Thursday, September 04, 2008

Today's Blind Items - From AP

It has been too long since we have heard from AP. Hell, it has been too long since I have heard from AP. But, she called me last night and told me about something she saw over the weekend. I personally hate this kind of thing, and I do want you to know that AP had a long talk with this woman and told her to call anytime day or night.

AP was working out, and she noticed this really attractive woman who was working out and crying at the same time. Not crying because it hurt or anything, but real tears. So, AP asked if there was anything wrong. Well, it turns out that the woman is dating a married former A list television actor. When I say A list, I mean he was A+ list. Aging. Not too old. Very famous relationships. Not doing much now. Well this actor is an a-hole but this woman is in love with him and he has her convinced that he is going to leave his wife, and yada, yada, yada. Now, this guy used to be really good looking, but now, not so much. Anyway, each morning he has the woman weigh herself and send him a video of her weighing herself. She has to send him photos everyday of how she looks and what she is wearing. If she doesn't weigh what she is supposed to or doesn't look acceptable he yells at her and screams at her and basically treats her like crap.

When AP spoke with her, the woman actually used words and phrases like "he doesn't like it" and "he demands perfection." AP just knows the guy and knows he yells and screams a lot so is assuming he berates her just like he has berated everyone he has ever been with. The ting is, he only sees this woman once or twice a week, but he still demands perfection everyday. Plus, she has to let him know exactly where she is going and with whom and she just does it all without question. The morning in question that AP saw her, the woman was two pounds over her ideal weight and so was trying desperately to work it off because our actor had threatened to not see her that night unless she did, and there were plenty of other women he could be seeing if she could not do it. The thing is, he has this woman so messed up in the head that she barely knows herself anymore. AP was almost crying when she shared this, and AP never cries. Ever.

Nice guy huh?


  1. Holy crap - that's harsh!

  2. I first thought Jerry Seinfeld b/c of the yada yada yada reference, but he's not so good-looking.

  3. I was thinking Tom Selleck but he seems so nice! lemmee think on it...

  4. I hope this is revealed someday. The guy is a puke..

  5. How sorry are we supposed to feel for her? He is a married man. Why does she continue to see him?

  6. Why does anyone date someone who makes them miserable? I just don't get it. Maybe that's why I'm single. :)

  7. good point mookshi, usually I am all over that but somehow I was feeling sorry for the hussy.

  8. and i'm dyslexic. MOOSHKI

  9. i thought of tom selleck too

  10. HAs Tom Selleck been in any high-profile relationships? I don't rememebr any...

    Burt Reynolds, on the other hand.

  11. Although BR was movies pretty much since the get-go (Deliverance).

  12. Jack Nicholson. He is the Ben Affleck of "aging but not too old" *L*

  13. The bloom is waaaay off of Tom Selleck, and he has to be at least mid-50's by now. My "not too old," I'd be putting this guy in his 30's, maybe early 40's. I don't watch enough TV to make a reasonable guess.

    But to read about a douche like that makes me happy I live in East Cowflop , for while there are douches here, nothing can equal a showbiz douche.

  14. jack nicholson is not married

  15. what about alec baldwin - has his divorce been finalized?

  16. Oh, Ted Dansen IS a good guess, but I hope it's not him. He did do the whole blackface thing, though. And Mary Steenburgen is a twig anymore...but he did marry Whoopi, too, so that throws me a little....

  17. Don Johnson? I love him, but I've read jerky things about him.

    AP needs to get her friend into therapy and out of that crappy relationship. While I blame the friend for her own heartbreak, I think we've all been stupid once (or more?) when it comes to love.

  18. Ted and Whoopi never married.

  19. Jack Nicholson is not a has-been TV star. My first thought was Alan Alda who was a huge TV star in the '80s, but he's too old.

    Some of you need to look into how bullying works, and how powerless the victim feels.

    This guy must have been in a big TV show in the 90's. What about Hasselhoff?

  20. Oh, well, if it's not Jack Nicholson, then I can only assume that this is Ben Affleck.

  21. ms_wonderland, BITE YOUR TONGUE!!! Alan Alda is a total sweetheart who is completely devoted to his wife. :)

  22. I automatically thought Alec Baldwin but he's divorced isn't he?

    Don Johnson - I'm co-signing on that!

  23. It sounds like someone in their 40's--"not too old."
    Who was on a hit show, married, WAS good looking, & you don't hear from much? Also famous relationships?

