Friday, September 12, 2008

Tina Fey As Sarah Palin

Since the acting skills of Michael Phelps will probably be limited to how many times the writers of SNL can get his shirt off, Lorne Michaels obviously feels something else is needed to get people to watch the season premiere this weekend. So, in a conference call discussing the premiere, a reporter asked a question. In my opinion, the question was a plant, designed to get people to discuss SNL this week, and to get you to watch even if you didn't want to.

The question was whether Tina Fey would be on this week as Sarah Palin. Lorne Michaels was hemming and hawing. Does anyone actually hem and haw anymore. Did the expression start with some guy being asked a question and going "hem..haw?" Anyway, Lorne said there was a Sarah Palin sketch in the read through. That is a no brainer. He made it sound like they were not even sure if they were going to do a Sarah Palin sketch. Please. Oh, speaking of Sarah Palin, the National Enquirer has half of its LA bureau up in Alaska looking for dirt on Sarah, and have found absolutely nothing so far in the week they have been digging.

Anyway, Lorne said that there had been discussions about Tina Fey coming on and playing Sarah Palin. He makes it sound like he had his people go through Tina's people and that it may or may not happen. That is a bunch of crap. If Lorne wanted Tina on the show he would call her personally and ask her personally and she would say yes or no. In fact she may have called him.

My guess is that the opening skit is going to be Tina Fey as Sarah Palin, and Michael Phelps will be the boyfriend who got the daughter pregnant. You then might see Tina doing the news, or you might just see her at the end when everyone waves. But, she will be there, and she will be the first skit. The first skit will also have Phelps without his shirt on, so that everyone is satisfied and you can all go to bed right after.


  1. Oh come on the NE can't find any dirt on Sarah Palin? Apart from the 'unconsumated affair' there's the firing of people who dare have slightly different views, trying to get her ex-BIL fired because he divorced her sister, attempting to censor the books in the town library and leaving a two-bit township with a huge debt. If SP was a Muslim leader, she'd be denounced as a despot, anti-democratic religious fanatic. But it's OK because SP loves Jesus.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just a note: the opening sketch on SNL rarely includes the guest host. Not enough time for a costume change before they come out for the monologue.

  4. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Maybe they can't find any dirt because the best stuff is already out: she took a town with no debt, and left it 22 million in the hole, avidly uses cronyism to put obedient subordinates around her, favors her pet projects (like shooting wolves from a helicopter) over serious issues such as a poorly funded and poorly performing educational system, is not a fan of contraception...I could go on.

    As for NE, didn't they dig up the story on Sarah's son being a partying drug addict who only went into the military because that's what bored little boys in dead end towns do? And how Sarah had kicked Bristol out of the house after learning she was pregnant?

  5. Pimp, after all, all he needs to do is to take off his shirt to be prepped. :) Actually, it would be kind of funny if they gave him a tear-away suit for the intro and he did the first sketch in a Speedo.

    Damn it, you're making it hard for me to stick to my vow of not talking politics in CDAN. :( My worst fear is finding out that Enty is a secret Republican and then I will never again be able to love him as purely as I do now. (Please don't take offense, Reps, I think most of you are pretty cool, I just can't quite love you, sorry. :( )

  6. mooshki,

    many well off or rich people are republicans. they are so mainly for the tax breaks. jay leno is a republican for example.

    enty makes me think that he is a libertarian based off his views.

  7. QS, one of our local casinos had a brilliant ad campaign - "Walk in a Democrat, leave a Republican."

    I guess if everyone were a bleeding heart liberal like me, the world would be a less interesting place. :( (And probably wouldn't function very well.)

  8. Also, it seems like most of the people I know are social liberals and financial conservatives. I can see their side, but... :)

  9. The thing is, I haven't watched SNL in a really long time, but I would watch it for Tina Fey. I love her and think she is awesome. I hope she and Amy Poehler do the news together. They are a great team. Not as great as Chevy Chase or Dennis Miller, but nobody ever will be.

  10. what about "her town charges rape victims for the cost of the kit?" They had to pass a state law to change that practice. I suppose she had no pull with the police department in her town, or what? why would police do that? ever?

