Monday, September 29, 2008

That's How You Get Married

I'm sure that both sexes are disappointed this morning after seeing that Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson were married this weekend. It also goes to show you that even celebrities getting married can keep secrets. These are two of the biggest celebrities, and there were no rumors of an impending wedding date. I'm actually impressed that she got married in Canada, in a wilderness park, and didn't want the whole 300 person thing and the designer everything. I mean she probably had dreams her whole life about doing it someplace else, and in a different setting, but did it anyway. That is some serious love.
Some people would say they got married too soon. I mean it has barely been a year since they started dating. They got engaged after just a few months. Ryan went straight from one relationship to another, they are obviously from different countries and there were just so many possibilities for disaster. But you know what? I think they just said f**k it, we love each other, let's get married and who cares what anyone else says. I like that. I think that sometimes people try and think about things too much and talk themselves out of something based on what other people would say. It is always easy to talk yourself out of something. Tougher to just take a chance and go for it.

I'm happy for them, and hope it lasts forever.


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    I'm surprised. I was expecting snark from you regarding this wedding. I think it's great that they went for it and hope it lasts longer than their dating relationship. It's great that there wasn't any media leading up to it.

  2. she probably kept it quiet so woody allen wouldn't try and stop

  3. scar jo is very rumored to be a lesbian. hwood goes through great pains to hide it.

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I don't give a shit about either of these two, really. Both are only good for masturbatory material, provided that their mouth is firmly shut while you do it.

  5. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I guess I'm on the opposite view of this, Ent.

    "F*ck it" is not a really good reason to get married. Impulse is not love; impulse is lust.

    I have seen marriages after a short relationship work out for really long terms, and I hope that happens here.

    My guess is she's "suddenly pregnant" mid-November. Scarlett may be liberal with her sexual conquests, but girl is deep-down traditional when it comes to babies.

  6. wonder if it was Clayoquot Wilderness Resort.

  7. I hope for their sake that it sticks and that they're happy forever.

    Realistically speaking it's pretty ill-advised to get married until a good chunk of time after the initial chemical infatuation wears off, somewhere after the 18 month point.

    But hey, rock out kids.

  8. Or, you know, she could just be knocked up.

  9. you know its bad enough that bitch stole my man...but to get married in my back yard??? scandalous.

    im back bitches and i'm pissed.

  10. If ever there was a Hollywood marriage, this is it. Everyone in Hollywood knows Scarlett is a lesbian and Ryan is gay. Scarlett has a great fixer on her team thus the wedding. I can't wait to see how this plays out

  11. kristen, interesting notion.

  12. Awww, Enty let his inner romantic out! I think this calls for some Pride & Prejudice:

    "Well," said Charlotte, "I wish [Scarlett] success with all my heart; and if she were married to him to-morrow, I should think she had as good a chance of happiness as if she were to be studying his character for a twelvemonth. Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance. If the dispositions of the parties are ever so well known to each other or ever so similar beforehand, it does not advance their felicity in the least. They always continue to grow sufficiently unlike afterwards to have their share of vexation; and it is better to know as little as possible of the defects of the person with whom you are to pass your life."

  13. Welcome back, Jax -- you were missed, but I enjoyed reading your blog while you were gone, particularly about the food (yum!).

    Just to weigh in on the whole length of dating = length of marriage issue...really one has nothing to do with the other. My parents got married after two months of dating, and will soon celebrate their 30th anniversary.

    Of course, that's just one example, and they are "everyday people," but my point is just that's it's possible. I always hope for the best in other people's marriages -- no one goes in thinking they're going to fail.

  14. I did not say that the length of dating = length of marriage. Neither am I saying that short courtships can't work. They can!

    I'm saying that I think that waiting until the chemical craze is over strikes me as a better idea because you have a better sense of who you're marrying and what your groove might be as a couple once the initial tizzy gives way to something more mellow or everyday.

  15. Ent, sometimes you make me cry when you go all sensitive on us. :)

    Mooshki, love the Austen quote.

    I was a short engagement girl. As in nearly nonexistent. We're at 24 years and counting.

  16. yep, montanamarriott, a real good fixer.

  17. Anonymous10:39 AM

    My husband proposed after the first hour we met. Kids, mortgages, financial ups and downs . . . we're still crazy in love. It happens.

