There Are No Droughts In Oprah's World
Ahhh Oprah. Yes, it has been awhile since you entered this space. Guess you have been keeping yourself out of trouble. Nothing too shameful since the whole fake interview with Tom and Katie. You know the two parter about Risky Business and its effect on the cinema of the world. Godfather? You gave it five seconds once. Anyway, that isn't why I brought you back to the blog. Actually I didn't even bring you back her to talk about your mom either, because you know, parents are parents, and just because she owes $150K to a clothing store is none of my business. Instead of letting it get to the point of a lawsuit though, it would have been nice maybe to write the poor woman a check. I mean you probably have that much in the cushions in your couch.
No, the reason I brought you here today Oprah is to talk to you about your water usage. Apparently you like to water your lawn a bunch. Now, I understand you don't have a lawn in your Chicago condo, so this is directed more towards your home in Montecito which is Santa Barbara for those of you not familiar with the area. Oprah has about 40 acres at her house there which she uses infrequently. Despite rarely being there, she still managed to use over 10 million gallons of water in 2006 and again in 2007. That's right. 10 million gallons. Now, you might say hey, what does it matter?
Well, the rest of the county has been instructed to reuse shower water, and take other drastic measures, Oprah sits on her throne and won't even meet with county officials about her water use.
“They won’t see us,” explained water district manager Tom Mosby. “They’re very private, and trying to get in has proved very difficult.”
Uh huh. Now, lets say that you or I decided to start using 10 million gallons of water a year and the government wanted a word with us, do you think we would be able to avoid them? Hell no. So what makes Oprah so damn special? Fine, if Oprah isn't in town, meet with someone else. How low on the Harpo totem pole do you have to go before someone can actually meet with "everyday people?" Is there not anyone who sits at the right hand of Oprah who can talk to mortals?
This is the kind of crap that just makes celebrities look even more spoiled and pretentious than they already are. When you start ignoring the government, and stop caring about what every other person is having to do to survive in the county, then you know something has to give.
Now, lest you think that things were like this on Oprah's property were like this before she moved in, let me tell you what it used to be like. Since Oprah moved into what she calls, "Promised Land" the water usage has doubled. Doubled. Apparently Oprah must like practicing walking on water or something.
No, the reason I brought you here today Oprah is to talk to you about your water usage. Apparently you like to water your lawn a bunch. Now, I understand you don't have a lawn in your Chicago condo, so this is directed more towards your home in Montecito which is Santa Barbara for those of you not familiar with the area. Oprah has about 40 acres at her house there which she uses infrequently. Despite rarely being there, she still managed to use over 10 million gallons of water in 2006 and again in 2007. That's right. 10 million gallons. Now, you might say hey, what does it matter?
Well, the rest of the county has been instructed to reuse shower water, and take other drastic measures, Oprah sits on her throne and won't even meet with county officials about her water use.
“They won’t see us,” explained water district manager Tom Mosby. “They’re very private, and trying to get in has proved very difficult.”
Uh huh. Now, lets say that you or I decided to start using 10 million gallons of water a year and the government wanted a word with us, do you think we would be able to avoid them? Hell no. So what makes Oprah so damn special? Fine, if Oprah isn't in town, meet with someone else. How low on the Harpo totem pole do you have to go before someone can actually meet with "everyday people?" Is there not anyone who sits at the right hand of Oprah who can talk to mortals?
This is the kind of crap that just makes celebrities look even more spoiled and pretentious than they already are. When you start ignoring the government, and stop caring about what every other person is having to do to survive in the county, then you know something has to give.
Now, lest you think that things were like this on Oprah's property were like this before she moved in, let me tell you what it used to be like. Since Oprah moved into what she calls, "Promised Land" the water usage has doubled. Doubled. Apparently Oprah must like practicing walking on water or something.