Monday, September 29, 2008

I Didn't Hear A Denial

In an interview with the NY Daily News, Dennis Quaid went off on Meg Ryan for her spilling the secrets of his cheating ways. But, instead of denying that he cheated, he basically just laid into her for bringing it all up after an 8 year gap. See, what he doesn't like is the fact that 8 years ago he was cheating on her all of the time and she was the one who was abused by the public and the press. Here you are being, an a-hole almost 24/7 and your wife is the one who catches the avalanche of bad publicity. The last thing he wants is for the the story to resurface with him being the bad guy now.

Dennis also played the kid card saying that it was unfair for Jack to have to go through this, and that Meg should have kept his mouth shut for his sake. Umm, were you thinking of him when you were off f**king other women? Did you have his best interests at heart at that time? Yeah, that's what I thought, so just leave that card in the deck.

Dennis does know how to dance. When he was asked about the allegations made by Meg that before he was allowed to have any custody or visitation rights he had to prove he was sober, Dennis just said that he and Meg always had joint custody. With that kind of move he could be on DWTS.


  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Everything he said was really snarky and holier-than-thou. In addition to the comment about their son, he also said something like "I'm married with kids, I've moved on" kinda making her seem sad and desperate.

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    OK, the exact quote I was thinking of was:

    "...I, myself, moved on years ago and am fortunate to have a happy, beautiful family."

  3. He's such a shit. He should be grateful to her that she didn't talk about this for eight years. Yeah, I think she said this to get publicity for "The Women," but if she'd talked earlier, their divorce, that he admits was so hard on their poor kid, would've been a hell of a lot nastier. Oh, and how big of him to have "moved on" from his cheating.

    p.s. About the DWTS - don't give them any ideas!

  4. yea, he can be a little bitch.

  5. hey mooshki, did you see the post i left on a thread last friday about SAD?

  6. I wonder if either of them even pays attention to Jack--he has his new family, & she also recently adopted a baby.

  7. I feel bad. I made a comment last week that was critical of Ms. Ryan. I think he's just a douche and has showed himself as such.

    There are classier ways to "move on," dickhead.

  8. Anonymous10:42 AM

    "I Didn't Hear A Denial"--exactly my thoughts, plus, he's a douche for making it sound as though she blabbed her mouth and obsessed over it in the press for years, when in fact, this is the first time she's said anything. I think he just didn't want to look bad in front of his new wife.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Yep and whining 'in response' to the press is great for your children as well. Be careful up on your perch Dennis.

  11. What a turd. You're right Ent he didn't deny his slutty ways. I never did like any of his movies.

  12. Once and asshole, always an asshole. He's perfected it, what with all the practice he's had.

    You know, if he'd just said nothing this would be a non-issue - now it's pretty clear Meg spoke volumes of truth.

  13. He's an ass but she really should move on.

    She is sad and desperate.

  14. I feel bad. I made a comment last week that was critical of Ms. Ryan. I think he's just a douche and has showed himself as such.

    There are classier ways to "move on," dickhead.

    diane, not to worry. you made up for your comment of last week by calling him a dickhead! ;-)

  15. He is a jerk. he cheated on both her and their son Jack. Where was his loyalty then!

  16. it took two tango in that marriage and from what i heard over the years she is a class A bitch.
    jesus even Tom Hanks said she is not america's sweetheart.

    either way both should STFU instead of selling out your secrets for press on your new shitty movie.

  17. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Well 8 years is a long time to start bringing up the past. Really instead of keeping quiet about this she should have said something from the very beginning. As it is everybody thought since she was fooling around with Russell Crowe she was the one at fault.

    If she wants people to start feeling sorry for her now I don't think I will be one of them.

  18. jesus even Tom Hanks said she is not america's sweetheart.

    no! honestly? i didn't think tom hanks ever said anything negative about anybody. when was this?

  19. sylvia, i just wonder if the person interviewing her brought it up. i mean read some interviews and it seems like the media is the one who can't let go of her first husband or the 'american's sweetheart' bullshit.

  20. it was awhile ago..i think after You've Got Mail.

    i think it was "America would be very shocked to find out Ms. Ryan is not it's sweetheart."

    if you piss of Hanks, then you're a biotch.its science.

  21. I remember in an interview after the breakup that Meg was going to buy a house in Boston to be close to her son's boarding school.

    Jack was in boarding school at age 8.

    What wonderful parents.

  22. thnx, jax. so either she was being a bitch or he was? lol

    and now america's sweetheart is reese w. why are they always blonde???

  23. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I need to change my hair blonde so I can also be america's sweetheart LOL.

    Did Meg have Jack or was he adopted?

  24. Yeah, neither of them is a prize. I just used to be more on his side than hers, and now I think they both suck. :)

  25. Jack was sprung from Meg's loins.

  26. or he ran screaming.

  27. Don't care how much of an ass he was 8 years ago. It's over and done and she's using it now as a tie-in to her movie and to get more press.

    Nothing can help that piece of sh*t movie. They never should've attempted to remake it, let alone with trout lips.

  28. They both need to STFU. And Meg needs to stop the plastic surgery.

  29. Quaid has always been known as a boozer/cokehead and a hounddog. I think she put up with far more from him over the years than anyone knows, and so he could maybe suck it up a little now.

  30. AGreed, Moonmaid. Dennis has way too many issues with his family right now and needs to keep his mouth shut.
    Any in-depth interview with Meg is going to cover their breakup. So what? If she's asked, she's going to talk. He's a slag. And Tom Hanks? Please. He's not even an issue.



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