    It can't be most of the people named.
    None fit.

  24. Poor woman needs to kick that piece of merde to the curb and find a single man.

    Don Johnson is a good guess Califblondy. He did have hi-profile relationships and the A+ TV show.

    I thought Jerry Seinfeld at first because of the yada thing but also because of the exercise. Didn't he meet his newly married wife at The Reebok Sports Club?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Don Johnson, for sure.

    He was A+ during his Miami Vice Days, famous relationships (Melanie Griffith). I googled pics of him and he is looking a little fugly lately; also looks like he has not done much lately or anything since 2006. Plus he just always seems like an asshole.

  27. top shows of the 1980's

    who's the boss
    night court
    Charles in charge Scott Baio
    bosom buddies
    designing women
    family ties
    silver spoons
    3's a crowd

    Scott Baio

  28. agreed.
    don and his cheating johnson

  29. Def. something Don Johnson would do, although AP does call her a "woman" and Don prefers his women young. Puke!!!

  30. reading the comments is becoming painful. the drivel that is posted as guesses sounds like word association game results. burt reynolds? jack nicholson? sly stallone? puleeeeeze!!!!! put some thought into your comments and you might sound reasonably intelligent ... next time.

  31. Don Johnson is a great guess. I'm in the Johnson camp on this one.

  32. Link to all top shows 1979-1990
    It's by year so to much to post

  33. I thought of Scott Baio, especially after the VH1 shows he did about settling down and having a baby. I watched some of it (shame, shame, I know) and he yelled a lot and berated a lot of people. He was A-list twice over for Chachi and Charles in Charge. I don't really think he was ever good looking, but I think Tiger Beat would disagree. I think he's a jackass, but I'm not sure if he's that bad. Hrm.

  34. throwing out another name. Benjamin Bratt

  35. My first thought was Don Johnson or Lorenzo Lamas who had that show Falcon Crest in the early 80's. Not sure if LL would have been A+ even then but he was hunky! I'd say he had infamous relationships rather than famous ones. I think the "yada yada" business is a red herring.

  36. I REALLY hope this one is revealed.

  37. Tony Danza? To me hes old but it could be him,

    Im thinking more along the lines of Matt Le Blanc. He always see,ed to be an ass to me

  38. Don Johnson is 59. Isn't that too old?

  39. Count me in on the Don Johnson guess.

  40. Kath2, put some thought into your comments and you might sound reasonably un-bitchy ... next time.

  41. B. Bratt is in a new TV show, so can't be him.

    All these movie star guesses are funny -- ENT said former A list television actor.

    This also must be Hell-a and Seinfeld lives in NYC. Just a guess that could be wrong. But Seinfeld had only one famous relationship before his wife. So it can't be him.

  42. Were there any shows that had "nice guys" as the lead or actors that described themselves as nice guys?

  43. As much as I would like it to be Don Johnson, I don't think it's him because of the "not doing much now." He's pretty booked, according to IMDB.

    I don't think Burt Reynolds is it, either, because he did do that series, but I don't think that qualifies him as a "former" A+ TV actor.

    I do like the Scott Baio guess! ;-)

    Mooshki, you must know AA better than I do, because he was an a**hole when I met him and that makes him an a**hole in my book.

  44. I forgot about Bratt being in that new show.

    I was thinking someone from 90210 or Melrose but couldn't find anyone that really fit.

  45. Way to go, Mooshki (re: your reply to Kath2).

    I like the Don Johnson guess. I didn't think Crockett had done much of anything but IMDB says he's been a few Italian movies...hmmm.

  46. "A+"? Good looking?

    Gotta be Tom Selleck. Magnum PI was HUGE, and he's really anal about women and their weight.

    Don Johnson is also a good guess -- but who would ever be surprised that he's cheating?

  47. I'm thinking Warren Beatty.

  48. Nevermind! ...TV Actor...

    Back to the drawing board.

  49. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Is Don Johnson currently married? (wiki'ing)...

    Appears so (married in 1999). I'm on the DJ bandwagon.

    She should move on to the eldest son, legal and hotter than DJ. Hopefully doesn't have any of daddy's issues.

  50. nunaurbiz, boo, I hope he was just having a bad day. :( I guess I have seen his bitchy side before, but I think he's generally a good guy.

    Hey, did you guys know that Tom Selleck used to coach the U.S. Women's Volleyball Olympic team back in the day? I always thought that was cool, but if this is him, I guess I just feel bad for those gals now.

