Monday, September 29, 2008

Sex Tape? Sure. But No Other Details

In what has to be one of the douchiest moves in all of douchedom, Adnan Ghalib is perfectly willing to sell a 2 hour tape of he and Britney Spears having sex, but won't for any price talk about about her out of respect. Uh huh. In an interview with Heat Magazine, Adnan confirmed what the entire world already suspected. Last year when he took Britney down to Mexico he did so with the a sex tape probably in mind. Why not? I think he probably would have already sold it, but I'm guessing that Britney was probably so far gone that she makes Kim Kardashian actually look interested.

A two hour tape translates to a lot of money. I'm guessing his reluctance to talk about Britney is just because no one is willing to pay the amount of money he probably wants for the inside dirt. So, until that price point is reached, he will just pretend that he is taking some kind of moral high ground. Then, when the price is reached, he will suddenly do a 180 and tell the world that he owes it to us to tell all so that Britney is not plagued by rumors or disparaging facts. Whatever. The guy is a douche for taking advantage of her, and honestly I hope that he gets no takers for the tape. I have no interest in watching some guy pose Britney in whatever angles or positions he thought at the time would bring him fame and fortune.

I am having a tough time working up any support for him or for anyone else today. I am quite possibly having one of the worst days of my entire life and so as far as I'm concerned he can just f**k off. I didn't think it was possible for someone to feel as bad as I feel right now, so forgive me if I don't want to pat Adnan on the back and give him an attaboy for pretending he cares something for Britney.


  1. Anonymous11:27 AM

    What a douchebag!! He doesn't want to talk about her out of respect but he is willing to sell a sex tape.

  2. Sorry about your bad day--I hope things look up.
    Thanks for thinking of the rest of us by still posting.
    Adnon is beyond contempt.

  3. enty, sorry you're having such a bad day. a lot of us pray. we'll pray for you. i will, anyways.

    scumbag. was this the pap? i don't remember this guys name at all.

  4. Ent! Sweetie! Babydoll! what's wrong? Don't feel bad. We love you. Well, everyone but Nicole, but what the heck, she's busy with that fake baby anyway.

    Cheer up, we can't get through the day without you. Feel better. have a nice cocktail and massage. In fact, come to New York and I'll give you the best massage ever. and make you your favorite drink. candles and everything! Feel better! love you! smooches!

  5. I'm sorry to hear your Monday sucks :( Hang in there Ent!!

    Adnan is another douche bag and karma will prevail. Anyone with a brain could see this one coming. It's just sickening to see what the love of money does to some people. What a phony ass wearing a rosary around his neck!

  6. *hugs Ent. Hope whatever it is can get better.

  7. Awww, Ent--I hope your day goes better.

    Bad Mondays suck balls. You make my week bearable. Wish I could pay it forward for you...


  8. Oh, sweetie, and you still took the time out to send me a kind message. You are such a good guy!!!

    There were rumors over the past week that Adnan was trying to get back together with her, so I bet that has a lot to do with the timing. He'd rather marry the cash cow, but if that doesn't work he'll get his milk any sleezy way he can.

  9. Anonymous11:38 AM

    I love how he says he won't be selling any other stories or details, out of respect...

    um, hello, sex tape? Telling them everything you know about her would be less scummy than selling a sex tape.


  11. Aww Enty, have a booby cuddle.

    I'm ashamed to be from the same country as him :/

  12. **hugs to enty**

    ...but if you prefer a little whip action just let me know. ;)

  13. I wonder if there could be some kind of an injunction against him releasing it because of her mental status at the time....He's an idiot and deserves all the hell he gets....

  14. Enty dahlink...get yer ass outta the office (or wherever it is you are) and have a coupla refreshing beverages.

  15. chin up fat bastard it can't all be Vegas and hookers!

    i jest my lovely fat man..big hug in a non obnoxious suck up kinda way. smooches doll.

  16. PS-if you need a laugh click on my pic.

  17. LOL, Jax, are you trying to blind us?!

  18. Dude,
    Just tell us who's messed with you and we'll totally trash him/her in the comments.

    If something bad has happened, we'll forget the snark and send prayers and good vibes your way.

  19. I think this is a case of 'what happened in Vegas' hitching a ride right back to LA with our Enty.

    xo, Ent!

  20. Papi,
    So sorry to hear you are having a bad Monday, so was I but I am NOT going to let it get to me, I am going to think positively even if it kills me, lol. Just know that we here, live for you and your blog so that should put a smile on your face.

    As for Adnan, KARMA is a mothaf**cka

  21. Anonymous12:12 PM

    What a bastard. I think you predicted this when they went on that vacation.
    Just one reason why we all love you Ent!

  22. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Hope your day gets better - we love you Enty and are sending happy thoughts your way!

