I figure that if I am going to give Jennifer Lopez a big bunch of crap about her foot injury, that I owe it to her to say congratulations if she muddled through her severe foot injury and managed to complete the Malibu Triathlon. There are not many competitors who could have shaken off an injury like that. Sure, she had to cancel the Project Runway finale, but hey, no one wanted to see her on that anyway, and she used that time to get in the training room and had a team of doctors working on her constantly just to get that foot in shape. Knowing she couldn't let her charities down or the money she was going to get for the cover shoots, Jennifer showed the gritty determination and fire that has made her a mediocre singer and actress and completed the triathlon in about two and a half hours. You know what? She was only 40 minutes behind Matt "I run and swim everyday of my life" McConaughey so that sounds pretty good. I mean he trains everyday. He's a man's man right? So, Jennifer, considering how the rest of your career has gone, you may want to consider a career in these. At the very least, the more you get outside, the more your husband might start looking less like a skeleton and more like a human that is actually still breathing.
Congratulations. Now, if you hadn't been an idiot and made your husband's birthday party in New York, thus having to charter a plane, you might have actually made a buck or two from all these cover articles.
I will give her congratulations and the apology owed her for not believing she'd ever do it. The charities will benefit; I have my doubts about her motivation for doing this (more for personal PR than for altruistic reasons), but she did it, so props to JL.
ReplyDeleteCongrats to JLo for completing something like this, but it makes me stop and wonder just how much time she spends with those twins? Training for events like this takes a lot of time, couple that with all her other commitments (parties, photo ops, etc) and their just ain't that much left for the family.
ReplyDeleteSo, her foot was too injured to sit on a stoll and judge PRoject Runway, but not too injured to run a triathalon just a couple days later? Not that I mind her cancelling on PR. I love me some Tim Gunn. But JLo is full of shit.
ReplyDeleteMeh. Good for her, I say.
ReplyDeleteI still don't like her.
ReplyDeleteanother "meh".
Between PR and doing a Triathlon for charity I think she made a good choice where not to appear. At least it's for charity and a good cost.
ReplyDeleteGood for her!
ReplyDeleteprops to her!!! just goes to show we should probably hold off on the bashing until the race has been run.
ReplyDeleteCall me a cynic, but I think her sudden cancellation from Project Runway had less to do with resting her foot, and more to do the with rumors of her displeasure with the Weinsteins over not getting a role in one of their movies.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if she didn't wait until the very last minute cancel I might be more inclined to believe her, but her cancellation reeked as a pure Prima Donna move. Apparently, the PR folks were pissed. I hope this ruins her career but good.
Although I give JLo credit for doing this, it was NOT a full triathalon -- it was a half-mile ocean swim, 18-mile bike race, plus a four mile run. It also "attracts a wide range of Tinseltown celebrities."
ReplyDeleteI doubt you'll ever see her at the Ironman Triathalon.
grace, that's still hard.
ReplyDeletestephani, what do the weinsteins have to do with project runway? i don't watch the show, so i'm curious. are they producers or something?
Actually, JLo's time as a full hour behind Matthew McConaughey's, who clocked in after about an hour and a half, JLo--two and a half hours.
ReplyDeleteI don't give a crap if she got through and made it, it makes it all that more obvious that she pulled a diva move with Project Runway.
I would be mildly impressed that she did it after having the babies if it didn't have more to do with her pride and giant ego than any charity.
don't forget that ASS is a flotation device.
ReplyDeletegood for jho.
I'm no JLo fan, but good for her. The ocean swim would have done me in. And congrats to some of the other stars who competed (according to E!online): Felicity Huffman, William H. Macy, Jon Hamm, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Jon Cryer, Monique Coleman, Scott Foley and Anna Kournikova.
ReplyDeleteThis triathlon raised all of $127K for charity. While I do have to eat my hat for having never believed she'd complete the marathon, I'd be MUCH more impressed if she upped that paltry sum to something impressive and got the other celebrity participants to kick in more as well. $127K is appalling, and in this day and age, it doesn't buy much.
