Kids In The Hall Reunion? Top spot guaranteed. Man, I have some YouTubing to do this afternoon.

This almost made the top spot just because you have a legend in Alan Alda, a buddy in Lauren Graham, and one of my favorite actors, Greg Kinnear. Oh, and sure for the relatives of the director of Marc Abraham you have him as well.
And because it is my site I will force you to look at another photo of Lauren and Greg.
Apparently Bryan Brown travels with his bowling ensemble at all times. You know. Just in case.

Yes, yes, I know many of you voted for Adrien Brody in the poll. Is the jacket designed to look like that or was it recently crumpled into a ball?

Hard to believe someone paid someone for a picture of a guy stretching, but I'm sure money changed hands.

Was Colin Firth anyone's choice, because he is not a bad looking guy.

Brooke Shields swears it is the same pair from the commercial from so many years ago. Could be why she looks like she is going to explode.

I could have just posted individual photos of the three, but, I like it and them. I don't like how Brad and Tom Cruise have started dressing alike, but other than that everyone looks good.

Speaking of not looking good. Damn Bill Maher. Good thing you have money and fame.

Throw some pancake makeup on Evan Rachel Wood and you have Marilyn Manson.

Maybe Marilyn should just buy a mirror to look at when he is having sex.

It has been a long time since Evangeline Lilly has made the photos. She looks great.

Speaking of looking great, Debra Winger looks amazing. If I hadn't decided to ban all things John Travolta from my life I might have been tempted to watch Urban Cowboy tonight after Kids In The Hall.

Hell of an ad. The woman with the snake is Daisy Lowe, and then you have the newly married Peaches Geldof on the right. The woman in the middle? I have no idea, but her parents are probably proud.

Jack White was headed to a Willy Wonka convention after the press conference. I would have also accepted going to an Amish buffet.

I love Julianne Moore, but she looks too thin.

A Jason Mewes sneer. Love it.

I saw Gael Garcia Bernal's name in the poll a few times.

Elisabeth Shue and her husband Davis Guggenheim.

"That's it baby. Stick your chest out more."

Win an award in Venice and show the muscles. Click on the photo if you want to read what the tattoo says.

Do you think Antonio Banderas is allowed to use the bathroom by himself?

Lindsay Lohan got a timeout. Whether it was because she was bad, or because she was drinking a Stella, no one knows.

The fake laugh, by Kate Beckinsale. That could be a fragrance name. Fake Laugh for when you want to smell like a celebrity.

Got it. The book did well. Move on please.

Sandra Oh and Adam Yauch of the Beastie Boys. The guy in the middle? Lucky.

Look at Robin's fist. Why did she take him back? She looks twenty years older and Sean Penn looks like he knows he can get away with anything.

RENT is closed.

Rosario Dawson ending up after the RENT photo was accidental, but hey, it works.