  23. Ent and I made a sex tape.

    Well, not really sex, more like us sitting around eating.

    Well...not really eating more like us sitting on the couch drinking and watching tv.

    Well, not really watching tv, more like just drinking and then falling asleep. You can't see much though cause the basements dark.

    Actually, our tape blows. No one's gonna buy it. Damn. I was looking for a quick buck.

    Hope your day is less shitty later, dude!

  24. what an ass. What else can you say? ugh.

    Ent, Hope everything works out for you today and things get better!

  25. I'm having a bad day too. My beloved pet died this morning :-(

  26. Sorry to hear about your sucky day. ::hugs:: It will get better after a few drinks and a decent joint. :)

    Adnan is a tool. Papa Spears should dip into Brit's cash and pay someone to pay him a "visit". I wanna rip that shit on his chin off of his face. How can you think that is attractive? Seriously!

  27. Oh, Ms., I'm so sorry - that is one of my worst nightmares. :'(

    Trogdor, if that little bit doesn't make Enty smile, nothing can.

  28. Well, I left out the part where when we woke up his hand was kinda close to my knee. Really awkward moment when we made eye contact.

    lol, I try I try... I think someone had a bad day back in July and it's been passed on since.

    Sorry to hear about the pet, ms. That sucks.

  29. I'm sorry your day is sucking, Ent. *hugs to you*

    And *hugs to you* Ms. That's so very hard.

    As for Adnan, *phbbbbbbbbbt*

  30. I think the market is leaving a bad mark on everyone today, whether they know it or not. I hope things get better for you.

  31. Adnan's chin looks like my p*ssy. I laugh every time I see a guy like that.

  32. eeewww...tmi, d!!

  33. I just had a bad feeling--FW=Future Wife? I'm hoping it's not that.

  34. You would hope that this would serve as a giant warning to any young singer/starlet about who & who shouldn't be in your life.

    Hope someone makes that guy eat shit someday.

  35. Adrian, since he said he was losing his Saturdays, I figured the bad day was work-related. If that's what FW stands for, I think my heart just broke. ;)

  36. I hope Enty is laughing at these comments. I know I'm laughing now and my day has been on the crappy side too.

    I hate to admit it, but the first time I heard Adnan speak I thought there was something sexy about him. When he was on Kathy Griffin's show and kept answering his cellphone (supposedly Brit calling), he wouldn't say hello he's day "Hi babe, or yes, babe" and I thought maybem just maybe, he has real feelings for her.

    And that my friends is a really good example of my bad judgement when it comes to men.

    Of course, there is always the possibility that Brit is in on it, right?

  37. what's this? back up that truck there Mr. Enty Lawyer... If you are having a really crappy day we need to make sure it gets better for you. Just tell me whatcha need bubala... a drink (or 20) a little smoky smoke?? Maybe a happy ending??? I have friends I can send someone to that basement of yours that will put a smile on your chubby little face!

    well not really but i would if i could. You are always there for us in the CDAN nation and I hope you know that whatever the problem is you have undying support. Sending you hugs and big wet sloppy kisses... hope it gets better soon sweetie!

    PS: MS - i'm so sorry for your loss I know that it's heartbreaking. hugs to you too

  38. "It's just another Manic Monday........." This should make you feel better..... At least ya'll weren't doing what I was doing this morning. Working my little part time job at Popeye's Chicken, making Cajun Rice and Cole Slaw! The grossest thing ever!!! But, they work with my hours, and my 18-year-old son works there, so it's cool. Ent, would you like some Spicy Chicken Strips with Country Gravy??? I'll send ya some.......
    And to ms., Honey I send hugs and love to you in this terrible time!! I have pets, and one of my worst nightmare's is to lose one of them. Prayers to you, Dear!!!

  39. oh and F Adnan... I hope no one buys that damn tape. If he wants to take the high road why bring it up? asshole!

  40. ms, sorry to hear you lost a pet. that's so hard.

    adrian, where do you see FW? i looked back and can't find what you're talking about. me so confused.

  41. And as for Adnan and this tape...... Yeah, everyone thought this would happen. I just think it's sad because Brit wasn't mentally stable at the time it was shot. I understand the Paris tapes, and the Kim and Pam tapes, but they were concenting, mentally stable adults who shot those. Brit was F@CKED UP!!! Guess what, I bet it's more pathetic than sexy!!!

  42. and mooshki, where did you read about him losing his saturdays?

    i feel like i'm 8 chapters behind the

  43. Thanks, everyone. Appreciate it. He had a good life with me. Arrived in my home as an unwanted, traumatized rescue. I had lots of animals at the time (all sickly rescues) and really didn't want or have room for another one.

