Friday, September 12, 2008

Lainey Blind Item

You’d think that she, of all people, would be more precious with her body. Not only because it’s so beautiful but also because she worked so hard to actually keep it.

But behind the face and up the nose, there is a serious, serious problem with blow. It started because she needed to keep her weight down, it has continued because she’s a full blown addict, devoting half her time to so called philanthropy, and the other half to hardcore happy. So much so that she’s now losing jobs as it’s no secret she can barely get down a carpet without rushing to the loo and hitting up some more which is where they found her at an event this week. A goodwill party turned almost disastrous when someone walked in and saw her slumped over the toilet, half conscious with bile dripping down her chin, her hair wet sticking to her face, begging to be allowed to stay at the party.

They managed to remove her from the venue without anyone noticing but the very very wealthy man she came with was so disgusted he immediately severed their relationship and worse still, the influential host of the festivities is now refusing to take her call.

A discreet visit to rehab is the next logical step but they worry she’s not ready until rock bottom, which appears to be just around the corner.


jw12 said...

Sharon Stone?

Get a Life said...

Natalie Portman

mooshki said...

Renee Zellweger.

Kim said...

Petra Nemcova

Carte Blanche said...

It's Petra Nemcova at the One X One Charity Gala in Toronto this past week (during Film Festival)

Richard Branson was pictured with her and could be the very, very rich man.

Matt Damon could be the influential host.

Anonymous said...

Naomi Campbell

Unknown said...

Yes def Petra since she did have to work hard holding on to that tree.

Jazz Hands said...

Very good! Petra all the way.

Maja With a J said...

Hmmm...Petra is a very good guess...she doesn't strike me as a cokehead though. Then again, I think we'd be in for a lot of surprises if someone was to give us a list of celebrities who do coke.

Unknown said...

List of celebrities + Coke = Surprised

Doesnt quite compute now does it?

Cheryl said...

Petra also runs The Happy Hearts Fund and does lots of charitable work.

Anonymous said...

Definitely Petra Nemcova.

She was caught in that typhoon a couple of years back, and broke her hip while hanging onto a tree or something while her boyfriend croaked.

That covers the "worked hard to keep it" part.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Petra.
The way the blind is worded - "You’d think that she, of all people, would be more precious with her body. Not only because it’s so beautiful but also because she worked so hard to actually keep it." - reminds me of how she almost died (hence, worked so hard to ACTUALLY keep her body) in the tsunami.
Just saying....

lutefisk said...

If it were Petra that would be sad.
Actually, it would be sad for anyone, but she was through a lot with the tsunami.

Ice Angel said...

Petra-so very sad...:(

mooshki said...

Would it be too insensitive for me to joke that that would explain her bad hair lately? Yeah, probably.

laurascript said...

Wasn't Petra the first person James Blunt said he wrote "Beautiful" for?

I'm sad, but I think it's her.

Maja With a J said...

joseph - what I meant was that I think a lot of celebrities that are perceived as "goody two shoes" and that you wouldn't think did hard drugs. After reading this page for a while, you and I probably wouldn't be that surprised. But a lot of people would.

violet said...

Someone mentioned that Matt Damon could have been the host of the party. If so the "goodwill" party could be a clue towards Good Will Hunting.
If its Petra that is sad...but could definitely explain the link between her and Sean Penn awhile back.

ECFan said...

I'll go with Petra, too. Combine that with the way she was acting in Cannes, making a total fool of herself over the likes of Sean Penn and it makes total sense. She got tanked at more than few parties in Cannes that week, too. Also, she was with Branson at the US Open before going to Toronto. She seen clinging to him like a barnacle on the Titanic wreck.

That chick has the worst taste in men.

kimi said...

I heard Blunt was a total cokehead and you know what they say about birds of a feather.