LOVE Jason Mewes.
ReplyDeleteDon't F with Brooke, she's strong and can beat a man's ass, betcha.
Does everyone of Marilyn Manson's women look alike??? It's like their all stepford clones or something.
ReplyDeleteAdrien Brody looks like he had work done or gained some weight, maybe its the beard.
Is that Becksie AHHHHHH stretching?
I am not into blondes but oooh I just love me some Becks.
Julianne Moore looks bad, wow CRACK anyone?
Dean looks like he has dollar signs in his eyes, POOR TORI!
Robin Wright Penn looks like a battered wife.
julianne moore is only too thin for that big bag of a dress she's wearing.
ReplyDeletei don't think brooke shields looks like she's ready to explode. good for her the jeans still fit.
body language of robin and sean is chilling. she looks tense. you never know why people with kids take assholes back. maybe he promised to get counseling. whatever it is, i pray she dumps his ass if he beats on her again. i doubt he'll change, but i didn't have kids with him so i won't judge her.
thanks for double greg kinnear pics, enty, i love him!!!
Kids In the Hall!!!! Thanks, Enty! I'm squishing your head!
ReplyDeleteMs. Graham just gets prettier and prettier.
Anyone who would let MM touch them gets a big "BOOOOOOO" from me.
Mickey Rourke defines scary looking (Okay, maybe that's Carrot Top, but he's a close 2nd)
Elisabeth Shue needs a nap or something
Julianne Moore needs a pizza or 12
Brooke Shields does look a little constipated in that pic, but generally speaking she is getting more and more beautiful as she ages. Go, girl!
Urban Cowboy!!! Back in the days when John Travolta wasn't a douche and love me some Debra Winger.
RR and SP = dysfunctional relationship
When Jason Mewes had long hair, he reminded me of Ivan whatshisname who was the singer for Men Without Hats.
ReplyDeleteCurse you, Evan Rachel Wood, you dimestore Dita.
Wow - almost every picture is from TIFF. Good going.
ReplyDeleteAnd is that an answer to a blind about Antonio & Melanie?
Oh, and the reason Adrien's jacket looks so crumpled? He was just caught in a downpour. Seriously. It rained here the last few nights.
Evan Rachel Wood always looks like Dita von Tease.
ReplyDeleteRR and SP: We'll see how long it lasts. Either that or the reason she took him back is because he promised her all the freedom she wants, in all ways, just as he was doing.
I have NO idea why Banderas sticks with Melanie -- is it because of the kid they have together? Because Melanie and her other kids are a mess.
Bill Maher looks embalmed.
ReplyDeleteDebra Winger is gorgeous. She is 10 years older than Demi, yet looks 10 years younger.
Can we rais money to have Tori's chest fixed? Please?
yoyo, yeah, that sounds like it as i recall.
ReplyDeletesurfer, good catch!
Oh Melanie. Waaaay too much plastic surgery on the face!
ReplyDeleteLook at how fanatastic Antonio looks just by comparison! Antonio is all kinds of hot to me and that is mainly because from what I've read...he is very nice.
Plus....damn. He just looks so good.
I think Robin is definately a battered wife Montanamarriot,
ReplyDeleteMolly, and Indigoblue (love that handle).
It's haunting.
Why do you think she went back?
What could he have said or done to persuade her?
thanks guys!
ReplyDeleteJust face it, Ent, you're a girl drink drunk. Actually, I was babysitting the sis's kids the other night and they wanted to watch the movie Sky High. I was pleasantly surprised to see the Kids in the Hall guys, even if they had vapid roles.
ReplyDeleteColin Firth is usually looking pretty hot.
Brooke Shields, too. I don't think she looks like she's going to explode, but she doesn't look comfortable.
I'm not usually one to promote changing your appearance unless you just desire it, but I think Bill Maher would look a lot better if he dyed his hair.
<3 Jack White. That is all.
cute little redhead, the kids? that's the only thing i can come up with.
ReplyDeleteDebra Winger is amazing! I love her so much.
ReplyDeletePlease, no more pictures of Mickey Rourke. My poor eyes can't take it.
Cute Little Redhead -- Thanks for the shout out on my handle. I, too, am a cute little redhead in real life, btw! lol
ReplyDeleteOn RR and SP - I used to do divorces for a living and one thing I learned is the opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference. Some people just have so much passion (and yes, you can have negative passion, too) for each other that they are attracted like magnets, even if it's dysfunctional. I just always thought she was so beautiful. Ah, Princess Buttercup, take care of yourself!
paisley, after seeing the sex tape out takes, Mickey Rourke was a breath of fresh air.
ReplyDeleteGah, too many of those pics made me feel old.
ReplyDeletegrace, i read an interview with antonio b where he said he told her if she has one more surgery to change her looks he's leaving her. he thought it was unnecessary.
ReplyDeleteand speaking of him, i just caught *never talk to strangers* an older movie and is antonio HOT in it!!!
I think the bi about the wife taking a knife to her husband is Melanie, she is one crazy bitch. I think it's called Krama and it's all coming back at HER. She looks like she has a bruise on her right cheek. He had to fight her off him again.
ReplyDeleteMolly....yes, I think that would have to be it because maybe he treats her like crap but he's an amazing dad or something?