    But I stumbled across him in a shelter and he was doing very poorly. I tried to find him a home, to no avail, and finally took him because he was going to be put down - he was diabetic.

    It took a couple of months of working with him to bring him out of his shell and he truly blossomed and revealed himself to be a real character. My other animals died during the four years I had Jake (lost the 2nd last one in May).

    The house is very very quiet today, for the first time in years. I hate it. But I'm not getting any more animals for a while. Need a break from the responsibility and the heartbreak. I'm a sucker for the problem critters no one else wants.

    Because they do have health problems, they have a shorter lifespan. And much higher vet bills. Won't miss shelling out big bucks to the vet. I know this going into an adoption, but it doesn't make it easier when they die before their time.

    All of Jake's food, toys, towels and medication were donated today to an animal rescue. Can't do anything more for Jake, but I hope his things make another animal more comfortable and happy.

  44. Ms., I always wanted to volunteer at the Humane Society, but I'd end up taking all the sad sacks home with me. I can't stand the thought of any of them not being adopted. My dog has big issues because she was abused by two previous owners, and even though she isn't as good at bonding as dogs usually are, I love her with all my heart. She's getting older, and I've started to worry about losing her.

    As much as you love them, it is nice to have a break in between pets. Then the craving gets too bad and you have to run out and get another one. The heartbreak at the end is bad, but the years of joy they bring you makes up for it. And you have the comfort of knowing you gave them a good life.

  45. ms.,
    i lost my diabetic cat, bubba, just a couple of months ago. my heart is with you, my dear. he was our last cat, and the bunnies miss him, too. sometimes he comes to visit, but not very often, so i know he's happy over the bridge.

    and enty, as long as i've been here, i've never seen you
    say you're having a horrible, horrible day. i hope it's something that will clear up for you... if the weather was nicer, i'd extend the same offer of a swim and a margie that i made a couple of months ago...

  46. Hey, Enty - so caught up in my own misery today that I didn't offer my sympathy. I agree with Bionic Bunny's sentiments - I hope that whatever is knocking the stuffing out of you is temporary and will pass soon.

    I'm having a drink for me and I'll have two more for you.

  47. love you Enty. There's always tomorrow. Feel better and I hope everything is OK

  48. Since Britney's father obviously can prove that she was not in her right mind, can't this guy be sued or something for exploitation?

  49. NOooooo this guy cannot get away exploiting somebody like this. There has to be or should be a law against this. Hey porno is fine, ask my husband, but this is not right, unless it was concenting adults. She was a f-d up mess back then, everyone could see that. I say everyone black list him and this me it would be like watching a child being molested.

  50. I am quite possibly having one of the worst days of my entire life and so as far as I'm concerned he can just f**k off. I didn't think it was possible for someone to feel as bad as I feel right now,

    Oh, so sorry to hear things suck for you. I feel bad, because you always do your thing and make a day a little better for the snarks of the world, hell you actually do nice things for lots of people.

    Hope a small gesture of patting you on the back helps.

    As for Brittney, her mental illness and general stupidity lead her to a place that will make this douche money and embarrass her children for the rest of their horrifying lives. Very sad. It would be nice if a car fell out of the sky and landed on his ugly mug. But such is life.

  51. ms., I work in a vet clinic, which is SO rewarding, but it's really hard to watch people lose their pets. I'm sorry. I always tell myself that at least the pets had caretakers who loved them enough to release them from their pain and discomfort once and for all. They don't languish, and it's a respectful process. I'm so sorry, though. I've got five catbabies, and I can't imagine losing any of them.

    Yeah, cat lady.

    Anyway, here's what I wanted to post about this: why in the HELL are famous people SO freaking PRONE to porking on CAMERA?!?!? SDLGHSDLGHS@!!! I mean, I would think that I'd be EXTRA careful to draw the blinds and check for wiretaps before my ass got tapped or whatever. What in the FUCK possesses a person to want to make a home porno? You want to see hairy bobbing man ass and spreadeagle legs on camera. Fabulous. Suuuuuuuper entertaining.

  52. Enty, I'm sorry your day's been so shitty...hope it gets much better soon. And Ms., I understand where you're coming from, too--the one big downside to furbabies is that they just don't live as long as we do. :-(

    *hugs* all around...

  53. No one expects you to pat Adnan on the back - why on earth would you think this? You want to slag on him - have at it! He's trash. Always been trash, always will be. She's not a minor, but taking her out of the country, enabling her disorder, (if he was) controlling the substances she was taking... all for the purpose of making a sex tape - possibly without her knowledge? Isn't there anything that can be done legally (criminally)?

  54. Enty, wassamatter baby? It makes me sad to know you're feeling sad. I hope you're working it out whatever it is.
    You are thought of with love.