  51. kath2 is right: people are always flinging out random names without paying any attention to the clues. In this case, we've got a pile of names of movie stars (not TV stars) who aren't goood-looking. What's the point?

    My first thought upon reading the blind was Jimmy Smits. He was huge from "LA Law" and "NYPD Blue" and nowadays looks like crap. (Yeah, he headlined a show recently, but it was quickly canceled.) He's in his mid-forties, making him aging but not old.

  52. Harry Hamlin? LA Law was huge.

    But I don't feel too sorry for anyone stupid enough to put up with this treatment from a married man.

  53. I think most of us post the first name that pops ito our head, before we have time to think it through. At least no one said Affleck today.

  54. Mooshki, I applaud your response to Kath2, but is it at all possible that Kath2 may know something and is helping us to eliminate guesses in his/her own bitchy way? Never know who could be posting at this site.

    I'm going with Scott Baio.

  55. "I think most of us post the first name that pops into our head, before we have time to think it through."

    Yes, Adrian, that's what I do. There's nothing wrong with pointing out why a guess can't be right, but don't be mean about it!

    Affleck was in an Afterschool Special. If that doesn't make him TV A+ list, I don't know what would! And who has more famous relationships than him?

  56. @Mooshki: Angelina has more famous relationships! And Jennifer Anniston! (Well, you asked! (grin))

  57. Mooshkie--point well taken.
    After school specials totoally get an A+.
    I'm satisfied. Affleck it is.
    He dated Gwynnie, JLo, Jennifer--pretty famous relationships. Not much in the looks department--- you sold me.

  58. I am thinking more like:
    1)Mark-Paul Gosselaar(Zac Morris from Saved by the Bell) Married 1996. Just started a new show, looks horrible. Shudder.
    2)Jason Priestly (90210) Married 2 make up artists, most recent in 2005.
    Dont hear from now and not so good looking anymore.

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. Tom Selleck is 63, placing him well above "Aging. Not too old." The "Very famous relationships" also places him outside of the category.

    Don Johnson is 59.

    I'm thinkin' that this girl wouldn't do all this crazy self-sacrifice stuff for an aged actor no one really remembers. And she sounds pretty young --- ish.

    So maybe we are talking the 90s group of A+ actors, such as laura said above: Jason Priestly types?? The only thing Priestly has done since 2000 is a movie currently in production, so it could be him.

  61. Oh I was wrong -- Priestly's done a ton of tv in the 2000s.

  62. thought of Lee Majors, but i think he's too old.

  63. OMG...JUST DUMP HIM...

  64. I'm late to the game, but I'm going with Don Johnson. Miami Vice was a REALLY iconic show (that theme song instantly enters my head and reFUSes to leave). That was back in the day when A+ television actors were more prevalent, too. I'm not so sure there are many present superstar T.V. actors, but EVERYONE knew who DJ was back in the day.

    Ted Danson is also a good guess, but he doesn't really make my douchedar go haywire the way Don does.

    Plus, does Melanie Griffith TOTALLY strike anyone else as the type of woman who was easily bossed around and controlled when she and Don were married (twice, right?)? She seems dumber than shit, but perhaps she's just a better actress than we all think?

    Also, in response to Kath2: it IS kind of annoying when people toss out guesses like Jack Nicholson (who is undeniably A+, but NOT a television actor), but if you're going to take the time to dis other people's choices, why not throw out a few of your own, hmmm?

  65. I of course agree with grace and think I am on the right track ;)

    Someone help me think of more early 90's show

  66. Melanie was totally under Don Johnson's thumb for much of their time together. He was quite a bit older, and until she met Antonio, Don was the guy she worshiped. Melanie is the type of woman that builds her whole life around her man.

  67. Woohoo, I finally got a guess that other people agreed with! That's a first. For some reason he was the first and only guy that popped into my head.

    Don first hooked up with Melanie when she was what? 13 or 14 years old?

    His latest wife was very thin, at least the last picture I ever saw of her, which has been a long time ago. They've had a couple of kids already. But, he does seem to spread the seed pretty easily. Remember, besides the daughter with Melanie, he has a son with Patti D'Arbanaville (sp?).

    He also had a fling with Barbra Streisand.

    Personally, I like reading the guesses whether they're right, wrong, humorous, or another stab at Ben Affleck. Sometimes the guesses are more entertaining than the reveals, IMO.