ReplyDeleteAnd then when I think about her flying back here to have a massive birthday party for her husband and the money she spent on it, money she could have given to that charity, I feel like throwing up on my keyboard. She simply hasn't any priorities.
ReplyDeleteThat last comment about a buck or two makes me realize that they are the answer to the BI about the couple who are broke, but for all intents and purpose act rich.
ReplyDeleteYes, the Weinsteins are the owners and producers of Project Runway. They were the ones that engineered PR's move from Bravo to Lifetime next year.
Here's the rumor, copy and pasted from MSNBC.
"One of the rumors swirling around Lopez's sudden injury is that she had no beef with "Project Runway," but instead was angry with The Weinstein Company, which produces the reality show.
"Jennifer was hoping for a part in an upcoming Weinstein film, and she was told the day before (the 'Project Runway' show) that she wasn't getting it," the source says. “She was angry, so she pulled out."
Here's the link with the whole scoop: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26706228/
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ReplyDeletestephani, thnx for the info and the great link. i think you're right, she blew it off because she was pouting and didn't get her way. that's why it made no sense for her to xcel when she was only going to be sitting on her ass anyways.
ReplyDeletei had no idea the weinsteins did anything other than movies. i need to watch more tv.
Would someone please pass the ketchup? This crow's awful dry.
ReplyDeleteI'm still shaking my head in shock that she actually went through with it -
So, congrats JLo -
I'm not shocked she went through it all.
ReplyDeleteNor should anyone else.
She's all about ego. She would have never given up, because it would have been admitting defeat in the public eye. The human will can do anything when your pride is involved.
The picture of JLo here running on the beach does make that rumor of an injured ankle seem made up.
ReplyDeleteyes it appears they are the answer to that blind about the couple who are broke. I think some peeps did guess them.
ReplyDeleteWell, she looks pretty and natural and ....I dunno...HAPPY here.
ReplyDeleteHmmm! Who'da thunk it?
And yeah, I gotta admit that an 18-mile bike ride is pretty frickin' hard any day, not to mention in a race with swimming and GD jogging throw in the mix.
ReplyDeletemeh, it was a mini, mini tri, not even a half. pulease.
ReplyDeleteI don't have the link but Splash News is reporting that she almost drowned because the waves were high and she couldn't swim and get this, her TRAINER had to help her. So hmm, her trainer was alongside her the whole way, thru every part? Uh huh sounds like the Katie Holmes Marathon scenario, complete with the afterparty with high heels and no sore feet or bandages.
ReplyDeleteEven if it was all JLo's effort, wasn't Enty's beef about her not understanding why Michael Phelps was celebrated for his 8 Olympic gold medals? So yeah JLo in case you're reading this: Sure you did a (MINI) triathlon (with your TRAINER) but hey why don't you do a full one, Olympic level, and have the best world record? Then I'd be impressed. As for now, meh. Not nearly. And you know what JLo I'm no couch potato, up until a couple years ago I worked out 6 hours a day, swimming, running, biking, weights you name it. For fun, not PR. So JLo you doing it is NOT the same as winning it. Your MINI Triathlon with your TRAINER alongside helping you do it is NOT the same as competing in the Olympics, ALONE. Got that? I was never impressed with you before and I sure ain't now.
She's still an ass.
ReplyDeleteAn ass that can complete a mini-triathalon, so that's something?
No, not really. I'm with you, Little Blue Pill!
This is not impressive.
ReplyDeleteThe only hard part is the swim. Anyone in mediocre shape can ride 18 miles and run for four.
the swim is only 9 full, there and back laps in a regulation size pool. its not a huge deal. okay, yes, its in the ocean so its harder than a pool, but again, mini mini tri.
ReplyDeleteMaybe its not even Jlo.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it is a look alike.
Maybe its not even Jlo.
ReplyDeleteMaybe it is a look alike.