I think there is probably some unwritten Blogger rule that if Desmond Tutu comes to your town and walks a red carpet that you are required to put him at the top of the photos. Heck, he deserves to be at the top, red carpet or not.
Yeah, I could go there, but I won't. I mean he could go there too, but he would have to jump. Is that a cell phone camera in his hand?The person with the longest legs in the world meets the shortest man in the world.
Well, I think we should all be hoping that Amy Poehler's baby takes forever to come into this world because when the baby does arrive, Amy is departing SNL, never to return.
Two straight events, and Ben Stiller has yet to really crack a smile. Nice suit though.

I know, I know. I'm a straight male with a Krispy Kreme fetish, but yet, I do know that at least three of my divorces were a direct result of my wives spending too much money on shoes. I'm probably wrong, but this is Britney yesterday.

And this is Britney last year. Same shoes? As much as she goes out, you would think she would find the time to buy a new pair.

I think I tore something just looking at these photos.

The sad thing is, both of the people above I believe were just auditioning. They are not even actually in this circus.

Diane Lane looks amazing as always.

Dane Cook may not be funny, but I will admit he is a good looking guy. He can't act either though, so we really need to find a profession he could excel at.

Perhaps he could be the new gigolo for Jocelyn Wildenstein who used to be Catwoman, and is apparently trying to transform into an actual cat.

I'm surprised her boy toy can even stand, because if I were him, I would have needed about 20 of those mojitos before I would be taking her back to her place no matter how much she was paying me.

Josh Lucas, because hey, it's Josh Lucas.

Last time Jack Black wore this jacket I made some crack about birds crapping on it, but at night, it looks kind of cool.

The newlyweds this time actually acted like newlyweds on the red carpet. There was even tongue.

I think this is the first time I have ever seen Gwyneth Paltrow show any kind of affection to any human being.

Wasn't she in The Funeral or something like that with David Schwimmer? And didn't they have a thing for each other? Yeah, that's probably why it made $4.

I'm tired of Robert Downey Jr. photos also, but at least I didn't post any of Anne Hathaway who did a one woman red carpet at her premiere, or Kate Hudson at her premiere. Besides, I wanted to have one photo of Robert without the stache.

Richard Dean Anderson is amongst the living again.

Priscilla in London. How do they walk in those shoes?

Doing more charity work. Who thinks Nicole would be doing it if Joel wasn't pushing her?

Lea Thompson, her husband, and daughter.

Just because I like Vanessa Williams and America and don't get tired of looking at them.

For those of you not in the US, you should consider yourself lucky. For the past year, everytime I turn on the radio, I have to listen to Tanya Roberts extol the virtue of a timeshare company in Vegas. I used to like her until those commercials. Now, I cringe whenever I hear her name. I hope she got paid a lot, but she probably just got 3 days and 2 nights in a condo on the strip with a free show. Can you say high roller baby?

Stevie Wonder - Rotterdam

When action stars get puffy.

Man I want to look like Richard Gere at his age. Instead, I will probably look like the Staypuff Marshmallow Man.