  68. Ernestine--"doucedar"--good one!

  69. Something else I remember about Don and Mel was that she had a tattoo of a pear, which stood for "pere" = French for Father. Don was so much older that pere was her nickname for him. Talk about daddy issues.

    Obviously, I was obsessed with Don back in the Miami Vice days.

  70. How about James Brolin. He is married to Barbara Streisand and was in Marcus Welby MD a shit long time ago.

  71. Whoever this guy is ought to be made MAN OF THE YEAR by Time Magazine. He's got the right idea - keep the bitch under your foot at all times.

  72. This comment has been removed by the author.

  73. Ernestine, Melonie G is dumb as shite. It's not just a lack of education.

    Okay, back to the topic at hand. The votes for Jerry Seinfeld - nah. He's never been good looking. Bennie Boy isn't known as a TV guy, Tom Selleck is looking pretty good and he's still working with TV movies.

    I thin the folks who chose Don Johnson are on to something.

  74. Sounds like Scott Baio to me. He was on the hottest TV show of the 70's and was the main reason girls my age watched the show. I actually belonged to his fan club (what a dork!)

    SB is the biggest jerk in the world and I could totally see him treating a girl like this. As far as famous reslationships go, he's had a ton from Erin Moran to Pam Anderson and on and on.

    I would expect him to expect perfection and could actually see how a girl could be attracted to him still, but he was my guy back then but wouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole now!

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Isn't Scott Baio still considered good looking?

    I'm thinking he's in the right age range, though.

    I was just about to throw out Mario Lopez, but he's still hot.

    Mark Paul Gossler is a good guess. Who else was big on tv at that time?

    And can I just say how impressed I am with AP? Yay for caring about others. I wish more people were like her (and not just in HWood).

  77. I recall hearing a long time algo that Sly Stallone was like this to Jennifer Flavin, and demanded perfection in the looks department from her. He is the only one I thought of for this.

  78. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Chris Noth?

  79. Anonymous6:11 PM

    harry hamlin is a good guess. He was HUGE back in the day and has dated loads of famous women

  80. I love reading this site and thinking about the BI's throughout my day, but if you people keep up with these little "posting fights" it will just turn into another site like Mr. He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-Hilton. I always thought that this blog was way more sophisticated, but today, perhaps not.
    As a side note,
    I am on the Scott Biao bandwagon, mostly because he is a total douchebag.

  81. i thought we got rid of the troll.

    i think most of these guesses are off, only because of the age range. of course, i'm a bit off myself.

    now, you younger kids, who would be a+ on: 90210, or saved by the bell? looking at a list of top 90's shows, those are the ones i don't know at all ( i don't see anybody else on the list that would be hot (other than john stamos, and he's not married) in that time frame.
    if they were 80's stars, they were probably young at the time.
    i HATE sucking at this!!
    oh, and melanie griffin married don johnson twice.

  82. There really are slim pickings...
    Don JOhnson, Scott Baio, Craig T. Nelson??? I can't think of any top tv shows with a-listers that were really good looking...

  83. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Bionic Bunny: Guys on 90210 were Jason Priestly, Luke Perry, Ian Ziering, and Brian Austin Green.
    Don't think Saved by the Bell qualified as an A show, but guys were Mark-Paul Gosselar, Mario Lopez, and Screech.

  84. Anonymous6:44 PM

    What about Melrose Place guys?

  85. Please, please let this be a reveal. It probably is Don Johnson. Wasn't he supposed to be messing around on his wife when she was pregnant with the last kid. He better watch it, his wife is an heir to the Getty fortune.

  86. Not Chris Noth. He lives in NY anyway.

  87. I'm thinking the age would be mid to late 40s and most of the guesses here are too old.

    What about someone from ER? Noah Wyle, Eriq LaSalle or even Anthony Edwards (tho none of them are super attractive).

    The yadda, yadda, yadda part screams Seinfeld but there is no one on that show who was ever really good looking.

  88. Although these were hot shows, Melrose Place, 90210, and Saved by the Bell were popular but did not generate A+ list tv actors. IMO.

    I WAS thinking '90s and now I'm thinking more '80s.

    Hey... is Tony Danza married???

    Philip Michael Thomas, who co-starred with Don Johnson?

    This is hard. Not too many A+ actors who are aging, not old, and not doing much these days.

    Can you just see Ted Dansen terrorizing some young girl out there into starving herself and submitting videos of her weighing herself? he-he.