ReplyDeleteBut damn...her face is so sad and she looks mentally beaten down and it's hurtful. She is a nice and very pretty woman who has all kinds of talent and ability.
Ironically...Sean is mega talented himself. What does intense talent like that sometimes go hand in hand with intense temper and anger issues?
I just don't like mean guys.
Indigoblue...I bet you are all kinds of cute!
Evan is obviously in some kind of horrifying trauma-induced post-teen rebellion stage - we should all just respectfully ignore her until she makes her next million on a tell-all.
ReplyDeleteI stayed in the hotel next to the Rent theater when I was in NYC back in July. Quite the crowd waiting to get in. (Tiny hotel rooms though.)
ReplyDeleteI skipped the Kids in the Hall show on tour this year, $60+ticketbastard for back row balcony too rich for my blood.
Enty made my day: LG, Kinnear, Tilda, Becks' hindquarters, Debra Winger, Julianne, Gael, Shue, Perry and Rosario. WOO!
Colin Firth is on my list but only when he is playing Mr. Darcy. Antonio is on my list but pre-Melanie. Looking forward to those Daniel Craig pictures.
ReplyDelete@ not a famous adrian - Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe woman has a HOLE in her chest the size of a golfball.*shudders*
@ENT - Thanks for the Gael hotness! Love you!
Aw, Cute Little Redhead! You're making me blush! lol
ReplyDeletekate beckinsale -- take off the glove next time you are self tanning!
ReplyDeleteIt's a fact: KITH is awesome! And I prefer Dave Foley with his clothes on, thank you. :)
ReplyDeleteJulianne, please don't let H'wood make you a hungry, withered shell of a person.
What was up with Evan Rachel and Mickey kissing each other quite disturbingly at some movie premiere?
If Tori and Dean can have a party for a book that came out months ago, then I want to have parties just for bothering to show up at work.
i am SO glad not to be the only one with a greg kinnear crush! he's gotten a lot of trash talk over the years, but i always enjoy him.
ReplyDeleteand jason mewes! jay! not someone you get to see a lot of in the "pretty pictures" department!
Yaay Adrien B. (Thanks Enty!) and a bonus Antonio!
ReplyDeleteEvan Rachael Wood needs to get her own look and stop stealing Dita's. It's pathetic. There is only ONE Dita.
I LOVE KIDS IN THE HALL!!! Damn I miss them. I hope they are getting together to do something....anything.100 Helens agree that they need to do something funny together.
ReplyDeleteJason Mewes looks so good there!
ReplyDeleteNow i'm going to grab a bucket so I can read the Verne Troyer story without fear of runing the carpet.
Yay Kids in the Hall!
ReplyDeleteNice picture of Adrien, Enty, and a classic case of Secret Curly Hair. :-) About 10 years ago, Allure magazine did a piece on all the celebrities w/naturally curly & wavy hair who were oh-so-careful to get it blown out & straightened (since apparently the only sexy and socially acceptable hair is straight...), and dubbed the phenomenon "secret curly hair". It's not just women, either--I can think of at least 2 musicians right off the top of my head, and Adrien is yet another fine example of the species. Naturally curly hair + pouring rainstorm & high humidity = exactly what you get here. Come to the curly side, Adrien--we have cookies! (And yes, I AM a natural curlyhead myself... ;-)
ReplyDeleteKids in the Hall rule, Bruce doesn't even look like himself these days! I saw a show at their last tour, and will this time too if they're in Toronto. Memoriesss
ReplyDeleteI couldn't quite read the tattoo. Carpe fuckers? I need new glasses.
ReplyDeleteRe the RWP & SP photo - she looks like she's hiding something in her hand as they discuss where they're going to use it.
I still think it's RWP and douche bag SP in the (Ted C.?) blind about the couple who stays together, though the wife's boffing the surfing instructor. She needs to dump his nasty, albeit talented, ass!
ReplyDeleteI have a lust/repulsion relationship with Adrien B. - btw, is he gay?
I love Greg K. and Colin F.!!
Kate B. seems like a total asshole (I think I read that about her, too.)
Is Evangeline L.'s inclusion today an answer to yesterday's blind about the tv actress who is a closet lesbian?
Kids in the Hall LOL
ReplyDeleteColin Firth *slurp*
ENTY I love you!!!!!
Gotta love Elizabeth Shue and hubby for walking a red carpet looking like REAL PEOPLE!!!! Glad to see it, always liked her.
LOVE Jack White.
ReplyDelete(And I'll admit...I was a little disappointed with last week's musician-themed FFF when he wasn't there.)
Sorry, I meant "revulsion" in that last comment!
ReplyDeleteJohn Malkovich and Bryan Brown? Bless you Ent...
ReplyDeleteSeeing Kids in the Hall live was one of my greatest life experiences. Hey, I didn't even mind seeing Foley in FFF!
ReplyDeleteI only listed my first choice, but Colin Firth would be in my top 10 for sure!!! I defy anyone to watch his "Pride & Prejudice" and not go gaga over him.
Are Evangeline and the Hobbit still together? Last I heard they had hooked up again.
Mewes should've gotten top spot as a friend of CDAN mascot Affleck. :)
That's Adam Yauch? I am f*cking old.
Every time I see Rosario I love her a bit more.
I saw peaches the other day in urban outfitters... She looks MUCH better in person. Those photos don't do her justice.