    Wouldn't a "just for show" wedding involve a show wedding?

    I think the quiet, attention free nuptials are a good sign, or a sign of something good. Will it last? Who knows? Who ever really knows? But good luck to them.

  18. I think it's wonderful they didn't call every magazine, tabloid, & entertainment show. If it were some of the others out there, this would have been rammed down our throats like when Jennifer Aniston/Brad Pitt married, or Eva/Tony.
    Very nicely done.

  19. Anonymous10:46 AM

    lol@jax you were missed hunny!

  20. Ent, with your disdain for Hollywood fakery, how come you love Ryan when there are so many stories about how he dates women to further his career? I used to like him until I heard so, so many similar stories. Now I just think he's pretty much a scumbag. If ScarJo's career tanks, he's moving on to anyone he can get who's bigger. I can't believe I used to think he was hot. Now he's just yuck. and quite often looks cross-eyed.

  21. Jaxy's back with a vengeance! Yay!

  22. whole length of dating = length of marriage

    Not always true just like this isn't always true: length of marriage = healthy relationship between 2 happy people

    ScarJo a lesbian and hiding it? NOW, when stars are coming out and esp when being a lesbian is fashionable? Doubt it.

  23. thanks peeps!

    sorry i dont see the gay/beard thing for those two. they were spotted all over being very private and affectionate with each quote one girl "it was like no one else existed" aww.

    if i'm wrong then i need the number of a good gaydar repairman.

  24. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I've been reading at some gossip site that SJ was gay but wasn't sure if that was true or not. Surprise to hear that RR is gay. He does give out that vibe lol.

    Was wondering why you haven't been here Jax. Welcome back!!

  25. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Just found out that John Saxon and Dack Rambo are gay. Dack I think it was him that he has Aids can't remember if he is still alive. Also surprise to read that Troy Donahue is also gay oh also Rory Calhoun.

  26. sylvie i did a post about Tab Hunter being gay as well on my blog.

  27. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Didn't see that jax. I was just there looking at your trip pictures, very nice. I bookmarked your blog I now have you underneath Ent's blog lol.

  28. Remember, Hollywood marriages have a 2-year expiration date.

    That said, I hate it when people say "I met my husband and 5 minutes later we were married and it's been 24 years!"

    That said, to paraphrase ENT, my parents got married after 4 months and are from different countries and are 15 years apart. There were just so many possibilities for disaster.

    It's been 56 years and counting.

  29. Ms. Snarky, I don't think Enty cared one way or another about Ryan until he realized how many CDAN readers are crazy about him. :) I think he's nice to Ryan for their sakes.

  30. I don't care how long they have been dating or for what reason they decided to have this quickie wedding - it could just be good old fashioned love, you know. I hope it's not a Hollywood marriage that's going to turn sour within a year or two and end in a bitter divorce. I hope they really love each other and that thay are going to be happy together for a long time.

    I can't really blame anyone for "jumping into it". I jumped into my marriage (and into moving to another country at the same time) and it's been AWESOME. When you know, you know - so go for it!

    If you have the legal right to do so, that is. Unfortunately that is not the case for everyone.

  31. eh...I just can't get excited about these two. He wears too much foundation and she seems equally vanilla. I can't even get excited at the possibility of them both being gay...just don't care

  32. Ugh. I think that both of them are sort of occasionally douchey in their own particular ways, but if I were to have a wedding, that is EXACTLY what I would want, personally, and I'm not famous. So this almost makes me like her more.

    She'll open her mouth in a few weeks and say something awful again, though, so I won't hold my breath or anything.

  33. Are you being sarcastic EL? I g ive this relationship 8 months tops.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Knew about the others but not about John Saxon. Dack was bi and died in '94.

  36. Whoa, I'm late to the party. Heh. I just wanted to comment about the SJ lesbian rumors: Maybe she's bi and just found the right one. ;)

    I always go back and forth on liking these two, but this swings me back to like and I think I'll stay there this time. I choose to hope for the best.

  37. he was very very eager to get married ... kind of like Ashton Kutcher ... what is it about being worshipped by the women of the world that makes some guys want to immediately settle down?

    slappy whyte