    And is that clue that this is fake? Who records videos these days????

  89. Oh, ENTY: can you tell us if one of us has guessed it correctly? Sort of like you did last year with Timmy/Shimmy???

  90. I'm with Paisley. I feel nothing for someone who is seeing a married man and allowing another human being to berate and control her. It's called karma.

    On topic, I have no clue who this is.

  91. Sorry if someone said this already. I read thru the first twenty and no guessed Kelsey Grammar. "Frasier" was definitely TV A list.
    His wife Camille used to be a playboy playmate.
    She did not give birth to their second child, she used a surrogate??? need to confirm with wiki.

    It could be because Kelsey had ridiculous weight expectations.

  92. Found it....

    Camille married actor Kelsey Grammer in 1997 after they met on a blind date in 1996.[1] She then retired from nude modelling. The couple had 2 children together - a daughter in 2001 and a son in 2004 - and both children were born via a surrogate mother.[1]

    IMO there could be other reasons she used a surrogate but it fits better than Affleck and Getty....this time, lol

  93. Greg Evigan?
    he HAD to have been a+ tv, i mean MY TWO DADS? lololol and who can forget BJ and the Bear? i loved the monkey.

  94. This is going to sound terrible, but...

    Whoever this guy is (and julia, for some reason, I thought Burt Reynolds, too!) he's a complete ass.

    BUT. I have to say that any woman who gets in line for treatment THAT LOUSY is an idiot. He's not forcing her at gunpoint to video herself getting on a scale, so she's a willing participant. And if she's a willing participant, she's getting something out of it.

    And then crying at the GYM, hoping someone will NOTICE? She's one of those people who gets off on being the object of sympathy and getting people on "her side". Dragging strangers into the relationship. Sick. Just as sick as the man who's abusing her.

    She's a volunteer, not a victim.

  95. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Oh my God, AP, will you please send this girl over to the East Coast for a month or two and let her hang out with me? So I can get her straightened out?

    I'm sorry but there's no way that penis is THAT damn good. Only Johnny Depp penis would be that good.

  96. Okay .. Who is AP?? Relatively "Newbie," sorry.

    As for random guesses not at all in line with the actual BI .. I just attribute it to speed reading due to being at work or whatever. Yes .. it's annoying but hey .. you get that momentary feeling of superiority that you read it correctly! I kid!! I Kid!!

    As for who it actually is .. I don't know. But .. that being said .. Jerry Seinfeld does seem like an asshole who would demand BS like this from a girlfriend. [As a side note .. Can you imagine the pillow talk about what a bitch Mrs. Recipe Stealer is??] Not that it is him ..

    As for the opinion that the gal in question deserves no respect, empathy, whatever .. I simply say there but for the grace of god go you. I live in a glass house I didn't really chose to build but you can't always control the heart. I just hope she gets some help and gets away from this emotionally abusive turd.

    Okay .. pissing off pretty much everyone here .. I will sit down and shut up now.

  97. I first thought Kelsey Grammer, but hes definitely...not aging well.
    Tom Selleck is too old, as is Don Johnson. I'd say Ryan O'Neal, but is he married? and hes old, too.

    How about Michael McKean, he was on Laverne and Shirley. Hes a bit old though too.

    Maybe Woll Smoth. He's always guessed here too. and it seems like he likes it with men :\ so IDK.

    Ricky Schroeder?

  98. This one shouts out Don Johnson. Pamela Des Barres writes about her relationship with Don in her book "I'm With The Band" and it was exactly like what this woman describes. He was constantly on Pam about her looks, her weight, her cooking, her life, her plans for the future and what she needed to do if she wanted to stay with him. She got an ulcer from the nerves. Mr. Critical hooked up with Melanie Griffith for the first time while he was with Pam - and Melanie was only fifteen. He dumped Pam for Melanie, which was a good thing for Pam in the long run.

  99. 1990's tv shows...

    Beverly Hills, 90210
    Dear John
    Doogie Howser M.D.
    Full House
    Home Improvement
    Herman's Head
    Mad About You
    Married... With Children
    Murphy Brown
    Quantum Leap
    Saved by the Bell

  100. More..

    3rd Rock
    Ally McBeal
    Chicago Hope
    Dharma and Greg
    Everybody Loves Raymond
    Home Improvement
    Melrose Place
    Northern Exposure
    Party of Five
    The Practice
    Ren and Stimpy - sorry, had to.