Lea Thompson's daughter is adorable.
ReplyDeleteDane Cook should get a job standing in a store window.
In regards to Britney--WOW! what a difference a year makes. I wish her well in trying to get her life together.
Oh--- Richard Gear looks just like my husband's Aunt Elinor. Scary.
Richard Gere & Diane Lane obviously share the secret to putting aging on hold.
ReplyDeleteJosh Lucas is such a cutie!
As far as I'm concerned, you can post as much RDJ as you want.
It's a good thing you put his name on there or I would never have recognized Richard Dean Anderson.
Hey, be nice to Nicole, she's working so hard to put herself in the shoes of the world's undernourished and underfed.
Jocelyn Wildenstein... yikes. The surgeons who did this to her should have their licences' suspended for life. There are rules about operating on unbalanced people and no one with a healthy mind would mutilate themselves like this.
ReplyDeleteJocelyn is as painful to hear as she is to see. Whatever happened to her messy divorce and she was going to turn in the husband's family for selling artwork stolen by the Nazi's? Anybody remember that? Okay, maybe not.
ReplyDeleteTanya Roberts' timeshare (Tahiti Village) is NOT on the strip. The TV commercial with Alan Thicke is a rip because he is actually standing in the pool of the Mandalay Bay, which is on the strip. Roseanne Barr even pushes Tahiti Village in a radio commercial for her Vegas show.
Tahiti Village! Oh I so love how the DJs attempt to ask questions like they're really talking to Tanya, Roseanne Barr and Carrie Ann Inaba. When is Tanya's cooking show going to air?
ReplyDeleteTanya Roberts OMG. I remember when I first saw her she looked so exotic and then I heard her talk..holy crap. She was born 100 years too late, shoulda been in the silent era of movies and before TV was around. Yea and thanks a lot Enty now I 'll be hearing Can you say high roller baby? all day now in my head. *sticks pin in the Enty voodoo doll and feeds it another Krispy Kreme*
ReplyDeleteSteven Segal looks weirdly similar to Emeril Lagasse to me. At least in the face. I will give Emeril credit for not shoe polishing in a hairline.
ReplyDeleteRichard Gere looks great. He always looks like he's happy being himself. Maybe it's the buddhism thing. Maybe it's just because he looks like that.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Nicole would be doing much of anything but blow if she hadn't met Joel and got knocked up. Both her and Britney have come a long way in a year. Good for them & the guys in their lives that helped them along (Joel & Jamie)
ReplyDeleteThank you for no AH - sick of seeing her.
Gwyneth has really cute kids.
Christ that Jocelyn woman is scary....like bag over the head before sex scary.
I wonder if Ben Stiller is really like the character he played in Friends.
I'm actually excited that Amy is leaving SNL - way more people will be able to see her talents.
LOL Do you think he looked up just once?
Cat lady should come with a warning sign.
ReplyDeleteLea Thompson has a kid? Man I feel old. Not old enough to ask if she's legal, but old...
ReplyDeleteAny info on the tall lady? Who is she?
I went to a very small school with Josh Lucas.(Thats not his real name) He was so not hunky back in High School. Skinny and very pale. He was kinda dorky and was in every school club known to man. He gets better with age thats for sure.
ReplyDeleteENT - only YOU would notice Britney's shoes from a year ago.
ReplyDeleteI guess sticking gerbils up your ass must give you good skin. Still not gonna try it.
ReplyDeleteDane Cook looks good from far away, but his skin is pretty rough from acne and booze.
Lea Thompson must do gerbils, too. Stunning.
Macgyver is always welcome on my screen.
brenda, is that the free credit guy? or am i losing my mind (no comments from the peanut gallery!)?
ReplyDeletethe before and after pix of britney are amazing. hope she keeps up the good work.
and, y'all? those circus pix? i didn't have the balance, but i had the spread. THAT'S why i have to have everything replaced now. bionics ain't all they're cracked up to be.
and i still love jack black. i can't help it. it must be a vitamin deficiency or something.
Jocelyn Wildenstein - yikes! so that wasn't a mask? She doesn't look real.
ReplyDeleteI finally saw Iron Man, and thought RDJ was insanely hot in it. Nice to see the stache gone.
ReplyDeleteAlso nice to see that Gwynnie has a soft side for SOMEONE.
Ben Stiller a BI reveal? I have no idea for which, but a famous funnyman not smiling has to mean something is up.
Uh, Enty? You want to look like Richard Gere . . . three years ago? Have you gotten so old and senile that you can't remember you're older than he?
