Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today's Blind Items

This A list British actress who only does film has been in a very long term relationship. Wouldn't he be surprised to know that while doing press for her latest film, she has been spending each night in the director's bed. A few weeks ago he showed up in the city she was in as a surprise. Went to her room and she wasn't there even though it was 6am. She showed up in the hallway about 7am and they got into it right there in the hallway for 15 minutes, causing people to look out their doors. She finally got them inside her room, and apparently he forgave her or bought her story because he showed up on her arm that day at an event.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i know it's not helen mirren because she's done the pbs materpiece theather films.

  3. Anonymous3:44 PM

    kiera knightly?

  4. I'm a first time commenter... QS: I would LOVE for this to be Helen Mirren... has Kiera Knightley really been in a "very long term relationship"?

  5. I'm a first time commenter... QS: I would LOVE for this to be Helen Mirren... has Kiera Knightley really been in a "very long term relationship"?

  6. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Does a two week relationship count as "long term" if its Sienna?

  7. I thought Cate Blanchett too but turns out she's Australian.

    Rachel Weiss sounds good, especially because she and whatshisname are not married, and the BI only says LTR, not marriage. but per wikipedia they've only been dating since 2002, does that count as a very long relationship?

  8. A list denotes an award winning actress also she has only done films therefore I can only think of Tilda Swinton who has two lovers but is doing press for Burn After Reading these days.

  9. Keira is promoting the Duchess, the director of that is Saul Dibb. I know nothing about him.

    Cate B. is Australian.

  10. Rachel Weiss is a possibility: Her film "Brothers Bloom" was directed by Rian Johnson.

    This movie premiered at the Toronto film festival September 10th.

    And one would not give up a prize catch such as Weiss so easily; she and her boyfriend have a baby together.

  11. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Tilda is probably b-list, as much as I love her. And really, her stepping out on her man wouldn't be that big of a shocker (and her boyfriend is currently acting as her publicist for interviewing per a few interviews I've read lately). Also she's only been with her boyfriend for 4 years (but with the father of her twins for 15 prior to that).

    Rachel Weisz and Aronofsky have at least one kid together, I'd think that would be mentioned in the blind.

  12. ...and Aronofsky is also a director....

  13. If it was Tilda, it would not be news. I think it's Keira.

  14. I think its Helen Mirren, (even with the PBS stuff) She is in Randoms below and she is not married but been in VERY long term relationship, something like 17 years or so.

  15. I thought Winslet but she's married.


  17. I guess Helen IS married.

    Both Kiera and Rachel have done TV as well.


  18. Are you sure Rachel Weisz and Darren Aronofsky aren't married? Thought I saw something awhile back about them actually going thru with it. But then she made some asinine comment about how she was so surprised that he, being an American, actually had an awareness of the outside world that it really turned me off on her and I haven't liked her since so I wasn't keeping track of her marital status.


  19. Kiera Knightly

    Haven't read your posts but that one hit me right between the eyes.

    could be wrong of course

  20. Errr, I thought Kiera played for the other team? Unless she has a woman director currently.

  21. Hmmm I was going to guess Kate Beckinsale but she too is married. Nuts. I thought Keira and the model guy broke up recently?

  22. Keira has been linked with fellow British actor Rupert Friend for some months, but the relationship is not really classifiable as "very long term," which I would take to mean years and I don't think it's been years.

  23. Emma Thompson? Emily Blunt? Emily Watson?

  24. Helena Bonham Carter? I don't think she's married to Tim Burton...

  25. What the hell... Judi Dench.

  26. shazzzba I'm sure you might have something good to say but all I ever read of your posts is the first three words, those caps are annoying.

  27. Wild guess but what about Tim Burton and Helena Bonham Carter? I can see them for this couple.

  28. impertinent, i actually flashed on her, but tim IS her director most lately, isn't he? and they just had a kid after "sweeny todd".

  29. Out of curiosity, why are some people writing off actresses who are married?

    Kate Beckinsale would seem to be a GREAT guess; not only has she a movie to promote, but she fucked around on her first husband with a director (whom she later married).

  30. Anonymous4:57 PM

    ilda is a great guess. she has an oscar, so that makes her a-list, am i wrong?

  31. Anonymous4:58 PM


  32. Helena Bonham Carter... she slept with her good friend Emma Thompson's then-husband, Kenneth Brannagh. Which broke up the marriage and the friendship.

    Would NOT put it past her.

  33. Grace, how many thousands of people do you think are still furious about that? Emma & Kenneth were a dream couple. Witch.

  34. i know it's NOT her, but how funny would it be if it was emily blunt and whorehound buble? or did they break up? she's not a list anyways, i'm just thinking karma.

  35. Anonymous5:43 PM

    It's not Tilda, she has had a very open relationship with her boyfriend. In fact, at one point, she lived with her husband AND her boyfriend all under the same roof. I don't see her boyfriend acting super jealous if he knew the score when they first got together.

