Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Joe And Angie Together Again

See. This is what I love. We can do some gossiping about someone who really doesn't get much press. The word is that Joe Pesci and Angie Everhart are back together again. If you remember, they made that classic mistake where they dated for seven years, Angie finally got the ring, and then they broke up nine months later. I know I often have preached on here that if you don't have a ring from a guy after a few years, it probably isn't going to happen. Well, sometimes when the guy finally breaks down and asks you to marry him, the dynamic of the relationship can change. It can be for good as in he gets excited about something permanent, or it can be bad, and he or you can freak the hell out at realizing it is going to be permanent. So, when Joe, who is like 30 years older than Angie broke it off nine months ago, Angie went out with a guy who allegedly liked to beat her and choke her. Apparently it got out of hand, and so she broke it off. Joe did a little playing around also, but guess he missed Angie.

Yesterday they were spotted out to dinner with each other. It is like the third or fourth time in the past two weeks they have been together. At this point Joe realized that he is 65 years old and that he probably could do worse than getting back together with his 30 something supermodel ex girlfriend that he dated for seven years. Hey, she knows what he likes, and it is comfortable. I'm happy for them.


  1. so which blind does this solve about someone get asskicked?
    i know Joe is an actor but i would not want to fuck with him or beat his exgf. cough*connections*cough

  2. Ewww. That's just gross.

  3. no, he's just trying to squash those tranny-loving rumors that most know are true.

  4. He must have a monster cock or something.....LOL I love Angie. She gives red heads a good name in the looks department.

    Now that I think of it, she used to bang Howard Stern so maybe she's just not into looks. ::shrugs::

  5. Sorry to hear that about Angie, even if it may answer a blind somewhere.

  6. I simply cannot bear thinking about his grubby old paws on that lovely creature. Why can't a hot chick like that find a kind, smart, sexy, and age-appropriate stud? Certainly Joe Pesce isn't the best she can do? Is she dumber than a box of hair or something? Is she a bag full of neuroses? What is wrong with her that she can't do better than a short, homely old man?

  7. maybe she is tired of being used and abused. and she sees no problem getting back with him because she knows he won't abuse her. she'll have to put up with his tranny-lovings though.

  8. Everhart was engaged to Sylvester Stallone in 1995 and married to Ashley Hamilton from December 1996 until March 1997.

  9. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Ew. To all of it. Just ew.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I was just about to question the "30-something" label when I realized that I was once again getting Angie Everhart confused with Tawny Kitane. Dammit! I ALWAYS do that!

  12. I always heard that Joe liked his boys and his girls well girls with something extra. He is very popular among the tranny set. Hey Angie ever had kids? Maybe she's a sex change, wouldn't be the first supermodel to be a tranny.

  13. Oh, Angie. I'm sorry.

  14. maybe he's a really nice guy?

    i'm still stunned to find out (yeah, i'm a little behind) to find out that tai babilonia is engaged to david brenner.

  15. Gross.

    However, it gives me comfort to think that if Angie can't find anyone better than Joe then I could do a LOT worse. 'Cause I'm not gonna settle.

    Unlike her. Poor chick.

  16. @ binkym:

    'Cause guys her age suck. They always think they can get a younger, hotter chick & don't care about personality or substance.

    *this goes for most guys of any age*

  17. I have a girl friend that is soo much into what a guy looks like. The lookers always went out on her. Now those guys that don't have the movie star looks. They are the keepers. They will worship you until the day you die.

    I remember when I was younger, I saw this beautiful women with this man that had no arms. They were on vacation and she had to feed him. I thought what is this beautiful women doing with this man. Boy, was I young and dumb. This man at one time did have strong arms until he was in an accident. Looks can be gone tomorrow, and love can be blind.

  18. She likes shrimpy, short, trolls like Stallone and Pesci