  101. I think that this leaves out anybody over the age of 50, I just do. It would have to be someone closer to Clooney's age or younger and really good looking, like Clooney, but not Clooney!

  102. I was wondering if the person could've been a guest on Seinfeld at one point. First the yada,yada,yada then the "he doesn't like it" ("George doesn't like it"). Maybe I just know to many Seinfeld quotes, but those both jumped right out at me.

  103. I HAVE A GUESS!
    is eriq la salle (ER) married????
    he was cute, considered a hot piece, and was a+.
    now, who has he known to mess with?

  104. I think the interpretation of age is pretty subjective and depends on your own age.

    My own guess would be 45-55 for aging but not old, maybe a few years above that. 60 would be my absolute ceiling.

    You know, the kind of guy you might think is still kinda hot in spite of his age, or maybe someone who's older than you think.

    So--aging but not old might be Don Johnson, Kevin Costner, etc.

    Old would be, like, Ed McMahon.

    Does sound a bit like Don J.

    Hmm what about Tony Danza or someone like that?

  105. has BEEN known to.
    he also played a real douche in "coming to america" or whatever the eddie murphy movie was, and we all know what an ass ol' eddie's turned out to be.

  106. People, people, people--this one is SO EASY:

    Bill Cosby!

    jk :)

  107. ACTUALLY, eddie was a+ while on SNL, and he's "sorta married" now.
    he's such a git, i could see him doing this.

    i give up. a fuzzy person is demanding my time.
    see you guys tomorrow, if my neck/shoulder get better!

  108. Tony Danza and his wife split, but I don't know if they went through with the divorce.

    Camille, Kelsey's wife supposedly had female probs and could conceive a child.

    Chris Noth is not married to his babymama.

  109. Camille, Kelsey's wife supposedly had female probs and could NOT conceive a child


  110. Philip Michael Thomas has my vote. He was a real asshole when he was on Miami Vice.

    Whoever this guy is ought to be made MAN OF THE YEAR by Time Magazine. He's got the right idea - keep the bitch under your foot at all times.

  111. A man's got to be a man and show the bitch her place in his life. Nothing wrong with a real man keeping a bitch under his heel.

    This bitch is lucky, if you ask me. Bobby snuffed Marilyn Monroe because she threatened to tell Ethel that he was balling her. And I killed that cunt Mary Jo K. after she threatened to tell my wife, Joan, that I was banging her. Damn right. Drove off that bridge and held her fucking head underwater until she gave off her death shit in the water.

    Bitches got to know their place.

  112. Anonymous11:41 PM

    so sad!

    no man (or woman, for that matter) is worth that kind of pain!

    i really hope this poor woman can find her center again, and learn to please herself instead of this nasty creature.

  113. I don't agree with anyone so far. Those actors are, frankly, too old.

    Please don't hate me but:

    I'm sorry if you remember when Don Johnson was young, hot and relevant. I can assure you, he is not today. Most people under 25 wouldnt even know who he is. Don't belive me? Find a young person and ask! (I reflect fondly on saved by the bell. So it happens to us all)

    This is hollywood we're talking about. Anything over 50 is old. 30's to 40's is aging, especially, if the actor was younger when in the show.

    The actor would still have to be relevant in that his fame is still with him. I'm sure those aforementioned individuals can still get chicks, but I highly doubt anyone of them would be able bag a "...really attractive woman" today and screw her up like this one is. I believe this woman is young (30's, 40 since ent didn't say girl, but woman). Young girls in hollywood won't date some old loser UNLESS they can get something out of it. This one obviously loves this douche, or she wouldn't be doing all this stuff for him.

    A "...very A+ list actor" wouldn't have had a show cancelled, it would have ended on its own. There is a possiblity our actor could have left the show early to pursue a film career, as logically this is the next step, but then I think ent would have mentioned if he had done films.

    Sienfeld, Friends, LA Law, NYPD Blue (Doesn't have to end in the 90's) Melrose place, 90210, Married with Children, Frasier, Cheers...etc

    I'm gonna go with Luke Perry.

  114. I think Don Johnson is too old. Also, I thought he was based in SF, not LA. Scott Baio seems plausible.

    Seinfeld was my first guess, given the yadas and he seems really anal retentive.

    Anyway, I think it is someone a little more current than Johnson or Baio and someone in their early 50s, tops. Ultimately, I am stumped.