    I also don't think it's Helena BC and Tim Burton. As with Weisz, I think Enty would have mentioned that the significant other would be someone else famous. Plus she has been in a TV series in Britain before (5 episodes) and guested on Miami Vice of all things. :-p

    According to IMDb, Beckinsale has done quite a few television movies. As much as I like her, I also don't think that Kate would be considered A-list by Enty =(.

    Keira has also done a couple of TV movies, so if the item is 100% true and absolutely no television, then Keira wouldn't fit (plus, is she dating anyone right now?).

    Weisz has also done a few television movies. Mirren also has done quite a few television movies - she won 4 Emmys!

    Kate Winslet was in a television show in 1991, that that rules her out. Plus she's married to Mendes, so once again, I would assume that he would mention that whomever the actress is would be married to a major director.

    Honestly, I can't think of one British actress that hasn't at least done a TV movie here or over the pond! I'm stumped!

  36. I think "who only does film" means "doesn't do TV series," not "has never, ever made a television appearance." It's difficult for ANYONE to do solely film, unless it's someone brand new.

  37. mooshki, I'm with you on that one -- of course it takes two, but Kenneth Brannagh cheating with his wife's good friend..... oy!!

    Yes, I too am still fighting mad about it.

    But glad that Emma got on with her life and is a happy mom now.

    Hey, you know christopher -- your list of A-list British actresses who have done TV in their past have made me wonder if ENT doesn't really know his blind's history well enough. Hmmm.....

  38. Blunt and the whore broke up months ago. She's not with anyone right now.
    I think you're right, Grace, about Enty's knowledge. Or it's someone who did the occasional tv stint only in the UK, so we wouldn't have seen it. I'm also counting out any woman who's had a baby in the last year. They're too d*mned busy to be schtupping around.
    I never knew what broke up Emma and Kenneth. Thanks for that info. Totally revising my opinion of HBC.

  39. With regards to Kenneth and Emma, English friends told me years ago it was pretty common knowledge there that each was the other's beard (if you can use "common knowledge" and "beard" in the same sentence that way). In fact, one English friend, who doesn't seem to know anything about any celebrity, knew this, so that pretty much confirmed it for me right there.

  40. I wouldn't count out anyone who had a baby saying they're too busy. They have nannies, cooks, maids, personal assistants up the yingyang.

  41. judi, i thought i remembered reading they broke up. thnx for the confirmation.

    i still think it would be karma funny tho.

  42. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Kristin Scott Thomas.

  43. @Brenda: Oooh! Kristin Scott Thomas seemed like a good guess, but she's separated from her husband (they had a 17-year-marriage); it was broken up by her dalliance with an actor in a Chekov play so she hasn't anyone to chase her down in hotels, and she hasn't any movies to promote. Way to go, though!

  44. Keira- she's been dating Rupert Friend since Pride and Prejudice (2005). I think that constitutes long term relationship. I looked up Saul Dibb- not bad looking. Of course if I were into bedding directors, I would've sacked Joe Wright if I were Keira.

  45. Tilda might not be news, but if it's with her latest director..Joel Coen..that would be a shocker, eh?

  46. Anonymous12:37 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. ENT is sometimes all over the map regarding what is A-list, but my recollection is that he means the top moneymakers. The only British actress who is a top moneymaker is Keira K.

  48. Im wondering if it could be thandie newton, she is british and promoting rocknrolla with guy richie as her director. she is married but hes not known and they have been together since 1998 so its pretty long term.

  49. Judi Dench is almost as high profile for her TV work as for her film work. Even if ENT did was not as thorough as he should have been in looking at these actresses' backgrounds in TV, I can assure you he was very much aware of Dame Judi's work from 1992-2005 (13 years!) on As Time Goes By!

  50. After reading all this and doing a little independent fact checking of my own...

    I agree with localtourist and tomtyler... it's Keira.

  51. thandie newton did ER, no? she was Dr. Carter's wife. that's pretty recent tv work.

  52. Martin Scorcese is in the Random Photos today. What about him and Emily Mortimer? They have been working on Shutter Island. She's British. She's been married since 2003 (met in 2000). Not sure if married constitutes a "long term relationship". She hasn't done TV since 2000 and I don't know if any of her tv shows were shown in the US.

    Just a thought...

  53. btw, my first thought was Keira.

  54. My vote's with Keira too. She was in Toronto promoting The Duchess.

    Lyz, Emily was in 30 Rock in US, so she's definitely done TV.

  55. Whoops instead of Toronto I meant the UK Premiere.

  56. Binkym, I'm confused that Emma Thompson and Kenneth Brannagh were actually married beards -- each has gone on to hetero relationships and both have had children.

  57. I thought of Helena Bonham Carter first thing for this one

  58. @Grace: Plenty of gay people marry and have children, for reasons like wanting to appear straight to the public, or for mundane reasons like wanting to raise children of their own in what is considered a "conventional" family (like Mariska Hargitay).



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