Harriet, it is true. Blog people are not shocked easily. There are friends of mine who think Im crazy when I tell them I think J Travolta is gay, or Cruise or Will Smith. They always say how happily married they are with kids so they do fool the majority.

mooshki said...

Isn't it funny how you start to assume this stuff is common knowledge? My friends are always shocked when I mention something a celeb has done, and I'm like "what, you didn't know that?!"

annie said...

I'm going with Kate Hudson. She's been making bad choices with men and making lousy movies.
I don't think Petra is big by any stretch, but by Hollywoods standards if she was a cokehead, I think she'd be skinnier.

Winston Ono said...

Wow. I'm kind of bummed that's it Petra.

Unknown said...

I'm on board with the Petra guess.

Cheryl said...

The title of Lainey's post is -Blowing Second Chances

We are correct. It's Petra.

Anonymous said...

"She seen clinging to him like a barnacle on the Titanic wreck."

You made my afternoon, Ecfan!! LOL!


Petra sounds good, but what about....I hate to say it.....Christina Applegate..who has also worked hard to keep her beautiful body. It is almost too hard to think that given her recent probably is Petra.

Mother Campfire said...

Nah, it has to be Petra. The beautiful comment, the goodwill comment, the rich man comment. He really couldn't have made it easier. And we thank you for that Sir Ello. :)

bionic bunny! said...

jw12, now, see, sharon stone was my guess, too.

but now i have to go w/ every one else. besides, they're all so much smarter than me, darn it! :)

Beth said...

Petra Nemcova

I never understood why people thought she was beautiful. She just takes me as a girl that was lucky to get out of the sticks.

Anonymous said...

Petra. I can only imagine the horror she went through with that tsunami. Her recklessness reminds me of post traumatic stress disorder. She's self-medicating.

Abigael said...

I agree with Petra Nemcova,
she was seriously the first person I thought of.

Jojo said...

Two thoughts...
'get down a carpet' - may indicate actress, not a model??

'rushing to the loo' - wouldn't that indicate british-ness?

what about keira knightly??

Anonymous said...

are you people blind?

its jenifer aniston!

Helga Þórey Jónsdóttir said...

i was also thinking aniston but she does her philatrophy in private, she's got plenty of acting jobs going on and she's not the type to eff up like that.

nemcova, on the other hand, fits the bill.

Anonymous said...

Just read the post that Lainey met Aniston. You will see its her.

And Aniston was in that Cancer Stand up, last week.

Its her!

stiffkittens said...

First post - be gentle!

"You’d think that she, of all people, would be more precious with her body. Not only because it’s so beautiful but also because she worked so hard to actually keep it."

Could that be in reference to Aniston being notorious for working out, and the reported $20,000 she spends each month on her body/looks? Also wasnt she the hormone drug blind (miscarried because of it)?

There was also a blind about someone that was single for once (Hello publicity stunt Jen - single only because Mayer dumped her ass and she couldnt snare a replacement despite all the rumours - no doubt put out by her agent. Allegedly.) The woman of the blind was meant to have dropped noticeable weight due to coke, and was showing off her snorting powers. Lainey made a comment about how thin and good Jennifer looked at Toronto - seemed to be a reference to that blind for me the moment i read it.

Im guessing either Aniston or Petra, though Jennifer was blatantly on something other than pot when being interviewed at the Toronto Film Festival. She is also meant to have a liking for coke and has been dating men that are rumoured to like it (including that Paul guy who is a known former cokehead).

Mayer and Vince strike me as cokeheads - and Aniston has been talking about her "amazing sex life" to the tabloids (via 'friends'), and coke is well known to make you randy and sexually open (Mayer using women as toilets - wonder if Jenny gave the green - or yellow - light?).
Just look at all the wife swapping/orgies surrounding Kate Moss and her gang, who were apparently having coke fuelled parties around that time.

Ms. said...

It's not Jennifer Aniston. The blind specifically states the woman is with an extremely wealthy man.

PotPourri said...

Not Aniston.


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