  115. Julie----I'm with you on your Ricky "Rick" Schroeder guess...definitely a former a-lister, married (with 4 or 5 kids) he doing anything these days???

    Or, what about Scott Wolf from Party of Five????

  116. Oh, crap...just re-read..."very famous relationships..." that sounds like Scott Baio...

  117. A-list/Television
    Not doing much now
    Very famous relationships

    Not based on the awful behavior, but on the clues, I first thought of Matt Leblanc, but I don't think he is still married and I don't recall any famous relationships.

    I don't see any mention of kids, only a wife is mentioned.

    I think the best clue for narrowing is the famous is plural, so there was more than one.

  118. Trogdor-Luke Perry isnt married anymore-my guess as well. I agree with you about Don Johanson--but it wouldnt be the first time ENTY has different ideas than me.

    On the 90's vein-Dylan McDermott. Star of the Practice for how many years, seeme to be everywhere around that time. Dated Julia Roberts. VERY recently separated from his model/actree wife (as of May 2008) and seen with a Socialite named Allred-ya know, the kind of lady who would buy into this shit.

    I also like the Rick Schroeder guess-where has he been since NYPD Blue? Scott Baio seems plausible as well.

    And hey, I'm usually the first to hate the mistress--but it doesnt change the fact this guy has warped ideas and is abusive to women. A little sympathy isnt too much to ask.

  119. I agree that the "very famous relationships" is a sticking point that will help figure this out.

    I'm not thinking 90s for the television show. I am thinking more early 80s. Based on the fact the my personal thinking of "aging/not too old" puts the culprit at around 50-55 right now.

    Another thing that is sticking with me is the "really good looking" part. Isnt that subjective?

    I am thinking that "really good looking" would have to sort of be documented. By that, I mean Burt Reynolds in Cosmo. Scott Baio in countless Tiger Beat covers. Someone in a People's Sexy men issue. Etc.

    I never found Don Johnson really good looking, but I am sure that scores of others have. Same for Ted Danson. So both could work... just not for me. Thats what is troubling me about this one.

    I think the clues are there if we really dissect them.

    I personally think that scott baio doesnt work for this. I dont find him "aging". I think he still pretty much looks the same. and was recently in a reality show, so he has been working.

    I dont post often, but this is my 2 cents for this blind. Everyone seems to be dissecting this one, and I think its great. reminds me a little of the timmy/shimmy days when we spent days and weeks helping each other. I would love another one of those can of worms!

  120. I'm going with the Scott Baio one, wasn't he the reveal to the blind about the asshole at the studio cafeteria? Seems to me that anyone who has to go through a reality series to figure out why you can't commit is so head up his ass arrogant and douchebaggy, that it can't be a complete surprise he would cheat on his wife and be an asshole to the girlfriend.

  121. Cupcake, you're right. I was bitchy 'cause I had to work late. I will try to remember that great advice - if you don't like something, just scroll right on by. :) It's advice I particularly need after reading through some of the comments posted after I went home.

  122. No Kirk Cameron guesses, huh?

    Ha ha! He was SUCH a big deal when I was a teenager, LOL!!!

    He's aging, but not old. He's married. The last point, about the "famous relationship" is hanging me up, but maybe because he and his wife co-starred on that show, and then married young, and were very vocal about their Christianity, it counts as "famous relationship"?

    Eh. Just throwing another name out there.

  123. i know this is out of left field, but thought about

    David Spade.

    His wife just gave birth. He certainly has been involved with a lot of famous women. On SNL, Just Shoot Me and 8 Simple Rules. Definite name recognition.

    He's been in movies and that wasnt mentioned in the blind, but not sure if that is an issue or not.

  124. I got it!!!

    It's Robert Wagner.

    His famous relationship was with Natalie Wood.

    He was on the show Hart to Hart.

    HE was on the Seinfeld episode titled.....

    "THe Yada, Yada"

    I'm spent.

  125. I still don't have any good guesses, but like some of you also pointed out, it IS hard to feel sympathy for this woman. You're sleeping with a married man! He makes you feel like shit but have you thought about what you are doing to his wife? You probably have low self esteem and daddy issues, but why don't you take it to a shrink instead of other people's husbands?