    LA Times today...

  11. On Palin- what about the fact that since she knew she was carrying a damaged fetus she didn't care if she flew on a plane after the recommended number of months. Or the worse fact that she stayed to give a speach (in Texas)after her water broke. Didn't get checked by a doctor but flew back to Alaska, bypassed the hospital near the airport and went to the dinky one by Wissila. A mother who cared about the baby she was carrying would do none of those things.

    SO is she a monster mother or is that really her grandson?

  12. Tina Fey is a freind on Facebook and EVERYONE kept asking her about that on her wall etc. in fact she had a pic of Sarah Palin as her profile pic...fingers crossed!
    of course ill miss it anyway...:o(

  13. Well, Amy Poehler is still pregnant, I think. Hopefully they can get her to come in to play Bristol.

  14. Anonymous11:48 AM

    adrian - that would be too perfect!

    and as far as phelps goes; do you think he could take off his shirt and use it to cover his mouth while he's talking? we don't even need to hear him talk. after all, has anyone ever heard him say anything interesting? he needs to let his body do the talking!!

  15. I think Tina Fey would be a better choice for VP this this Palin redneck.

  16. Anyway, what is up with the names she gives her kids? Trig? Track? Bristol???

  17. pm--he's still young, maye he will grow into his looks.

  18. Obama is also going to be on SNL tomorrow.

  19. Aaaww, you guys (mooshki, ms_wonderland, bad fish, catdirt, harriet, et al) are the BEST!! I have to admit: I was feeling a wee bit P.O.'d at Ent after reading this post. I'm just so unhealthily obsessed with politics right now -- I really see this site as a rare, MUCH-needed respite from it all! So when he slipped in that weird (B.S.) defense of Palin out of nowhere... I began to lose hope. :(

    But THEN I clicked on "COMMENTS", and (as Rachel M. would say), "You talked me down." All of you sane, reasonable people voiced my feelings exactly (& much better than I would have). I feel all warm-n-fuzzy now. Thanks! :)

  20. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I would love to hear Tina do another "bitches get things done" rant during weekend update and clarify how that statement would apply to Palin.

  21. Long-time lurker but never posted and I looove Tina Fey, but I will really cringe if I see her skewer Sarah Palin. I'm a very lukewarm Republican (pro-choice and lots of other Dem qualities), but like the woman and plan to vote for her.

    Again, this is not a political blog, so I'm commenting primarily that I hope that I hope Tina keeps her snark (which I love) focused on the politics and not the Palin family. Flame gently. I enjoy all comments -- lib or conserve -- that's what opinions are for. Teddy

  22. Harriet, I'm with you. Let me preface my comments by saying I am a mom who stayed at home w/the kids until they were of school age, then got a night job so I could be with them after school...

    I believe that sometimes, it's all in the details. She has 5 kids and a full-time career. IMO, it's kinda hard to do both. There are enough women who work because they HAVE to, and do an admirable job of raising kids and putting food on the table. I think if she paid more attention to the kids she wouldn't have a pregnant daughter. And what's with the idiot names? No consideration there. And finally, a Downs Syndrome child needs extra love and attention. How the hell is she gonna do that when she's VP?? (And, for the record, I know my kids friends and their parents, and my daughter speaks to me about things I wouldn't even THINK about saying to my mother.) I usually vote as an Independent, and vote Rep most of the time, but I think my vote's going the other way.


  24. they better use a regular cast member to do Palin.....they might be doing sketches for years! Megan Mullally would be good too.

  25. If Fey is smart, she'll snag Palin to do a little cameo on 30 Rock..and if Palin's smart, she'd do it.

  26. Ent, are you just trying to stir up your readers in the comments section?

    I'm so sick of people telling me why I shouldn't vote for Palin. And making Obama into some sort of saint. Ugh.

    Maybe I want to base my vote on their positions more than which one is the better person?

  27. Teddykins, you're now on my list of Republicans I like. See, we can all be civil and get along. :)

    Captiva, the report I heard said that she'd continue to do Palin for the show, just not rejoin as a regular cast member. Fingers crossed.