bionic bunny - yes its the free credit report.com guy. I heart him and his silly songs!
ReplyDeleteAs great as Tina Fey was as Sarah Palin, I found Amy's Hilary to be hypnotic. I couldn't take my eyes off her.
ReplyDeleteEff Brit's shoes. Look at how happy and normal she looks now! Maybe her daddy is actually doing a good job.
I thought that was Daniel Radcliffe balancing on the mushroom.
America is just so goshdarn adorable. She looks pretty every time you see her (except when she's Ugly Betty).
Richard Gere is NOT "getting better with age"! He looks like he's in his 70s! (heck, maybe he IS)
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I feel about Dane Cook. He comes off as a total douche in his movies but his earlier stand-up still cracks me up (F*** you, bee!).
I LOVE Brit's shoes - if they were in my closet, I'd wear them all the time, too.
Jocelyn Wildenstein: the Original Butterface.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI noticed Brit's shoes last week too and recognized them; she's gone from the brown boots of insanity to the respectable heels of medication.
ReplyDeleteI thought Jocelyn Wildenstein was dating Lloyd Klein? Either way, that's not the face you want going near your junk for a bj...
Re: Britney's shoes. I buy a lot of shoes. I wouldn't say it's a problem, but I do love shoes, trying on shoes, and purchasing shoes. But I only actually wear 3 pairs. My chucks, my champs (for walking to work) and my black patent heels. My husband tries at leats once a month to throw out shoes of mine that are just taking up space on the shoe shelf, but that I never wear. He hasn't been successful so far.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand how Dane Cook has a career. I really don't.
Josh Lucas on the other hand...ooh...he's PRETTY. And, not a bad actor either.
Not related to the random pictures, but I have to tell you that I saw The Bronx (from L.A.) open for Bad Religion last night. SO GOOD. If you like the punk/ rock 'n' roll, you have to check those guys out. I left before Bad Religion even started. That's my music tip for the day!
Those pics of Britney make me root for her. I can't help myself.
ReplyDeleteI guess sticking gerbils up your ass must give you good skin. Still not gonna try it.
ReplyDeletedn, you still buying that urban legend which was started by sylvester stallone? you're smarter than that!!!
"As great as Tina Fey was as Sarah Palin, I found Amy's Hilary to be hypnotic. I couldn't take my eyes off her."
ReplyDeleteI agree! I know people were understandably excited to have Tina back on SNL, but I thought Amy was brilliant!
"My husband tries at least once a month to throw out shoes of mine that are just taking up space on the shoe shelf..."
Does he not realize that could get a guy killed?
Molly, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, Gere will ALWAYS be the gerbil guy. Hey, I think he deserves to have that stuck with him after inflicting "Red Corner" on the world.
mooshki, that's harsh, girl...lol!
ReplyDeletebrenda, me too! i don't like the two newest ones as much, but i love the first handful. silly, isn't it how an ad can stick with you??? and it works, i had to go see if anybody had messed with our credit after some scary shit, and i just thought of the cute guy in the pirate restaurant..
ReplyDeleteI just earned a great deal of respect for britney seeing the difference a year has made. I hope she doesn't relapse.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty traumatized by seeing the cat lady again. I saw her a long time ago on ripleys believe it or not and she freaked me out. I used to joke with my friends that i was a crazy cat lady cuz i always have several cats and i love the shit out of them. but that lady's face scares me worse than any kind of fictitious monster ever ever could.
Richard Gere is hotter everytime i see him.
I just earned a great deal of respect for britney seeing the difference a year has made. I hope she doesn't relapse.
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty traumatized by seeing the cat lady again. I saw her a long time ago on ripleys believe it or not and she freaked me out. I used to joke with my friends that i was a crazy cat lady cuz i always have several cats and i love the shit out of them. but that lady's face scares me worse than any kind of fictitious monster ever ever could.
Richard Gere is hotter everytime i see him.
All these pretty people, and still no "ShamWow!" guy. I'm just so disappointed...
ReplyDeleteRichard Gere, Diane Lane:
How to look young by not trying to look young.
Steven Seagal:
How to look like an aging asshole.
Britney looks mentally healthy now, she really looked so bad a year ago. Good for her.
And Josh Lucas is just too cute.