, at that!).

  13. She just filmed the video last night in Downtown L.A. at a lounge called Elevate.

  14. another crap song that will no doubt rip through the charts...........because it's


    if paris or ali lohan did the same tune(produced the same way) it would be called crap.

  15. I love the song and everythhing about it!!!!!!!!

    Britney is BACK

  16. I listen to Britney for the same reason I go see crap movies - my life is serious enough, sometimes I just want/need some pure mindlessness.

  17. I listened to it earlier today. 34 seconds of my life I lost listening to what sounds overly produced techno robot.

  18. It sounds alright...

    I loved blackout and I thought it was her best album to date. I'll see how the rest of the album goes

  19. Gayla--

    It's funny that you mentioned Rihanna. I read somewhere a while back (dlisted, maybe?) that "Umbrella" was actually shopped to Britney first, but she was too out of it to take advantage of the offer. So then Rihanna's people snapped it up and !presto! one of the bigggest hits of the year. So yes, there are DEFINITELY similarities in their styles (and over-produced-ness). :)


  20. i LOVE the title ... did she "co-write" it about ME? :)

  21. Ok i found the lync to Britney's REAL VOICE. OMG its horrible!!! They left her mic on and recorded what she really sounds like when she's lip sync's. I new she wasn't the best singer in the world but WOW is all I can say. They just digitize the hell out of her voice in every song and thats why she can NEVER sing Live.

