Monday, September 15, 2008

Tina Does Sarah, But Not Like It Sounds


  1. LMAO this was great. "I encourage the media to grow a pair, and if they cant I'll lend them mine."

  2. Hillary about Sarah: "Ask this one about dinosaurs."

    Loved it! Well done ladies!

  3. OH MY GOD that was fabulous!!!! Tina Fey is awesome!

  4. Tina's got her voice and mannerisms down to a tee! My favorite line is, "I can see Russia from my house." LMAO!

  5. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Her and that pointing finger. Fucking perfect.

  6. This was scary awesome. The voice, the mannerisms, the shifty eyes!! Tina nailed that impersonation. Comic gold.

  7. Anonymous10:39 AM

    That was the best part of the SNL premiere.

  8. Yes, that was fantastic. I didn't make it for much longer into the show though. SNL just doesn't really do it for me anymore...but Tina Fey is a genius, and I love Amy Poehler too!

  9. Can we please have one spot on the net where we aren't bombarded with all things political? One safe port of refuge from the sniping and bickering? PLEASE, Enty? It would be greatly appreciated!

  10. No one is sniping and bickering. It's f'ing SNL.

  11. There already has been sniping and bickering on this topic. Not interested in seeing any more of it

  12. She was so amazingly like Sara Palin. Nailed it.

  13. Hey, Reese, no sniping and bickering here; I am laughing hysterically at Tina and Amy's skit! The best ever!!

    Those two could have their own show and name their own price.

    Loved it. Loved it. Loved it.

  14. they skewered Hilary as well as Palin. So Damn Funny. First time I saw Palin I thought she looked like Tina Fey. But now seeing Tina Fey do Palin - perfect!

  15. Genius. I might have to go and see Baby Mama this afternoon.

  16. they may have spoofed both ladies but i think it is obvious that underlining this was a few well aimed shots at the weaknesses palin has. dinosaurs, global warming, her "god" talk, her previous work not qualifying her for the presidency, etc. Although Clinton was made to be a joke as well, which i thought was funny, the fact that she said in the end dont vote for someone because she is a woman, look beyond that to the hard facts of sarah palin, was a nice message to the masses out there who may have been on the fence,and can now make a better decision (for obama!)