    Hey, maybe the woman is Sienna Miller! *LOL*

  126. just my little opinion on all the guesses.....and I totally agree with the 45 - 55ish age frame.

    so here we go -

    Ted Danson - good possibility, had the relationships (Whoopi, Steenburgen)

    Scott Baio - good possibility, had famous relationships (Pam Anderson, and he did Liza Minelli!), has a rep for yelling and being a dick

    Kelsey Grammar - when was he considered really good looking? and no famous relationships unless you count Camille's IBS

    Burt Reynolds - too old, he's 72.

    Tom Selleck - eh? could fit, but he didn't have the famous relationships and he's 63 but looks pretty damn good still

    Philip Michael Thomas? A+ list? please.

    Jerry Seinfeld lives in NYC, was never considered 'really good looking'

    Jack Nicholson / Alec Baldwin / Sly Stallone - NOT has-been A+ list TV guys.

    Rick Schroeder? famous relationships? not that I can think of.

    Hasselhoff - he's not currently married. or at least not living with her, they're either divorcing or recently divorced.

    Benjamin Bratt - not really A+ TV, I think. also still really good looking and 44, not old really.

    Jimmy Smits - he's 53, could fit. but no famous relationships?

    Tony Danza - he's been touring with The Producers, and he had that talk show, so you can't say he hasn't been doing anything. Plus he's not currently married (divorced in 2007) per wiki.

    Luke Perry - not currently married

    okay, I'm tired.

  127. so the only real possibilities are:

    Ted Danson

    Scott Baio

    Don Johnson

    and I'm totally stuck between the two giant douches on that list - Scott Baio or Don Johnson.

    Either way, that dumb girl should run screaming to the new cast of 90210.

  128. robert wagner is 78!!!!! and isn't currently married.

    David Spade isn't currently married, or was ever considered 'really good looking' (sorry David, I do love you otherwise!)

  129. believe me, I NEVER considered Spade good looking!!!

    i just know that he was in the news because he recently became a father. and i know he was with a lot of famous women. so i figured... what the hell.

    throw a wrench in the equation.

    the more discussion... the more i think it is someone that no one has mentioned. call it my timmy/shimmy intuition

  130. I thought Robert Wagner was married to Jill St. John? I can't believe he's so old now and doing commercials for Met Life or whatever! He used to be soooo cute!!!!

  131. Scott Baio may fit a lot of the blind but he was NEVER an A+ list tv actor.

    Don Johnson fits the mold, even though in Hollywood years he's as old as dirt.

    And for this girl sobbing at the gym because her married boyfriend demands perfection -- something fishy about this.

    It's so dramatic and full of concern and AP's tears that it sounds like a trumped-up story.

  132. John Stamos from Full House

  133. I have some VERY reliable information about Tom Selleck and his fetish for men dressed as women...

  134. Mmmmmm....John Stamos. But hes not married :(

    Hahahahaa, brendalove, and Robert Downey Jr!

  135. What about Scott Bakula (from Quantum Leap)?

    Or MacGuyver (whatever that guy's name was)? He had some high-profile relationships, although the only one I can remember is Katarina Witt.

  136. Is John Travolta still A list, I can't think of him being in anything worthwhile lately. He was definately A list TV way back when.

  137. I think it's Homer Simpson. Have you seen Marge lately? She's a rail! And you don't think she wants her hair like that do you? It is meant to represent Homers 'package'.

    Can't get more A+ than this

  138. I don't have any valid guesses but personally, I don't think revealing this one would be a good thing. If that girl is still with this toad if it is, she will get the verbal/mental beat down of her life.

  139. I'm still thinking it's someone to do with Seinfeld, if not Seinfeld himself. I've never thought him good looking, but he wasn't bad back in the day. If you think about when Seinfeld was at it's height, I can imagine plenty of women would have thrown themselves at him. I'm thinking this because he was the first that popped into my mind even before the yada yada yada. I can't think of too many A+ huge TV actors that aren't doing anything anymore. And he was the ass who took Seinfeld off the air even though the network and the other actors were still willing to go on.

    I'm a bit appalled at some of the comments on here, though... This is obviously an abusive relationship and he has a severe mental if not physical hold on her. She can't "just dump him" because she's terrified of the consequences. She's not dumb, she's scared. That's how abusive relationships work. I wouldn't judge so quickly since it's easier to get trapped in that situation than you think. Have a little more compassion toward your fellow women, people.

    Sending some virtual love to AP. This story would have shaken me up too. It's just sick.

  140. Seinfeld did Bee Movie, & he has just been signed for a huge advertising deal, so he is kind of busy.




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