Kirsten Dunst Explains Why She Seems Easy
Kirsten Dunst has taken one too many drugs or drinks, or slaps to the head. Either that or she is one wily fox. I would bet against wily though. Kirsten doesn't seem all that book smart if you get my drift. Oh sure, she will read a book if the cameras are near, but I think most of the time she just stares into space no doubt wondering why water beds are not popular anymore.
In the new Harpers Bazaar, Kirsten Dunst was asked about her relationship with Justin Long. Her response. "I don't know him from Adam." Well, I don't recall anyone asking her about Adam, but perhaps she names her lovers characters from the Bible. The first time she sleeps with them she calls them Adam, and just moves through the Bible until done. Then she dumps them and starts all over again. No matter if she is having sex with Adam or Moses, or Lot it really is still Justin Long.
"I met him once and he and his friend were kind enough to walk me home. I've never seen him since."
Ummm. Kirsten. The two of you have been photographed like on ten different days in the past two months. Now, I'm sure it could have been some game on Justin's part. You know? Follow Kirsten around and right when a pap takes a picture jump next to her so it looks like you are dating. Or, when she is talking to a friend, Justin rushes over, knocks the friend out of the way, takes the picture, stands the friend back up and continues on his way. I mean I guess that is plausible right?
Apparently Kirsten's dream is to be Noah's wife because she wants to get married, have lots of kids and animals and build boats. Whoops. Read that wrong. She just wants the husband, the kids, the animals, but to live on a lake. Hey, lakes need boats. It was an honest mistake.
In the new Harpers Bazaar, Kirsten Dunst was asked about her relationship with Justin Long. Her response. "I don't know him from Adam." Well, I don't recall anyone asking her about Adam, but perhaps she names her lovers characters from the Bible. The first time she sleeps with them she calls them Adam, and just moves through the Bible until done. Then she dumps them and starts all over again. No matter if she is having sex with Adam or Moses, or Lot it really is still Justin Long.
"I met him once and he and his friend were kind enough to walk me home. I've never seen him since."
Ummm. Kirsten. The two of you have been photographed like on ten different days in the past two months. Now, I'm sure it could have been some game on Justin's part. You know? Follow Kirsten around and right when a pap takes a picture jump next to her so it looks like you are dating. Or, when she is talking to a friend, Justin rushes over, knocks the friend out of the way, takes the picture, stands the friend back up and continues on his way. I mean I guess that is plausible right?
Apparently Kirsten's dream is to be Noah's wife because she wants to get married, have lots of kids and animals and build boats. Whoops. Read that wrong. She just wants the husband, the kids, the animals, but to live on a lake. Hey, lakes need boats. It was an honest mistake.