Friday, September 19, 2008

Throwing Your Kid Under A Bus - Right Or Wrong?

It's kind of strange when a father and a son get arrested for drug possession and the dad gets lawyered up first. When that happens, the lawyer wants to make a big splash and get his name in the press. So, when Ryan O'Neal got sprung from jail first by his publicity hungry lawyer, you knew something was going to happen. What happened though was that Ryan basically shoved his kid under a bus.

Ryan's lawyer said, "The drugs found were not his, he would never use them. We know that when all the facts come out, he should not be charged with any crime here. He's tried to lead a peaceful life - he's acting and he's caring for his family, and this is the last thing he ever wanted or expected."

Well, basically then if you are saying they are not Ryan's then by deduction they either must be Redmond's or Tatum's from when she visited last Christmas. Yeah, like drugs would last longer than a couple of minutes in that house. So, should a dad throw his son under a bus to save his own ass? Now, some of you may say that Redmond deserves some serious time behind bars, and that it is tough love. Good point, but remember allegedly the drugs were just sitting out in the living room in plain view, so Ryan must have known they were there. He was at home when the cops came. So, is the tough love only applicable when both are facing time in jail? Doesn't Ryan have some kind of responsibility to make sure the drugs are not being used in his own home?


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