Monday, September 29, 2008

Sex Tape? Sure. But No Other Details

In what has to be one of the douchiest moves in all of douchedom, Adnan Ghalib is perfectly willing to sell a 2 hour tape of he and Britney Spears having sex, but won't for any price talk about about her out of respect. Uh huh. In an interview with Heat Magazine, Adnan confirmed what the entire world already suspected. Last year when he took Britney down to Mexico he did so with the a sex tape probably in mind. Why not? I think he probably would have already sold it, but I'm guessing that Britney was probably so far gone that she makes Kim Kardashian actually look interested.

A two hour tape translates to a lot of money. I'm guessing his reluctance to talk about Britney is just because no one is willing to pay the amount of money he probably wants for the inside dirt. So, until that price point is reached, he will just pretend that he is taking some kind of moral high ground. Then, when the price is reached, he will suddenly do a 180 and tell the world that he owes it to us to tell all so that Britney is not plagued by rumors or disparaging facts. Whatever. The guy is a douche for taking advantage of her, and honestly I hope that he gets no takers for the tape. I have no interest in watching some guy pose Britney in whatever angles or positions he thought at the time would bring him fame and fortune.

I am having a tough time working up any support for him or for anyone else today. I am quite possibly having one of the worst days of my entire life and so as far as I'm concerned he can just f**k off. I didn't think it was possible for someone to feel as bad as I feel right now, so forgive me if I don't want to pat Adnan on the back and give him an attaboy for pretending he cares something for Britney.


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