Friday, September 26, 2008

She Can Fake It

OK! Magazine has a little fluff piece this week about how Reese Witherspoon is not looking forward to promoting her latest film because she will have to do it with Vince Vaughn by her side. First of all, I still can't figure out why she starred in a film with him unless she was trying to reach a group of people she had never quite hit before. From just about any perspective I think anyone could see they are two people who are not exactly going to mesh.

But, if there is anything Reese is good at, it is faking it. So, I don't think she will have any problems going out doing press and just saying the most wonderful things about Vince and the film and everyone will just sit back, drink their Kool-Aid and believe her. She is very convincing when she wants to be, and it can't be any more difficult than the faking she has been doing for the past year. Not too many stories about Jake and Reese the past month. As the film opens, it will be interesting to see if the Jake and Reese as a couple publicity goes into overdrive or if we get the relationship ended sympathy kind of publicity.


  1. "...if there is anything Reese is good at, it is faking it."

    Hmmm, what are you trying to say, Enty? LOL!

  2. LOL Enty! Funny how she can fake it but somehow she still can't act!

  3. i love reese!!

    mooshki, maybe enty is talking about faking it with toothy tile. eh, i mean

  4. Aw, I want to believe it is a real relationship.

  5. Ent. lawyer always had a boner for Reese. The reason there are no Jake/Reese stories for the past month is because he has been in Morocco/London filming a movie, but I don't expect Ent. lawyer to know that.

    And she was being kind in describing Vince , I have heard worse.

    She is making the movie with Vince for one reason: $$$$, like everyone else in HW. They are both co-producers of the movie and will get plenty of $$$ when it opens no matter the reviews.

    So they both will grin and bear it and besides, where is it written that they have to promote it together? More BS/PR for a movie that is opening in November, it's a bit too early for this nonsense isn't it?

  6. NAF Adrian it's a real relationship allright, just not the kind they're selling. Enty, methinks it will be option #3 "No questions about Jake" to keep the fauxmance alive and going. I'll bet the house during press Reese will use the "smile really big and play coy" technique so people will jump to the "They're engaged!" rumors.

  7. mooshki, maybe enty is talking about faking it with toothy tile. eh, i mean jake

    Yes, he is, isn't it obvious?

    Jake and Reese are faking it big time. Dull and unconvincing showmance couple. *yawn*

  8. Anonymous12:55 PM

    what is a toothy tile?? I know it has to do with being gay but don't understand how that nick came about.

  9. sylvia, ted casablanca is the one who writes blinds about a person named 'toothy tile' and everyone has figured it out as being jake g. i don't know why he picked that name, but his smile probably has something to do with the toothy part.

  10. Sylvia "Toothy Tile" is a code word given to Jake Gyllenhal by Ted Casa'whatshisname on his gossip site. Jakey boy loves the dudes and is in a fauxmance with Reese as cover. Jake likes to play reckless with guys in public places (parking garages, out of the way cafes).

    BTW: I absolutey cannot STAND Reese's chin! GAH!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I too think that Reese will ask for no questions about Jake but will sport a huge rock on her left finger just to get everyone excited.

    Three weeks later, they will "break up" and that will be that.

    Kinda like Jen and Vince Vaughn's fake relationship.

  13. what i don't get is why reese is going along with this. the kids are getting attached to some guy who will disappear. that sucks.

  14. "Yes, he is, isn't it obvious?"

    Yes, yes it is. You see, I try to cut back on the emoticons for Enty's sake and no one gets that I'm being sarcastic. What's a gal to do?

  15. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Thanks Molly & Lisa.

    lol@mooshki being sarcastic

  16. mooshki, the gals got it, hon, but sometimes the guys here can't post without being douchebags. or maybe some of them are girls posting with guys names and being douchebags. i dunno.

  17. dnfrommn, is the exception!!! and so is christopher.

  18. Ha, I didn't think you got it either Molly. Maybe I'm just looking at things through bad-mood-colored glasses.

  19. what i don't get is why reese is going along with this. the kids are getting attached to some guy who will disappear.

    Kids are attached to their nanny, not to Jake who does occasional photo shoot with them.

    Reese's flop movies and contract with Avon are more than enough reasons for fauxmance PR. Reese can't stand being dumped, she wanted her "revenge" with someone "better" than Ryan.

    Reese Witherspoon wins best actress [Oscar], and she can't think of anything better to do than harp on her ex-boyfriends: "Every time I got dumped, I always fantasised that one day he would be sorry - and I would go on stage and tell him what I thought. "So for all the boys who ever dumped me, this is for you."


    No comment.

  20. mooshki, i got it, i got it. i just wanted to make a different joke, cuz, hey, wouldn't everyone have to fake it with enty? he'd be asking a million questions about whether or not nicole really had a baby.

    no bad mood! i'm sending you positive vibes and a prayer that anything not going your way will quickly turn around for you.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. aw, enty, you're just jealous!
    i'm with adrian. i'm not 100% jake is toothy. but then, i'm a romantic at heart. and at least he's not a $cio!

  23. p.s.

    what's the matter, bucky?

  24. Hey Bunny - it's the time of year - I get bad Seasonal Affect Disorder when the sun starts to go away, and my job is hugely stressful from September to November. Honestly, this year has been so much better than usual because you CDANers cheer me up so much!!! :)

  25. that will be prob the most unlikely, least-chemistry romantic couple on film ever ... if thats what kind of flick it is...

  26. i'm sorry! we actually looked into that w/ me. we now think it was mostly depression because the cooler weather kicks up the OA.
    this winter should be interesting!

  27. You and I can help keep each other going. :)

  28. omg, i have SAD, too. but i use a light every morning and it really helps me through the long autumn and winter months.

    mooshki, if your doctor will write a note, your insurance may cover the purchase of a light for therapy. call your insurance company to ask. this is where i got mine, a long time ago:
